1 Why Don't We Try To Do This
Why don't we try to do this:
To have one question per person
And ask the question of one person.
In that way, more people
Will have an opportunity to ask a question.
2 They Are
It is considerably more difficult today
For terrorist networks to recruit,
To raise money,
To move across national boundaries,
To communicate with each other,
To conduct terrorist raids.
That's not to say that
They're not able to do it.
They are.
3 The Way Our System Works
You can have some schools
That think one way
And some schools that think another way.
And, of course, there are consequences to (laughs)
To what they think.
But that's fair enough, too.
That's the way our system works.
4 Progress
It's a tough business,
And it'll take some time.
And they'll be two steps forward
And a half a step back from time to time.
And everyone will throw up their hands and say,
"Henny Penny, the sky's falling.
Everything's terrible.
The glass is half empty."

Links to fourteen selected earlier Secretary Rumsfeld poems on All This Is That:
Poem: Clarity By Donald Rumsfeld
Poem: Those Glass Boxes By Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
The Poetry Of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Part 3::::::That's Life
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Part IV::::::The Digital Revolution
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Part V:::::A Confession
The Poetry of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld VI:::::Predicting The Future
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld VIII::::::Litany: What I Don't Do
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld IX::::::Accuracy
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld X:::::::::Where Is Osama bin Laden?
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XI:::::::::Existence, Evidence, Absence
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XII:::::::::The Pause
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XIII:::::::::It Hasn't Happened
The Poetry of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XIV::::::::The Unknown
New Rumsfeld Poems From The Dec. 6, 2005 Defense Dept. Briefing
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