Monday, February 02, 2015

All This Is That tweets and FB posts from Superbowl

By Jack Brummet and Mona Goldwater

Our tweets and Facebook posts from the Superbowl yesterday.  Damn.  Next time.  #GoSeahawks


‪#‎GoHawks‬. And, 13s. . .try to stay for the last three minutes. ‪#‎LOB‬‪#‎SuperBowlStreak‬
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23 hrs ·
American football helmet, ca. 1920s. ‪#‎GoHawks‬

To my Seahawk family: I'm with you now.

The real UWS 12

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Toe Fungus

RT Henry Sterchi (@Henry_Sterchi): I've been wondering what to do about this toe fungus, thanks ‪#‎SuperBowl‬
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Ray MKupperman (@MKupperman): "This Super Bowl has angered Tofunga, God of toe fungus”
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  • In response to the ATIT contest to guess the final score.

We have to hold this score so I can win an all expenses paid trip to Tukwila.
— with Jack Brummet.
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The Katy Perry disaster

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Well, on the positive side . . .a whole bunch of Hawk championship t shirts will be soon be headed to African orphans.
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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

Photo of the day: Hell is real

We do not know the provenance of photographer.  If this is you, let us know!  /Eds.


A Bigfoot/Sasquatch (a/k/a Skunk Ape) sighting in Lettuce Lake Park

By Jack Brummet, Unexplained Phenomena Ed.

The blog,, published video footage this week from a reader, "Matt M.", who sent in a video he shot while canoeing in a swamp near Tampa, Florida.

He saw something walking and diving in a gator infested water and started filming what he thought was a bear.  Lettuce Lake Park is a 240-acre park with no real bear population. Matt was unsure of what he had filmed. BE wrote "Upon closer inspection, we've concluded that this is no bear. Check out the length of its arms and its gate. Yeah -- we know bears can walk on their hind legs too, but this does not resemble a bear at all."
Matt M wrote in an email to BFE:
"I was canoeing some of the swamps around Lettuce Lake Park and saw what I thought was a bear. I told a park ranger about it and she said that bears don’t generally get into the swamp and that there were never many sightings in general. I showed her the video and she said she didn’t know what it was. I saw the Fox13 story about the bigfoot a few weeks ago that mayor said Bob Buckhorn made a statement about and thought this might be related in some way. I never put much faith in the old skunk ape legends but when I looked closer I noticed that it had long, swinging arms and moved through very thick swamp with ease. Certainly can’t explain it myself. I didn’t get very close but I hope that this footage can be enlarged. -Matt"

Drawing: Faces No. 997 - scratchboard: Urban PTSD

By Jack Brummet


The things you stumble upon

By Jack Brummet

In love and art and work and play (the big four), we often don't admit that the biggest wins are the things or people we just stumble upon...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Art Challenge Day Five

By Jack Brummet

I was nominated by Cathie Joy Young for the art challenge thang (publish 3 works a day for 5 days, and name 5 other artists to do so as well). . Here is my last day: Bluehead; Liz Taylor with Mr. T's eye (from a kite I found on the beach); Faces No. 14. For my last artist, I nominate Sigfred Soriaga!

  click to enlarge images  


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hell Is Real

Photographer and context unknown.  If you took this shot, let us know!


Art Challenge, Day Four: Dandelion, Sunflower, Zinnia

By Jack Brummet

I was nominated by Cathie Joy Young for the 5 day art challenge (to publish 3 works a day for 5 days, and name 5 other artists to do so as well). My nomination for day four is Starheadboy. Here is my day four:
