Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Alien Lore No. 48 - New Mexico, UFOS, and Hootch

New Mexico has had far more than its share of Aliens and UFO sightings. Clovis, Socorro, "Chloe” near Taos, Dulce, and the big kahuna, Roswell. The Roswell Story blew everything else out of the water.

The Clovis Journal has an interesting and humorous article today, partly dealing with Roswell envy. Bob Huber writes:

"But before these sagas got completely out of hand, the community of Roswell, in a grand gesture of conciliation, topped all space fantasies by exploiting its “Roswell Story,” a simple, ageless fable about a crashed spacecraft brimming with smooshed aliens, brass bands, confetti, Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, and a top secret military cover up aimed at erasing an entire year in which absolutely nothing important took place."

The New York Times reported yesterday:

"The problem is more complex than mere alcohol consumption. New Hampshire leads the nation in drinking, with 4 gallons a year per person, far more than New Mexico's 2.4 gallons. But New Hampshire's alcohol-related road fatality rate is less than half of New Mexico's. "

Is there a link between all the gargle they put away in New Mexico and all those UFOs and aliens running around? Probably not. Those stolid New Hampshirites, putting away almost twice the amount as New Mexicans, report very few aliens and UFOs.

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