Saturday, May 27, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Drawings by Jerry Melin from around 1980

by Jack Brummet

[click images to enlarge or save]

A drawing of our living room at 158 W. 84th Street #3B, NYC (it looks like we're naked]:

A drawing of Johnnie and KeeKee entering heaven:

A drawing of Kevin Curran in a Dorian's Red Hand Wife-beater (the bottle is Boucheron, our top cheap French quaff at the time ($2.99 for a 1.75 liter bottle):

A drawing of our front room at 158 W 84th NYC.  I recognize it from the angled window and the drawing of Brooklyn Bridge on the wall:

He did a lot of fantasy drawings, like this unfinished one:

And this one:

A drawing of me:

Another drawing of me (Crime: impersonating a drunken poet):
