Sunday, April 19, 2015

Burst mode double exposure

By Jack Brummet

I was taking taking burst mode iphone shots at a gathering last night.
One ended up being a sort of double exposure in which KeeKee disappears and doppelgängers of Jimmy and the dog Remy appear.


Friday, April 17, 2015

Images of the Sasquatch, Yeti, Bigfoot, and Abominable Snowman

by Jack Brummet


Poem: Li Po In Disgrace

By Jack Brummet

Four hundred and forty-thousand
Moons ago, Li Po sits
Drinking wine on a bluff.

The Sun fades into blue mountains.
On the other side of the ball,
The sun scales the horizon.

Crickets tune up
And the first bats
Sail from roost to roost.

I think about Li Po drunk again
In the mountains, waiting for word
And listening to the wind songs.

Lost and alone,
He stares at the cup
And wonders when his pardon will come.

He holds a inkpot, scroll, and brush.
He listens to his skin fold
And his hair turn grey.

Between the mountains and stars,
A crow wheels over fogged red pines
Spiring in moonlight.

LiPo shakes wet peach blossoms
From his coat
And fills the cup.

Moonlight dances
On the golden wine
In the silver cup.

Who needs a clear head this night?

The great place names of Missouri

  • Tightwad
  • Crybaby Holler
  • Barely Do
  • Old Dishrag
  • Hell on the Line
  • Not
  • Rat
  • Competition
  • Koshkonong
  • Peculiar
  • Frankenstein
  • Romance
  • Braggadocio

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"It's like it's always right now"


Poem: Turn

By Jack Brummet


The host and tenant lock
        In benign equilibrium.

Each valley followed by a slope.
         Every going followed by a return.

There is no relief without an ache,
          And no virus without a host.

Bricks tumble into the moat.
           The king's body hangs naked from the flagpole.

For a fleeting moment

            The condition for change exists.

Digital art: Slices/Faces #1087

By Jack Brummet

[digitized from pen drawings and acrylic paintings - click to enlarge]


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Poem: The Quest

By Jack Brummet

It’s all one story—
                           A ragged
                                        shape-shifting tale

Of incredible coherence and constance,
                                                           Encompassing all you know,
                                                           All you don’t know you know,
                                                           And all you one day will know.
There is more
                     To be
                             and felt
                                         Than can ever be known or told.

Our myths flourish and spread,
                              Person to person, 
                                          And the mysteries of the seas and skies and stars
                                                             Fill our collective conscience

With mystical scenes,
                      Quests, and tales of greatness.
                                           These myths, tales, and fables
                                                               Cannot be invented, ordered, or denied.

When you strip away
                       The stage flats, makeup, and costumes,

                                            It’s all one story
                                                                Starring our private heroes and dreams.