I have a selfish reason for posting these indexes every six months or so. . .it's the way I keep track of all these poems and save them to an actual manuscript. . .like we did in the old days. I long ago learned in my line of work that computers, hard drives, and software can only be trusted so far (not as far as you can throw them). Sometimes the only copy of a poem exists temporarily on All This Is That, until I save it off with its brothers, sisters, and cousins on a couple (four separate) hard drives (my work drive, my work external USB drive, my home drive, and my home external drive). But even then, I am never sure. . .I've been burned that many times! My mistrust is so all-encompassing, I don't write or create anything on a computer that isn't being saved every five minutes. My fear of flying is a minor peccadillo compared to my fear of hard drives.
Following is a list of poems from November 15, 2004 up to a couple of days ago. The other reason for an index or list is in case anyone wants to dip in and read a few. Writing poetry and biography was the ostensible reason I started this blog four years ago, but in the interim, art, lists, parody and satire, ufo's and greys, travelogues from Europe, Asia, Texas, England, Mexico, New York City, California, and Boston, and most of all, politics have also weaseled in, and like the proverbial camel's nose in the tent, have claimed their own chunk of turf here. That's OK too, but I admit having a soft spot in my heart for the poems.
The days when thousands of people visit here don't happen on the poetry days. It's the cheap shots, stories with a high placement in Google (Condaleeza Rice Naked, Enumclaw horse sex, etc.) parodies, scandalous stories, and tantalizing headlines that suck people in. I just kind of hope they poke around and find a hillbilly story or poem or painting or even some blatherings by Pablo Fanque they like.
Summer leaves in autumn hit the winter of their life
The islands from eight miles high
from the Poetry Generator: The Cloud Endures
Poem In Gorene
The listing freighter in the harbor at Kato Zakris
Rocks, flowers, and walls
Prayers In Istanbul
Sailng To Athens
That Cold Island Across The Sea
Moslems vs. Nazarenes vs. Pagans
Just Beneath The Topsoil
Sailing To Naxos, or, The Vortex
Flying, depending on the context, is better than not flying
Endurance & Limits
Scarred For Life
One of those days
The Variations (newly revised)
How He Lived
The Broken Chord
Stackabones (for Claire)
In California, I write down the names of every great tree name I can remember
When the devil comes knocking
Into the wind
The Outlet
The riptide beneath my feet
The sounds on Puget Sound
But you can't
[with your back to the wall]
[The surging sea]
Are they on the way or is it "just my 'magination (once again)?"
The telepath
Catch 23
Midnight Madness
Grey USA
On seeing the photo of a long lost friend
Imaginary Friends
[The streetlight's blue shadows...]
There's A Civil War In His Head
[Jesus Walks On Water]
On The Plain: just a song of Gomorrah
Why I won't run for President
The story of a long long journey
Landing, or, Aviophobia, Part 26
The eyes have it
You Rehearse Dying
How the first baby in the world
The Big Boat
Babylon and the unfinished tower
Late Spring
Higher Ground
Poem: The Icarus Factor).
Truism 1
The Grey Convoy Flies Over the UFO Crash Site
Dual Mortality
Ephemeral Communications
3 A.M.
I'm agnostic about atheism
Snow Day In Kirkland, Washington
Squirrel poem
Going Mad Might Be Like A Bad Eight Track Tape Deck
Fall Haiku
Jericho & How Joshua Caused The Walls To Come Tumbling Down
The Orgy In The Pantry (starring Duncan Hines, Betty Crocker, Pilsbury Dough Boy, Aunt Jemima, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee and more
With Or Without The Words
Hello. . .My poem is. . .
You Gather Your Friends
The Way We Were
The White FlagThe Cover-up
The Good German
Dream Of The Grey
Torches & Pitchforks
The Red Flag
Don't look back
The Tenth Planet (Or An Incredible Facsimile?)
Anger management is a slippery slope
the vault
The Moon's In Tune
Another politician resigns in disrace
The Candidate
Making Room
The revolt in heaven Found Poem: The Richmond Hill Oracle
The Robot Wars
Ten ways of looking at lies
The Broken Chord
With our heads in the sand during the transit and eclipse
the sun plays its red song
Poem: The Developers
A raindrop's life
The mystery of the first amendment to the Ten Commandments
The Bay Of Delusion
Mad Song
Reasons To Keep On
Conspiracy Theory
The Moon Race
Mr. Flue's Grave In Hillcrest Cemetary, Kent, Wash.
The World Seems Especially Calming And Verisimilitudinous Today
Kent, Washington
[It's the Lee Harvey Oswald smile]
Zombie Breakdown
Sonnet For Hari
Defensive Daydreaming
The Dream
The Prostethic Head & The Absence Of Blood
Tetuan - "No Paranoia, My Friend"
The Grey Ambassador
The Bad Movie
The Bucket
The Man In The Mirror
Liftoff Optimism
A Flight Of Swallows
Audioblog - The Prevaricator
Weather Report
Your Wooden Leg
The Revelations
The Revelations Sermon At The First Church Of The Mojo Apocalypse
Dosvidaniya, Ivan Ivanovitch
The Late Excavation
Jack Kerouac, Meet John Barleycorn
The Gideon Bible In My Nightstand
At The Acropolis
When Aliens Land, Or, The Return Of The King
The sous-chef is a sociopath
James Wright
[Life Is Not A Hardy Novel]
Coyote Comes Home Like A Salmon
Shorts For Jerry Melin ca. about 1988
The Golden Rule
The Countdown
Notes On Flying
Not Past Tense Yet
the glass is not half-full
It's Getting Crowded Here
Li Po In Disgrace
The Clock
A Love Song
Bad Timing
The Killer
The Absence of Footprints
Growing Up
Gone Fishing
The M.D.s
The Marriage
Driving Home To Seattle, We Watch Deer Drinking from the Skookumchuck River
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