Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Miss America 1922

by Jack Brummet

One of these contestants became Miss America in 1922. I love the women, but am particularly digging the millinery.


Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Drawing: Faces No. 1947 — The Moderates

by Jack Brummet

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The modern world reimagined as Pangea, the one continent

by Jack Brummet

Reddit user LikeWolvesDo, recently took a map of the ancient supercontinent Pangea, surrounded by the one ocean, Panthalassa and drew current political borders on it.

According to Live Science, "Even our current map, with separate continents, is changing."

“Right now, for instance, Australia is inching toward Asia, and the eastern portion of Africa is slowly peeling off from the rest of the continent.” 


Sunday, April 30, 2017

The President forgets who broke the ground he is treading upon

By Jack Brummet, Presidents Ed.

"The relationship I have with China, it's been already acclaimed as being something very special, something very different than we've ever had." - President Donald J. Trump on Face The Nation this morning.
Well, not quite, Mr. President.


Drawing: Faces 1944 — Hat Day

Jack Brummet

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