Thursday, July 22, 2010

Heaven (or something quite like it) - a Jack Brummet poem

Heaven (or something quite like it)

You wink at St. Peter
As the gates whir open.

You're off the map, boy,
With just a soul to your name

You pile your clothes and credit cards
On top of your toys and bones,

And walk in whistling.
Adios Republicans, cops, and money.

Concupiscent thoughts drift in
Where’s the women, music, and beverages?

Rod Serling strolls around the corner
In a cloud of pearl grey smoke.

Derfwad Manor is back --

One of my favorite blogs has been resurrected.  Welcome back, Mrs. G. 

Check it out.  This story is especially excellent. . .

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

41 years ago, we landed on the moon. Links to alternate theories on whether we actually made it, or made it first. . .

By Jack Brummet
Paranormal & Extraterrestrial Affairs Editor

Forty-one years ago, the American astronaut Neil Armstrong, a quarter million miles from Earth stepped on the moon saying, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." He became the first human to walk on the surface of the moon.  Probably.  Or did he?  We've covered this story a few times in the last six years as part of our Alien Lore series.  Here are links to some of the possibilities, ranging from wildly improbable to somewhat plausible:

Alien Lore: Neil Armstrong's Moonwalk and Oral Sex
Alien Lore No. 81 - The Skeleton on the moon
Forty years ago today, we landed on the moon
Alien Lore No. 154 - Life on the moon?
Nixon's back pocket speech in the event of a moon landing disaster
Alien Lore No. 134 - Moonwalker claims cover-up
Michael Jackson moonwalk video clips
The Six Faked Moon Landings?
Alien Lore No. 29 - Nazis On The Moon!!
Alien Lore 53 - The Moon Dust File
Alien Lore No. 108 - The spaceship on the moon


Monday, July 19, 2010

Video: The U.S. Army's "Personal Hygiene"

"A film you will remember long after others are forgotten. This U.S. Army production introduces us to 'Homer,' a hillbilly-type who smells real bad. The guys in his barracks have to figure some way to encourage him to take a bath. They hit upon the idea of creating new lyrics for folk songs, and at this point the film quickly spins out of control, as Homer's loveable gang of GIs warbles tune after tune, such as 'Fresh And Clean,' and 'Wash Your Socks.'

Jump here to view or download the movie.

Day of the Dead rocks!

Day of the Dead (George Romero's third Zombie movie) is excellent. It was panned, and totally stiffed at the box office, when it came out. But in the pantheon, it's way up there now, at least in mine.  This was a sweet trifecta: Night of, Dawn of, and Day of). Glad I finally took the time to watch.