Showing posts with label GOP Family values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP Family values. Show all posts
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Saturday, April 02, 2016
Donald Trump's abortion position, Version 3.0/Faces #1381
By Jack Brummet, GOP-Tea Party Ed.
Donald Trump has again revised his position on abortion punishment again. He's up to version 3.0.
Earlier this week, in a town hall, he told Chris Matthews there should be "some form of punishment" for women who get abortions if the procedure is outlawed. He backed off that remark after a savage reaction from people across the political spectrum. It's a little hard to tell who he angered the most--the Democrats or Republicans. Then, the next day, he said the doctors should be punished.
On this weekend's Face The Nation, Mr. Trump says (in an excerpt broadcast Friday on CBS Evening News,) "The laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way." In other words, he says "never mind," and takes the liberal/Demo position. There seems to be no reaction from the GOP-Tea Party so far. . .
Donald Trump has again revised his position on abortion punishment again. He's up to version 3.0.
Earlier this week, in a town hall, he told Chris Matthews there should be "some form of punishment" for women who get abortions if the procedure is outlawed. He backed off that remark after a savage reaction from people across the political spectrum. It's a little hard to tell who he angered the most--the Democrats or Republicans. Then, the next day, he said the doctors should be punished.
On this weekend's Face The Nation, Mr. Trump says (in an excerpt broadcast Friday on CBS Evening News,) "The laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way." In other words, he says "never mind," and takes the liberal/Demo position. There seems to be no reaction from the GOP-Tea Party so far. . .
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
JebBush.com redirects to Donald Trump's official website
By Mona Goldwater, Errors & Omissions Ed.
At some point along the road to the White House, Jeb Bush's team forgot to renew the domain jebbush.com. While their official site is JebBush2016.com, clicking on jebbush.com now takes you to Donald Trump's page. . .which Trump recently and gleefully announced. This typifies the sad arc and ending of a bumbling campaign.
George F. Will wrote in August "Republican field is the most impressive since 1980"
By Jack Brummet, National Affairs Ed.
George F. Will wrote last August that, “This year’s Republican field is the most impressive since 1980, and perhaps the most talent-rich since the party first had a presidential nominee, in 1856."
George F. Will wrote last August that, “This year’s Republican field is the most impressive since 1980, and perhaps the most talent-rich since the party first had a presidential nominee, in 1856."
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Images from the unveiling of Ex-VP Dick Cheney's marble bust in the Capitol
By Jack Brummet, National Affairs Ed.
Vice President Dick Cheney and friends at the U.S Senate dedication ceremony to unveil his bust at the Capitol Visitor Center this morning. (Photos by Brendan Smialowski, AFP, courtesy of Getty Images)
Vice President Dick Cheney and friends at the U.S Senate dedication ceremony to unveil his bust at the Capitol Visitor Center this morning. (Photos by Brendan Smialowski, AFP, courtesy of Getty Images)
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
All This Is That live Tweets from the November 10, 2015 Republican Debate
By Jack Brummet, GOP-Tea Party Ed.
13 hours ago
Ding ding. Closing statements.
14 hours ago
Kasich: "no more criticizing Israel in public." Worth the hand waving & interruptions? Interesting new debate dynamics.
14 hours ago
Trump: why does she keep interrupting everyone?
14 hours ago
Carly Fiorina got a second double ding. wouldn't speak to Putin because we'd be coming in in a position of weakness. Ca-ca.
14 hours ago
Jeb. Yeah. He came in looking for a home run. He'll be lucky to survive with a walk.
RT David Corn @DavidCornDC
RIght now, Bush aides are drawing straws to see who has to go out into the spin room?
14 hours ago
Carson: Our goals is not to contain them, but destroy them.
Embedded image permalink
14 hours ago
Trump: China is the #1 abuser of this country.
Kasich comes off like an insufferable ass. Why does he keep interrupting?
14 hours ago
Ding ding.
14 hours ago
Did they have a secret meeting to take a pledge not to act like clowns this time? It couldn't have just happened, could it?
14 hours ago
Cruz: there are more words in the tax code than in the Bible. And none of them are as good
I forgot to mention that Senator Rubio mentioned Candy Crush in an answer. #He'sHip?
15 hours ago
Kasich just launched the first attack on someone on stage. He attacked Trump over mass deportations. Now Bush, Trump jump in/start slugging away.
15 hours ago
Carson giving a mini-lecture about lies seems a little disingenuous this week....
15 hours ago
Round one over. No one has said anything crazy yet. . .or taken on any of the other candidates.
Embedded image permalink
15 hours ago
Fiorina softened last debate's helmet cut. Sounding very hoarse.
15 hours ago
Bush: "it may be the best Hillary can do, but it's not the best America can do." Looking very serious.
15 hours ago
Rubio: we need more welders and less philosophers.
15 hours ago
Carson speaking now. After the past week, you expect some enormous whopper. He, too, would not raise the minimum wage.
15 hours ago
Donald Trump's first answer sounded sane (other than the content).
13 hours ago
Ding ding. Closing statements.
14 hours ago
Kasich: "no more criticizing Israel in public." Worth the hand waving & interruptions? Interesting new debate dynamics.
14 hours ago
Trump: why does she keep interrupting everyone?
14 hours ago
Carly Fiorina got a second double ding. wouldn't speak to Putin because we'd be coming in in a position of weakness. Ca-ca.
14 hours ago
Jeb. Yeah. He came in looking for a home run. He'll be lucky to survive with a walk.
RT David Corn @DavidCornDC
RIght now, Bush aides are drawing straws to see who has to go out into the spin room?
14 hours ago
Carson: Our goals is not to contain them, but destroy them.
Embedded image permalink
14 hours ago
Trump: China is the #1 abuser of this country.
Kasich comes off like an insufferable ass. Why does he keep interrupting?
14 hours ago
Ding ding.
14 hours ago
Did they have a secret meeting to take a pledge not to act like clowns this time? It couldn't have just happened, could it?
14 hours ago
Cruz: there are more words in the tax code than in the Bible. And none of them are as good
I forgot to mention that Senator Rubio mentioned Candy Crush in an answer. #He'sHip?
15 hours ago
Kasich just launched the first attack on someone on stage. He attacked Trump over mass deportations. Now Bush, Trump jump in/start slugging away.
15 hours ago
Carson giving a mini-lecture about lies seems a little disingenuous this week....
15 hours ago
Round one over. No one has said anything crazy yet. . .or taken on any of the other candidates.
Embedded image permalink
15 hours ago
Fiorina softened last debate's helmet cut. Sounding very hoarse.
15 hours ago
Bush: "it may be the best Hillary can do, but it's not the best America can do." Looking very serious.
15 hours ago
Rubio: we need more welders and less philosophers.
15 hours ago
Carson speaking now. After the past week, you expect some enormous whopper. He, too, would not raise the minimum wage.
15 hours ago
Donald Trump's first answer sounded sane (other than the content).
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The latest GOP-Tea Party Presidential Poll (Monmouth University)
By Jack Brummet
Friday, February 20, 2015
R.I.P.: The political death of ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.
I am guessing, and fervently hope, that Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani's recent attack on The Presidents has finally closed the door on his already massively diminished credibility.
Hizzoner's pronouncements on The President this week leave no doubt that he has succumbed to full on dementia and finally driven away whatever sparse pockets of support that remained.
I am guessing, and fervently hope, that Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani's recent attack on The Presidents has finally closed the door on his already massively diminished credibility.
Hizzoner's pronouncements on The President this week leave no doubt that he has succumbed to full on dementia and finally driven away whatever sparse pockets of support that remained.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Republicans now admit there was, and is, no "Benghazi Scandal."
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.
The Republican dominated investigating committee, with far less fanfare and publicity than the previous attacks on the Obama Administration over the Benghazi attacks, has decided "never mind."
"Intelligence and military officials responded appropriately during the terrorist attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a House committee concluded in a report released Friday evening.
"The report by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence also found no cover-ups and no deliberate misconduct by Obama administration officials following the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks.
"Nor were there intelligence failures before the attacks on the State Department’s temporary mission in Benghazi and the nearby CIA annex, the previously secret 36-page investigative report says."
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Chris Christie, in his mind, still in it to win it
Friday, June 14, 2013
Jeb Bush may have just cashed his check
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.
Ex-Governor Jeb Bush has become so unpopular with conservatives that he is no longer considered a viable 2016 Presidential candidate. Marco Rubio is pulling far ahead of his former mentor and seems to be the front runner for 2016.
At the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C. this morning, Mr. Bush urged social conservatives in the audience to support comprehensive immigration reform because, “Immigrants are more fertile, and they love families, and they have more intact families, and they bring a younger population.” Without immigrants, he said, the country’s population will decline and the economy will suffer.“Immigrants create far more businesses than native-born Americans,” Bush told the gathering. "Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.”
Ex-Governor Jeb Bush has become so unpopular with conservatives that he is no longer considered a viable 2016 Presidential candidate. Marco Rubio is pulling far ahead of his former mentor and seems to be the front runner for 2016.
At the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C. this morning, Mr. Bush urged social conservatives in the audience to support comprehensive immigration reform because, “Immigrants are more fertile, and they love families, and they have more intact families, and they bring a younger population.” Without immigrants, he said, the country’s population will decline and the economy will suffer.“Immigrants create far more businesses than native-born Americans,” Bush told the gathering. "Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.”
The comments immediately rocketed throughout the web, drawing massive blowback fire from Republican leaders.
As Alex Seitz-Wald wrote in Salon this afternoon, "If you're already inclined to distrust Bush, and you’re already worried about immigrants taking over the country and displacing the native native-born Americans, then Bush is basically confirming all your worst fears by telling you that he thinks immigrants are better than you: They’re better at business, they’re better a having families, they’re more valuable to the economy — they’re even younger."
The most baffling part of all this is why a fairly astute politician like Jeb Bush thought this would fly. He was already being relentlessly hammered on several fronts for his stand on immigration reform. It will be interesting to see how, and if, he can dig himself out of this new hole.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Monday, November 07, 2011
Herman Cain: ‘I Am the Koch Brothers’ Brother from Another Mother!’
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
Yes, Herman Cain actually said this this weekend. Twice.
Yes, Herman Cain actually said this this weekend. Twice.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
End times edge closer: the Tea Party's Michele Bachmann forms "exploratory committee"
By Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Editor
Illustration by Jack Brummet
Representative Michele Bachmann, is currently spending a week tromping around Iowa, which will hold the first caucuses of the 2012 Presidential race. Her team just leaked to CNN that said Bachmann will form an exploratory committee in June. She also named an Iowa state senator-- Kent Sorenson--as her political director in the early caucus state.
She recently told ABC's Jonathan Karl that "I'm in for 2012 in that I want to be a part of the conversation in making sure that President Obama only serves one term, not two, because I want to make sure that we get someone who's going to be making the country work again. That's what I'm in for. But I haven't made a decision yet to announce, obviously, if I'm a candidate or not..."
National Affairs Editor
Illustration by Jack Brummet
She recently told ABC's Jonathan Karl that "I'm in for 2012 in that I want to be a part of the conversation in making sure that President Obama only serves one term, not two, because I want to make sure that we get someone who's going to be making the country work again. That's what I'm in for. But I haven't made a decision yet to announce, obviously, if I'm a candidate or not..."
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Best Obama Speech Yet
By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

I liked BHO's speech last night; it was his best speech yet, because it was the hardest. I liked the plaintive (as opposed to soaring) tone, liked that he hit at what he inherited, ripped into the GOP leadership, as well as the Democrats and the bi-party electioneering/posing and factionalism. Change 2.0. We could still get it right.
From another President's state of the union:
"Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are... running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution."

- President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, in Idiocracy
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

I liked BHO's speech last night; it was his best speech yet, because it was the hardest. I liked the plaintive (as opposed to soaring) tone, liked that he hit at what he inherited, ripped into the GOP leadership, as well as the Democrats and the bi-party electioneering/posing and factionalism. Change 2.0. We could still get it right.
From another President's state of the union:
"Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are... running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution."

- President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, in Idiocracy
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