Wednesday, November 11, 2015

All This Is That live Tweets from the November 10, 2015 Republican Debate

By Jack Brummet, GOP-Tea Party Ed.

13 hours ago
Ding ding. Closing statements. 

14 hours ago
Kasich: "no more criticizing Israel in public." Worth the hand waving & interruptions? Interesting new debate dynamics. 

14 hours ago
Trump: why does she keep interrupting everyone? 

14 hours ago
Carly Fiorina got a second double ding.  wouldn't speak to Putin because we'd be coming in in a position of weakness.  Ca-ca. 

14 hours ago
Jeb. Yeah.  He came in looking for a home run.  He'll be lucky to survive with a walk. 

RT David Corn @DavidCornDC
RIght now, Bush aides are drawing straws to see who has to go out into the spin room?

14 hours ago
Carson: Our goals is not to contain them, but destroy them. 
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14 hours ago
Trump: China is the #1 abuser of this country. 

Kasich comes off like an insufferable ass. Why does he keep interrupting?

14 hours ago
Ding ding. 

14 hours ago
Did they have a secret meeting to take a pledge not to act like clowns this time?  It couldn't have just happened, could it? 

14 hours ago
Cruz:  there are more words in the tax code than in the Bible.  And none of them are as good

I forgot to mention that Senator Rubio mentioned Candy Crush in an answer.  #He'sHip?

15 hours ago
Kasich just launched the first attack on someone on stage.  He attacked Trump over mass deportations. Now Bush, Trump jump in/start slugging away. 

15 hours ago
Carson giving a mini-lecture about lies seems a little disingenuous this week....

15 hours ago
Round one over. No one has said anything crazy yet. . .or taken on any of the other candidates.
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15 hours ago
Fiorina softened last debate's helmet cut. Sounding very hoarse.  

15 hours ago
Bush:  "it may be the best Hillary can do,  but it's not the best America can do."  Looking very serious.

15 hours ago
Rubio:  we need more welders and less philosophers. 

15 hours ago
Carson speaking now.  After the past week, you expect some enormous whopper.  He, too, would not raise the minimum wage. 

15 hours ago
Donald Trump's first answer sounded sane (other than the content).

Monday, November 09, 2015

Drawing: Faces #1273 - thrift store birdhouse

By Jack Brummet

click to enlarge

Ben Carson and Jesus

By Jack Brummet, Republican-Tea Party Ed.

Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson's house is an homage to Ben Carson. The amount of memorabilia is like a museum. Most famously now, there is a painting of the Doctor with a large-handed Jesus. Thanks to reader Dean for the "news" tip.


Friday, November 06, 2015

Ex-Governor Mike Huckabee and Governor Chris Christie relegated to the kid's table; Pataki and Gilmore, out

By Jack Brummet, 2016 primary and caucus ed.

Ex-Governor Mike Huckabee and Governor Chris Christie didn't poll well enough to stay on the main stage and are now relegated to the kid's table at the 4th Republican debate next Tuesday. They both failed to come up with the 2.5% share in the polls. 

On November 10th, Huck and The Governor will be standing with Gov. Bobby Jindal. and Sen. Lindsey Graham.  Ex-Gov. George Pataki and Jim Gilmore didn't even pull enough points this time to be at the kid's table.


Thursday, November 05, 2015

Arkansas Driving School

From the Kansas City Times - Nov 17, 1955

Jonesboro, Ark., Nov. 16 — A woman drove into a service station last night and said to the attendant in a confidential whisper:  "I wish you would check that guy behind me; I think he's drunk."  Police said the "guy" behind was a driverless pickup truck, whose bumper was locked with the rear bumper of the woman's car.  She was charged with driving while intoxicated.

The Car Shredder (video)
