Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jack Brummet poem: The Resurrection

He was ready to live again
Even if living just meant running
To keep ahead of the ghosts.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A well-ventilated road sign from Wasilla, Alaska

I don't know which is more disturbing: the sign or the bullet-holes. To be fair, 'though, this doesn't just happen in Wasilla. One of my friends from Alaska says that every sign in the state--from Ketchikan to Point Barrow--is also well perforated with bullet-holes.

Dead Bear In North Carolina dumped at school and covered in Obama signs

This is a really weird story from the Associated Press today. . .

CULLOWHEE, N.C. (AP) — Police at Western Carolina University and wildlife officials were investigating the discovery early Monday of a dead bear cub draped with a pair of Barack Obama campaign signs.

Leila Tvedt, associate vice chancellor for public relations, said Monday night that maintenance workers found the 75-pound bear cub shot to death in front of the school's administration building at the entrance to campus. The Obama yard signs were stapled together and placed over the bear's head, Tvedt said.

The bear had been shot in the head, Tvedt said.

"Western Carolina University deplores the inappropriate behavior that has led to this troubling incident," Tvedt said. "We cannot speculate on the motives of the people involved nor who those people might be. Campus police are cooperating fully with authorities to investigate this matter."

Bear season is under way in western North Carolina.


POTUS 14 - President Franklin Pierce, the handsomest President

Click President Franklin Pierce to enlarge

The 14th President, Franklin Pierce, a Democrat, was considered a very handsome man in his time.

Today Pierce is remembered mainly for not being remembered. He presided from 1853-57 over very tranquil times (which turned out to be the calm before the storm...but isn't that always the story?). President Pierce's Vice President William R. King died one month after his inauguration; Pierce had no Vice President during most of his term. He only governed for one term, and according to some sources, is considered one of the worst Presidents of all time.

Alien Lore No. 140: UFO and jet in near-miss over London

Recently released British UFO/alien files tell the tale of how a passenger jet on its landing approach at Heathrow International Airport had a near collision with a UFO.

An Alitalia jet Captain, Achille Zaghetti, was at 22,000 feet when he saw a brown, 10 foot-long, missile-shaped object a quarter mile above him. “At once I said, ‘Look out’ to my co-pilot, who looked and saw what I’d seen.”

Air traffic controllers that night reported a UFO on their screens. The incident in 1991 over Lydd, Kent, was investigated — but after ruling out a missile, weather balloon (shades of Roswell!), or stray space rocket, the encounter was shelved.

As soon as the object crossed us I asked to the ACC (area control centre) operator if he saw something on his screen and he answered 'I see an unknown target 10nm (nautical miles) behind you’,” said the Pilot Zaghetti.

Another document describes Southern TV broadcasting a story about a 14-year-old boy who reported seeing a missile that very night, flying at low level before climbing through the clouds and disappearing.

Radar images show the UFO was initially thought to be a cruise missile. . .but it was quickly determined this was not a military weapon.

By July 2 a report concluded that the object had not come from the Army firing ranges in the Lydd area and that there was no known “space-related activity” that night.

An anonymous Whitehall official wrote: “It is our intention to treat this sighting like that of any other Unidentified Flying Object and therefore we will not be undertaking any further investigation.”

There were, however, other incidents recorded the same year: 1) In June 1991, four passengers on a Dan Air 737 saw a “wingless projectile” pass beneath the aircraft as it climbed from Gatwick Airport; 2) on July 15, the pilot of a Britannia Airways 737 reported seeing a “small black lozenge-shaped object” travelling at speed as they approached Gatwick. Neither of these incidents were heavily investigated and all three were more or less forgotten.

Rod Stewart music video: Every Picture Tells A Story (with lyrics) & why Rod Stewart matters

We don't think about it much anymore, with all that's transpired, but for a few albums in the early 70's, Rod Stewart totally crushed it. I was lucky enough to see one of their great shows in Seattle in 1972. Their drunken, rocking, pulsing music filled the Seattle Center arena to the rafters. I've seen a lot of shows and this had to be one of the top ten ever in terms of energy and having every single member of the audience on their feet for two and a half hours. . .

Every Picture Tells A Story
by Rod Stewart and Ron Wood

Spent some time feelin inferior
Standing in front of my mirror
Combed my hair in a thousand ways
But I came out looking just the same

Daddy said, son, you better see the world
I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave
But remember one thing don't lose your head
To a woman that ll spend your bread
So I got out

Paris was a place you could hide away
If you felt you didn't fit in
French police wouldn't give me no peace
They claimed I was a nasty person
Down along the left bank minding my own
Was knocked down by a human stampede
Got arrested for inciting a peaceful riot
When all I wanted was a cup of tea
I was accused
I moved on

Down in Rome I wasn't getting enough
Of the things that keeps a young man alive
My body stunk but I kept my funk
At a time when I was right out of luck
Getting desperate indeed I was
Looking like a tourist attraction
Oh my dear I better get out of here
for the Vatican don't give no sanction
I wasnt ready for that, no no

I moved right out east yeah!
On the Peking ferry I was feeling merry
Sailing on my way back here
I fell in love with a slit eyed lady
By the light of an eastern moon
Shanghai Lil never used the pill
She claimed that it just ain't natural
She took me up on deck and bit my neck
Oh people I was glad I found her
Oh yeah I was glad I found her

I firmly believe that I didn't need anyone but me
I sincerely thought I was so complete
Look how wrong you can be

The women Ive known I wouldn't let tie my shoe
They wouldn't give you the time of day
But the slit eyed lady knocked me off my feet
God I was glad I found her
And if they had the words I could tell to you
To help you on the way down the road
I couldn't quote you no Dickens, Shelley or Keats
cause its all been said before
Make the best out of the bad just laugh it off
You didn't have to come here anyway
So remember, every picture tells a story don't it


Senator John Kerry muses on underwear, speculating he might go without, and says John McCain eschews boxers or briefs and chooses Depends®

Over the weekend, John Kerry was talking to the press corps, expounding on what it's like to be under the fifth estate microscope. . .

"I don't know if any of you know what it's like. I do, obviously," he said. "I've been asked all of those brilliant questions that were repeated this year."

"Barack got asked the famous boxers or briefs question,"
Kerry went on. "I was tempted to say commando."

Senator Kerry said Barack Obama successfully parried that question but that in his answer, John McCain, had some problems.

"Then they asked McCain and McCain said, ‘Depends,'" Kerry said to laughter from the crowd.

Monday, October 20, 2008

When pigs fly: the Salt Lake City Tribune endorses Obama!

Along with other 'papers that endorsed George W. Bush in the past, the Salt Lake Tribune has endorsed Barack Obama for President. They join the ranks of the former Bush endorsing Seattle Times, The Denver Post, Austin Statesman American, Houston Chronicle, the South Carolina State, and The Chicago Tribune (who have NEVER endorsed a Democrat in their 160 years).

Walk On by Neil Young

Walk On by Neil Young, from the odd and strangely mixed album On The Beach.

If you are intrepid, check out the circumstances of the recording of this album, when Neil was under the influence of the bizarre Rusty Kershaw. . .


Painting: Senator Obama poster

click to enlarge

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Did John McCain really make that face? Yes, he did.

Did John McCain really make that face? Yes, he did. But it wasn't just another Captain Queeg moment. . .you've probably seen it out of context. He was attempting to shake Bob Schieffer's hand, when Schieffer walked in the opposite direction. McCain made the funny face to show he was all mixed up. It was pretty funny...until the photo started circulating.

If you doubt my veracity (how could you?), you can see this moment on this YouTube video, if you jump in around 4:25, near the end.

Don't pop the cork yet — with two weeks to go Obama himself admits anything can happen.

click to enlarge

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Some of my friends say I am too pessimistic about the Democrat chances of regaining the White House. I think I've been realistic. Senator Obama agreed and warned supporters that the election is not over yet!:

“Don’t underestimate our ability to screw it up,” said Barack Obama just last week.

1) The polls now show Barack Obama solidly in the lead, ranging from 14 points to 2 or 3, with a sweet spot somewhere in the middle, about 7 points in Obama's favor.

But: we have to remember that Hubert Horatio Humphrey was also well ahead weeks before the election. Harry Truman was at least 7 points behind Dewey until that election night surprise.
2) Obama is already speculating about his cabinet. including names like John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, a republican who may become the next defense secretary. Surely his foreign policy advisor Susan Rice will have a slot somewhere in the administration. Former NATO general Jim Jones may be on the list, and Republican Richard Lugar as well.

But: Obama has to tread a fine line here. How many Senators does he, or do we, really want in the cabinet? John Kerry, while loyal and capable, surely doesn't play well to the theme of change. And change will be important coming out of the gate January 21st. Obama will undoubtedly name at least a couple of Republicans to top posts.

George W. Bush brought in a handful of old veterans to his administration, and it did not work out well. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Colin Powell were the "experienced" ones who would help the green President Bush.

3) Colin Powell finally came out today and said in public what many people already knew. He is endorsing Obama. He will no doubt remain a top advisor to Obama, but will probably not take a post in the administration. Iraq is still too much in the forefront, and his role in that is still in everyone's memory. This morning's endorsement by Powell, who was often mentioned as a possible VP candidate for McCain, feels like one of the last nails on the coffin, whether he is part of the Obama administration or not (and in any case he will be an important advisor, as he has been in the campaign).

But: There is Joe the Plumber Wurzelbacher out there making a lot of noise and being trumpeted by Sarah Palin. Actually, I think we all know Joe the Plumber is just a blip on the screen of the rapidly eroding, sometimes deranged "base."

4) Obama is on the offensive now, storming into, and doing well in, longstanding Republican strongholds like Virginia and scaring the beejesus out of the G.O.P.

But: he may not pick up many traditional stronghold states like Florida and Ohio. Fortunately, he may not need them because he's strong in the blue states and making inroads into several red states. The possibility still remains that this election will be an electoral college pile-on.

5) The economy looms over nearly every decision and every action in these last few weeks. Obama has a strong flank of economic advisors, including people like Warren Buffet and Paul Volcker. He has proffered a coherent economic plan and seriously knocked Senator McCain off whatever game he still had left.

But: Paul Volcker is 81, and Buffet is not a young man either. Buffet also owns chunks of several financial institutions now. It doesn't seem likely wither of them will be in an Obama cabinet. . .but there are plenty of highly qualified people waiting in the wings.

Obama will clearly come out of the gate strong on the economy. I think we know where he will get his advice. It's not so clear who the front men and women will be. McCain is making no headway on the economy, and has, in fact, lost support following the recent economic meltdown.


It's too early to celebrate or be cocky. Democrats need to stay focused the next 15 days. Obama has a strong game going into the last two weeks. The Promised Land lies just around the next corner.

It's now up to the voters to actually get to the polls, mail in their ballots, harangue their neighbors, send money to the campaign, and then get ready to celebrate for the first time since 1996.

The celebration may become even sweeter before it's all over. Just last week, an editorial in The Wall Street Journal last week warned of the distinct possibility of a “liberal super-majority” in the Senate (e.g., 60%). The Dems could end up with a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, basically ensuring they can pass whatever they want, and get at least two left of center candidates onto the Supreme Court.

There is one (former) Democrat who may end up out in the cold after the election: the dwarf from Connecticut, Senator "Crazy" Joe Lieberman. If the 60 person supermajority does not need to include his votes, Joe Lieberman may well find himself handing out towels in the Senate Cloakroom.