As you know from previous Alien Lore stories here, over the last year or so, Russia, France, and England have opened up and begun releasing their UFO/Grey/Alien files. Literally thousand of documents have already been released by these three countries, with many thousands more queued up for release as I type this.

The Brits just released their latest batch--including a letter saying that Winston Churchill ordered a 50 year cover-up of a wartime encounter between a UFO and military pilot.
The files, published by England's National Archives, "span decades and contain scores of witness accounts, sketches and classified briefing notes documenting mysterious sightings across the country," according to Reuters.

An unidentified letter writer in 1999 says that a Royal Air Force plane returning from a mission in Europe during World War Two was "approached by a metallic UFO." The author says his grandfather attended a wartime meeting between Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower during which the two expressed concern over the incident and "decided to keep it secret." The Ministry of Defence was unable to find any primary source materials regarding this claim: and , in addition, "... the MoD does not have any expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/flying saucer' matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms, about which it remains totally open-minded."

An earlier release--an ATIT Alien Lore post,--details a 1995 sighting. A plane approaching Manchester airport experienced a near-collision with an "unidentified object," in which a witness claimed he saw a UFO "20 times the size of a football field." (Just about Independence Day-sized). An investigation failed to turn up anything.

"Prior to the demise of the Former Soviet Union, aircraft were scrambled some 200 times annually to intercept and investigate uncorrelated tracks penetrating the UK Air defence region (AKADR) from the north..." it said. The last scramble was in September 1991 -- just about the time the Soviet Union imploded.
Due to media blackout in the USA, benevolent Grey(s) should interview on Russia’s RT network.
EBENS are the dna mixing race.But the Greys are different ones.And others ve claimed bout Reptilians,Mantis like Insects and Blondes or Tall Whites and Human looking ones.But how much of this is actually psychotronical mind washing? By the intels? Is anything real? Or did they never found out what they re and ve lied to us.? Staged events and mutilated poor animal just to test their new psy ops bw/cw, shit? If so? Typically human.So who knows? Maybe the real ets are out there.And intels and military like certain leaders playing psy ops with all of us here on earth?
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