Friday, March 04, 2011

Poem by Jack Brummet: The World Seems Especially Verisimilitudinous Tonight

The World Seems Especially Verisimilitudinous Tonight
by Jack Brummet

Swim run fly crawl and creep —
Animals don't kill time
And time loves them back.

Threading high fidelity cirrus,
The sun unloads the last of its rays
And blesses the mountain palisade

So much depends upon
Keeping this up.
And a red wheel-barrow.

Digital Art: Three - Mona, Pablo, and Jack

click to enlarge

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Poem: The Painting by Jack Brummet

The Painting

by Jack Brummet

Stuck under a static sky,
The figure you brushed in
Wants off canvas.
He will not be Man With Blue Banjo anymore.
He wants to be what he will be,
Not sailing a scumbled ocean
Under impasto thunderheads.

He is tired of the dark sun
And wants to lie down and rest.

No news comes from a far country.
The real estate around him —
A confabulation of blue and red stone —
Chills in an un-harbored sea.

The black sun was pushed, fell, or jumped,
To shine back upon itself.

He knows the sun will never set.
He cannot open his mouth to scream.
The oars will never move.

The island of color
Will always be eight inches away
And the boat
Will always be sinking.

The tattered sails hang in the wind.
The next day refuses to begin.
He clutches that blue banjo
As his ship tilts toward heaven.

Started in 1997, finished 2011

Poem: The Quest by Jack Brummet

The Quest
by Jack Brummet

It’s all one story—
A ragged shape-shifting tale
Of incredible coherence and constance,
Encompassing all you know,
All you don’t know you know,
And all you one day will know.
There is more
To be seen, tasted, heard, and felt
Than can ever be known or told.
Our myths flourish and spread,
Person to person,
And the mysteries of the seas and skies and stars
Fill our collective conscience
With mystical scenes,
Quests, and tales of greatness.
These myths, tales, and fables
Cannot be invented, ordered, or denied.
When you strip away the stage flats, makeup, and costumes,
It’s all one story
Starring our private heroes and dreams.

Poem: The Peacekeeper by Jack Brummet

The Peacekeeper

by Jack Brummet

A roiling thunderstorm clears the air
Like Wyatt Earp's peacekeeper

A bad beginning can be overcome,
But a good ending lasts forever

Poem: The island from eight miles high, by Jack Brummet

The islands from eight miles high

By Jack Brummet

Beneath a chiseled frieze of cerulean blue
Islands recede into the water
To settle on the sea floor

Like an archipelago of Atlantises.
Islands come and go,
Bobbing up and bobbing down

Like lost corks
Drifting the seven seas,
Treading continents,

And the islands and straits.
They crest the waves
Beneath gathering clouds

As flocks of birds
Circumnavigate the globe,
Shuttling from landfall to landfall.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011