Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Crackdown on toilet paper in Kansas prison: warden apparently gi-normous Sheryl Crow fan

According to the Associated Press, toilet paper is now a hotter trading commodity at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility than cigarettes. Prison officials in Kansas have recently begun enforcement of a longstanding limit on prisoner toulet paper rations.

Inmates are now limited to four rolls of toilet paper each. "The increased enforcement has angered many of the more than 1,600 inmates housed at the facility."

"Some take this for granted," inmate Carl Kennedy said in a letter to The Hutchinson News. "But in here it's part of a safeguard for widespread infections. We use it to blow our noses, clean sinks, toilets and tables."

If each inmate uses one less roll per month, according to prison officials, they would save the prison $600 a month. "There are a lot of things that individually don't cost much," said Kansas Department of Corrections spokeswoman Frances Breyne. "But when you multiply that by hundreds, it makes a drastic impact."

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