Sunday, March 29, 2015

Poem: The Broken Chord (revised)

By Jack Brummet

The rain falls
As you practice arpeggios

Running out shimmering notes
In an ever-shifting

Pattern of music sifting
Through the caesuras between the notes

Forming a counterpoint
With the drumming of the rain

Thousand of patterns and polyrhythms
Weave around and through other patterns

The rain chicanes in the wind
Breaking up and merging again

Billions of drops in midair
Bump together in a choreographed ballet

We can never reproduce
But that's nature for you

We sing paint and write the same story
Over and over and over again

And nature trumps us
With her singular snowflake.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Kent, Washington's Hoot Owl Band, circa 1889

By Jack Brummet, Green River Valley History Ed.

The Hoot Owl Band was a Kent, Washington ensemble that played dances in the Green River Valley. This group shot is from 1889, the same year that Washington became a state.

The band of eight local men provided music for mostly square dances and included Levy Smith (cornet), and George Crow(fiddle).  I believe Levy Smith is of the Smith Brother's family (who owned and ran a large dairy), and I grew up on Crow Street, named for George Crow's family. 
[Photograph from the collection of the Greater Kent Historical Society and Museum]

President Barack Obama interviews The Wire's creator David Simon (and reveals his favorite character is Omar)

President Obama interviewed HBO's "The Wire" creator David Simon about the show and Simon's view on how drugs impact cities like Baltimore.  The interview was published by the White House this morning.

BHO  also reveals that Omar was his favorite character on "The Wire."  Watch the 12 minute interview below:


Drawing: Faces # 1064 - Mug shots

By Jack Brummet


Drawing: Faces #1063 - Off the wall

By Jack Brummet
