Mona Goldwater, Society Editor
As it turns out, UFOs are a central tenet in the teachings of the Nation of Islam. The NOI is a 50,000 person church based in America (as opposed to the Islam Religion, with almost two billion members).
An early NOI leader--Elijah Muhammad--told The Nation of a gigantic Earth-orbiting "Mother Plane" equipped with many weapons. According to an article on AOL News, "seeking the divine in the skies is one of the core beliefs of NOI leaders and followers, which explains why so much of their literature tells of UFOs, or what they prefer to call airborne 'wheels.'"
The bummer for me, and the readers of our Alien Lore series is that it is not Greys, or aliens flying these saucers around. The Nation of Islam teachings say the circular spacecraft were built by humans on Earth, many centuries ago, under the guidance of God.
NOI teachings claim that the original "wheel" was built by scientists on the islands of what is now Japan, "at a cost of $15 billion in gold." The story also says that "these original UFOs were used to create mountains on Earth."
Naturally, this is tied into Ezekiel's Wheel (ed's note: remember the song..."Ezekiel saw a wheel/Way up/In The middle of the air?"). The encounter in The Bible of the prophet Ezekiel with a wheel-like UFO, is central to the Nation of Islam religion.
Farrakhan told the group in Chicago that "Many have died or have been killed to keep from sharing what they have seen." Does this sound familiar to any Alien Lore fans? If you dig into nearly any Alien Lore story, eventually it comes down to conspiracy and cover-ups.
In his Saviour's Day speech the year before, Farrakhan said that in 1985 he himself had been taken aboard the craft. And, when he was on the flaying saucer, he heard Elijah Muhammad speak to him.
The gathering in Illinois included a group of international UFOligists. "They have in us allies. They have in us their protectors. They have in us those that will help them to gain the finance to keep up their research."
"Since the founding of the Nation of Islam, these wheel-like objects have been taught to us of their existence and their function," said Ishmael Muhammad, one of Elijah Muhammad's sons.
"The founder of the Nation of Islam, Fard Muhammad, taught us about these objects that the world calls UFOs, and he gave us great details as to the materials that they were constructed of and that most of these objects come from this planet Earth," Ishmael Muhammad told AOL News.
"He also taught us of the existence of life on other planets, as well as a highly advanced civilization on the planet Mars. He taught us about the Mother Plane (UFO) and gave us the dimensions that it was a half mile by a half mile, human-made planet, one mile in height, and that this Mother Plane carried 1,500 smaller planes."

Ishmael Muhammad, Nation of Islam's national assistant minister, spoke to AOL News about NOI's fascination with UFOs and their fervent hope that they will somehow unite all the religions of Earth."
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