Saturday, March 04, 2017

President Donald J. Trump's renewed tweetstorm

By Mona Goldwater, Twitter and Tweets Ed.

That Twitter discipline didn't last long. And when 45's Tweet-fast broke, all sorts of crazy followed. 


Thursday, March 02, 2017

AG Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russian-Trump investigations

By Mona Goldwater, Justice Dept. Ed.
Illustration by Jack Brummet

In this instance, recusal is a half-measure. You know what they say about half measures. The President gave the AG a half-vote of confidence yesterday.  When asked if  he believed Attorney General Sessions had told the truth at his confirmation hearings, The President said “he probably did.”

Ten years ago, Sean Spicer used to play the Easter Bunny at the annual WH egg-roll


Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Kellyanne Conway makes herself comfortable

By Mona G., ATIT Social Mores Ed.

Well, he knew she wasn't housebroken when he took her in. 


Drawing: Faces 1903-1905 (Three faces on 115 year old paper with Sharpie, 4B pencil, and markers)

By Jack Brummet



Speech to congress: A New Don/Dawn?

by Jack Brummet

Last night, for one of the first times, The President didn't sound completely off his rocker (except a couple moments). He stuck to the speech on the TelePrompTer, which seemed to have far less Steve Bannon in it. He threw out a lot of red meat on infrastructure, America first, and the usual themes and schemes.
