Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Biggest waterslide on earth? A ginned up movie? It's cool nonetheless...


F*** This Website: pranking signs and other printed ephemera

This website was pointed out by Tom Dougherty, the Seattle artist, blogger, and writer. F*** This Website is a compendium of signs, posters, billboards, and other printed ephemera upon which the proprietor, or now, his many fans, have placed stickers with The F Bomb. Naturally, the results are often quite hilarious.

The blog's proprietor only keeps a handful of images on his site. I think he wants us to buy his two books on this very subject, the postcards or a set of his F*** stickers, so you can try your own hand at sign pranking (if you follow his reasonable) rules):

"I will not be responsible for irresponsibility. This is supposed to be about collecting funny images, not F***ing up people’s personal property. That’s why the stickers are strong, but removable. Don’t be an asshole and leave the stickers on signs around children’s playgrounds.

I know… cheap people want to have fun too. If you’re one of them, here’s a few templates that you can print on full-sheet labels, and cut them yourself. Believe me, it’s easier to just buy a pack from me, but whatever…

"Actually, check this to agree that you won’t sue me because you cut the tip of your finger off trying to cut out stupid little F*** stickers with an Xacto knife instead of just spending $7, and then you can download the templates."

No One And The Somebodies and TURBOSLEAZE at The Vera Project in Seattle

Tonight we went to see No One And The Somebodies at The Vera Project in Seattle. It was actually a twofer--because they also appeared later as their side project band TURBOSLEAZE. Last night, we went to see the Greenwood All Stars at a block party in Ballard/Greenwood. It's been a rockin' week.

I was probably the oldest person there by a factor of 2x. It was a good show. They are a band from the Bronx that my second cousin in law Sophia highly recommended (they are friends of hers). They were quite funny, and their tunes have a lot of rather hilarious false endings. The TURBOSLEAZE part of the show reminded me somewhat of Frank Zappa.. Kimi Dawson (of Juno soundtrack fame?) and Paleface also played.



Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Digital art: My nephew Beau

click to enlarge

I, too, was born in Kenya, and educated at the Madrasah

click to enlarge

Testy Fest: The Montana Testicle Festival

Several times while visiting Montana, I have passed by (but never actually attended) the Testy Fest (motto: "I had a ball at the Testicle Festival").

I think because it is on the way to Sturgis, the festival includes a lot of public nudity, motorcycles, beer, music, and, of course, fine dining. The crowd usually consumes something like two tons of bull cojones.

The party happens at the Rock Creek Lodge, 20 miles east of Missoula along I-90.


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Michelle Obama naked?

By Pablo Fanque,
All This Is That National Affairs Correspondent

Scouring the millions of corners of the Internet for nude photographs of First Lady Michelle Obama appears to be an area of spirited and relentless Internet/Google research.

There are, of course, hundreds of thousands of references in a G.I.S. on the subject. Many "entrepreneurs" have grabbed various domains related to the nude First lady, for example: a site that, of course, carries a few lame display ads.

OK, friendos, we'll keep you posted in the highly unlikely event a prime cache, or mother lode, of naked Michelle Obama photos turns up. Us, and about a million other blogs, web sites, and old media. . .

I wouldn't hold my breath, however. You will probably have far better luck searching for nude photos of the various Pop Tarts.

Want to get your wallet back when you lose it? Keep a baby picture in it...

A fascinating article appeared in Boing Boing in July on social research by an Edinburgh psychologist:

"Researcher Richard Wiseman and team left a load of wallets lying around with various contents, trying to see if there was a correlation between, say, baby pictures or cards indicating charitable giving and the rate at which wallets are returned. It turns out that people in Edinburgh (and maybe everyone) have a high likelihood of returning wallets with baby pictures, but are much less likely to return the wallets of charitable givers."

Read the article here.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Goo - a scene from Dark Skies

Dark Skies may be my favorite television show of all time. It survived just 20 episodes, and is so obscure by now that there aren't even many clips on YouTube! I do have a bootleg of the series (Bryce: I'll buy numerous copies for gifts...if it ever actually comes out!

Here is a clip, in which Kim is abducted. . .


Sunday, August 02, 2009

Video: Bill Maher talks to Jeff Sharlet about The Family a/k/a The Christian Mafia

Thanks to Jeff Clinton for sending this on. I'd read about them before, and heard rumblings--but they actually seem far more nefarious than I'd been led to believe. Jeff Sharlet doesn't seem to be a nut at all--he's an editor at Harper's. This is not some wack job raving about Obama's birth certificate, his indoctrination at a Madrasah, or about which government agency bombed the WTC. This seems quite real. And spooky.


Saturday, August 01, 2009

On The Road again: roadburn

In about nine hours, we will be trying to get on the road, back to Seattle, and recover the roughly 750 miles we just traversed a week ago. Roadburn!