Sunday, October 01, 2006

We are in a cocoon, enveloped by President Bush's benevolence. . .and catapult

click the poster to enlarge

Wrapping up another week and heading rapidly into the mid-term elections, President Bush continues his "Johnny One Note" act, spending most of his time speechifying and defending his decisions to invade Iraq, isolate and torture prisoners, setting the stage for an Iran invasion, and continuing to paint the Democrats as the party of appeasement and the party of ostriches.

While The President continued his relentless P.R. campaign (a/k/a "catapulting The Propaganda"), the White House was buffeted by random ill winds this week:

The resignation of Congressman Mark Foley

President Bill Clinton's charges of administration with inaction on counter-terrorism in the months leading up to the 9/11 attacks

Bob Woodward's new book, "State of Denial," depicting a White House in utter chaos following its disastrous Iraq invasion

And that was just the knuckehead stuff! What's next? When will the other shoe drop? Is there a smoking gun somewhere?

The White House is now engaged in a life or death struggle. Losing both legislative houses, will effectively neuter The President. For good. He will have two long years (preferably two long and excruciating years) to plan his Presidential Library.

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