Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bigfoot makes his presence known in the southland

We like to think that the range of the Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, is mostly in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, but there have been numerous recent sightings in the east, below the Mason-Dixon line:

A North Carolina man--who swears he is sober in the audio clip--claims to have recently seen a Bigfoot on his property. 


Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Beat/The English Beat perform free in downtown Seattle this Wednesday

Hey Seattle--the English Beat are playing a free outdoor concert in Seattle at noon Wednesday. Their shows are musically excellent, and they touch the heartline with their warm, two-tone spirit and human goodness. I love these guys.  Dave long ago transcended that very serious mien of the 70's (see video, below) and radiates waves of warmth, optimism, and wit from the stage. 


Friday, June 18, 2010

The best music you'll hear today: Jake Shimabukuro covers George Harrison on the ukulele

This is probably the best music you'll hear today.  I've never heard the ukulele sound so beautiful.  What an incredible cover by Jake Shimabukuro of a great George Harrison tune.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Adios,and Namaste to Mrs. G. and The Women's Colony Website/blog

I was really sad to hear that Heather Gee and her confederates at The Women's Colony ( are pulling the plug on their very popular and important blog. She broke new ground, and I honestly thought TWC would become one of the most important sites in the entire blogosphere (and maybe even generate a... living).

Most of all, I will miss Mrs. G's literate, funny, shocking, intelligent and thoughtful writing. She really brought something important to the world of blogs, and she will be sorely missed. I hope she is pulling the plug to work on something long-form. I may not be a part of TWC's core demographic, but I found their passion, diligence, and professionalism inspiring.  Namaste, Mrs. G.

Del Brummet's spontaneous poem, from way back

In honor of our son Del's graduation tomorrow night, here is a movie of a spontaneous poem Del created when he was about six years old. . .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Remembering the changeover, when the United States went metric

By Jack Brummet, Social Mores & Customs Editor

The U.S. went metric roughly 43 years ago.  We didn't quite get there. 

I remember diligently studying (circa 1963-64), the metric system in preparation for the big changeover. There would be no more pints or acres or inches. All the kids in school  received a small bundle of wooden blocks corresponding to various metric length and volume measures. And we had numerous class sessions devoted to hammering in the new way.  Yes, the U.S. was slated to go totally metric 43 years ago. However, we were somehow unable to shuck the customary US units system (our version of the Imperial system).   Was it business that killed the change?  Or us? 

You may also remember JFK's physical fitness initiative. The entire country would be buffed up by about 1970. Of all those initiatives, the only one that appeared to have caught fire was the move toward hydration. We were told to drink eight glasses of water a day without fail. OK, we may be fat and unable to determine what a metre or millilitre is, but we are well-hydrated. We won that one!  Everywhere you go people are carrying water bottles, plastic, metal, Nalgene, and even in Camelback packs with special bladders and hoses, so you can drink while moving. 

Much is made of the imperial system's basis of the size of a foot, or the distance between your knuckles. And yet the metric system is based on the speed of an electron, I think. Does that make more sense than the distance between some emperor's knuckles?

I wonder why have we not converted, or tried to convert, to metric for our measure of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds? Why was it so important to convert linear and volume measures, but not the temporal ones?

As far as I can tell, some foods and fluids are sold my metric measure, but not much else.  You buy saffron by the gram, but other spices are sold by the ounce.  But one industry made the conversion (mostly):::::::::::::::::::::::::Hootch!  Gargle!  Whiz! Wine! Whiskey!   Beer is sold by the fluid ounce, but whiskey and wine: totally metric. The formerly beloved fifth or pint of whiskey is now the slightly smaller 3/4 of a litre bottle. Those little bottles of wine you buy on the airplane: 187.5 millilitres (or, 1/4 of a 750 millilitre bottle [the "new fifth"]. So, we may have really sucked on our adoption of metric measures, but the drunks have it down pat, at least on the fluid measures.  However, the liquid a bartender pours from a metric bottle almost always goes into a shot glass measuring ounces. 

'Time' Switches To The Metric System - In 2007, Time managing editor Rick Stengel attempted to force the U.S. towards the metric system.   A memo informed writers and editors that from then on, all measurements will be expressed in "both imperial and metric equivalents." Clearly, Stengel is waging a losing battle in a war we lost decades ago.  I haven't checked up on Time in these last few years to see if they have held steady or not...

Here is Stengel's memo on taking Time metric:

"Time is going global. And metric. Starting with the next issue, we will provide both imperial and metric equivalents for distance, weight, volume and temperature. (We've been doing this for some time in our graphics. Now we'll extend this to the general text as well.) This will help ensure that one text works for all of our international editions."
"In most cases, we'll use the imperial measure first and then show the metric equivalent in parentheses: five ft. (1.5 m); 170 lbs. (77 kg); 5 gallons (19 liters); 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees Celsius)."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

JFK, RFK, Teddy, and sister Patricia's orgies at the Carlyle in NYC

The Chairman of the Board

by Jack Brummet
Social Mores editor

Patricia Kennedy Lawford, Sammy Davis, Jr., Marilyn Monroe

In the early 1960's, the FBI was tracking what went on in Jack Kennedy's apartment at the Carlyle Hotel in New York, and in particular, the "sex parties" that occurred there, at least according to Mrs. Jacqueline Hammond.
Some of the participants mentioned in a recently released (under the FOI Act) FBI report include:  Frank Sinatra, JFK's younger brothers Bobby and Teddy, Marilyn Monroe, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lawford (Mrs. Peter Lawford was JFK's sister Patricia).


JFK and Marilyn in a clinch


Monday, June 14, 2010

It looks like Boob-gate is over? Pablo Fanque ponders the never-ending Sarah Palin "news cycles"

By Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Editor

Like the stories about Trig's paternity, and even better, maternity; her very public spat with her daughter's Ex-BF; tales of skulduggery in the Governor's Office; and reports and photos of junior high-style crib notes written on her palm with a Sharpie, we enjoyed the recent Boob-gate stories--and photographic evidence--circulating on both mainstream and wack sites. 

As you probably know from visiting All This Is That, we've never believed in letting the truth get in the way of a good story.

At All This Is That, we've never really been Palin-haters. Now granted, we were stunned to see her nominated for VP inthe first place, were alternately amused and horrified to see her in action those first couple of awkward weeks, and generally, been mostly depressed about her political ascendancy and amazing ability to sell books.  But she's lobbed plenty of cheap shots of her own, too, and more than earned whatever piling-on comes her way. 

All that said, Boob-gate is just another chapter in the bizarre and continuing story of the Ex-Governor.  Only last week, she was making headlines over her new neighbor, author Joe McGinnis, and just what his intentions were in becoming her neighbor.  Whenever Sarah Palin is out of the news for more than two weeks, some new contretemps or imbroglio erupts, and shortly thereafter, the Ex-Governor emerges to feed the teabagging rabble red meat by castigating the press, The President, Congress, and the Democrats. 

OK.  The silicon bag story is over (but really, unresolved).  Now, hang on two weeks for the next installment in the Sarah Palin psychodrama. . .

Naturally, this followed the usual trajectory.  After the story bounced around the internet and mainstream media a few days, Ex-Governor Palin appeared on Fox's Greta Van Sustern show to set the record straight.

"I know that “boobgate” is all over the Internet right now because there are a lot of, I guess, bored, idle bloggers and reporters with nothing else to talk about. And I think some of those folks, too, they need to grab a shovel, go down to the gulf, volunteer to help, clean up and save a whale or something instead of reporting on such stupid things like that.
"No, I have not had implants. I can’t believe, yes, that we’re even talking about this."

Save a whale?  Really?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

All of America Captured In Single Photograph? Not really.

Pablo Fanque,
National Affairs Editor

This photo and commentary comes from a Wonkette- (one of our favorite sites and sources) article titled "All of America Captured In Single Photograph."

Wonkette operative “Lily E.” was just driving around the outskirts of Madison, Virginia, this weekend when she was compelled to snap this picture of America 2010. It’s all there, everything. Everything.  Read more at Wonkette.
At ATIT, we're probably more cynical, but also far more optimistic than Wonkette, and while we don't think this photo captures the Spirit of America, it certainly nails a certain slice of life in these Unites States.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The forgotten Post-it note? Or the forgotten bolts?

I was shopping at QFC (a Seattle grocery store chain) this afternoon QFC.  I walked by one of those see-through elevators. On the bottom, through the glass, I saw a post-it note: "Larry, make *sure* to tighten bolts 6, 7, and 12 after you install the door"

I stood there and tweeted the story on my BlackBerry.  But, I NEEDED a picture. As I was getting ready to take it, an under-assistant manager asked me "what's up?"  I pointed to the note, and said "This is too good--I have to have a picture." " I can't let you do that," he said. "Really?" "Really." And, yes, really, I can't blame him a bit. . .

Digital Art: by Jack Brummet - Stained Glass Sarah Palin


Friday, June 11, 2010

Cathie Joy's Pro Keds shoes

Cathie Joy, a friend and fantastic Portland-based painter has new shoes out, based on details from her paintings.  You can order her custom Keds here.  