Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Art Challenge (three artworks a day for five days): Day Three - Five Women; The Rapture; The Four Seasons

By Jack Brummet

I was nominated by Cathie Joy Young for the 5 day art challenge (to publish 3 works a day for 5 days, and name 5 other artists to do so as well).

My nomination for day three is David Stevenson because I love his still lifes so much.    Here is my *day three*:

Five Women -  (digitally colored analog drawings) that appeared for a time as the banner of my friend Heather's blog.

The Rapture - series of panels I did the week of "The Rapture," May 21, 2011.

The Four Seasons - a scratchboard I made on vacation in Istanbul.

  click images to enlarge  


Monday, January 26, 2015

A lone walker trudging through the Juno snowmageddon to get more ammo and TP


Art Challenge: Day Two - Mirror Dance; Faces No. 489, and Throwback

By Jack Brummet

I was nominated by Cathie Joy Young for the 5 day art challenge to publish 3 works a day for 5 days, and name 5 other artists to do so as well.
My nomination for day two is Kathleen Hayden. . Here is my *day two* Mirror Dance; Throwback; and Faces No. 489. 

Mirror Dance is a fast scribble drawing.  

Faces No. 489 is drawn on the back of a large old sign (roughly three feet by two feet.

Throwback is drawn on 
a big chunk of Masonite cut in an oval (an old sign is on the other side) - it's about 3 x 2 feet. This one is kind of an inside joke. The myth is is that most abducted people are not acceptable to The Greys. They return them to earth; they are throwbacks. These are the people who claim to experience lost time where they cannot account for their whereabouts...so while it looks like an abduction, they are just lowering a throwback back to earth.


Art challenge: Day One - Birds of Prey; Domestics; Accidental Death

By Jack Brummet

—click images to enlarge—

I was nominated by Cathie Joy Young for the 5 day art challenge on Facebook, to publish 3 works a day for 5 days, and name 5 other artists to do so as well.

My nomination for day one is Pegeen White, and for day two, Kathleen Hayden. . Here is my day one:

  • Birds of prey that actually turned out to be kind of friendly looking.
  • Domestics is a sign from a now defunct Ben Franklin store in Kent, Wash., that Keelin picked up one day years ago when we were out there visiting parents.  
  • Accidental Death - There is a story behind this one. When Keelin was in law school, she had to do a mock trial. She had a bunch of exhibits et cetera all done in marker on a large paper pad. This was #3, showing the death as the result of the events outlined in #1 and #2. Anyhow, we had that pad of paper with us for years. One day I pulled out the pad and decided to illustrate it. I chose No. 3 for its dramatic content, and it was one of the first watercolor/Sharpie drawings I ever did.


Dave Grohl: pants on fire or lighting a fart?

By Jack Brummet

Pants on fire?  Dave Grohl clowning during the In Utero recording sessions. Photographer & context unknown. This photo first appeared (maybe?) when Grohl posted it in an AMA ("ask me anything") he did on Reddit in 2013.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

The rock paved streets of Chacala

By Jack Brummet, Mexico Ed.

Except for the one road leading into town, the streets of Chacala (much like Bucerias) are paved just like this. The further you get from El Centro, the sparser the rocks become. It's like the entire road is a speed-bump and no one drives over 10 mph. 

On Wednesday, I watched the municipal road crew working on road repairs on Tuesday. It was one guy with a wheelbarrow, and a small shovel. When he encountered divot in the road, he'd sort through his bucket, find the right size rock and replace it. He would tamp it down with his foot and if it didn't fit right, he'd pound it into place with another rock or the shovel.


Deflategate: The Smoking Gun finally appears


Saturday, January 24, 2015

A roadside attraction between RincĆ³n de Guayabitos and Bucerias, Nayarit: scarecrows and El jugo de la caƱa

By Jack Brummet, Mexico Ed.

A roadside attraction in the Nayarit boondocks, between RincĆ³n de Guayabitos and Bucerias. Great scarecrows/dummies/whatever. This stand was selling cane juice for ten pasos a glass.

 El jugo de la caƱa, as sweet as it sounds actually tastes kind of nasty. . .


Friday, January 23, 2015

Tuesday's terra cotta, blue bisque, and pale yellow sunset in Chaclaa, Nayarit, Mexico

Photo by Jack Brummet, Mexico Travel Ed.

Tuesday's stratocumulus (or cumulus?) clouds at sunset at our house on  the beach in Chacala.  The clouds blew away fifteen minutes later.

click image to enlarge

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Market in La PeƱita de Jaltemba

By Jack Brummet, Travel Ed.

We went to the weekly market in La Penita today. About 90% tourist stuff and 10% beautiful arts and crafts. So much of the stuff, though, seems geared to the 14 year old demographic, of which I've seen virtually none the entire time we've been here.We did pick up a few things--textiles, a couple bandanas for me, and some gorgeous red snapper, spuds, and a couple bottles of Spanish red.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A "no defecation" sign I saw today in a field in Chacala, Nayarit

By Jack Brummet, Mexico Ed.

This "no defecation" sign in a field is fairly baffling. Shouldn't no defecation be the default/factory setting??
