Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Alien Lore No. 106 - The 1989 UFO Battle Over Russia

One of the best known Russian UFOlogists—Nikolay Subbotin—told this story to his fellow American UFOlogists. This bizarre story took place in the skies 0ver Zaostrovka on September 16, 1989. Six metallic UFOs and one golden UFO battled it out.

Mr. Subbotin says hundreds of people witnessed a group of six silver saucers fight against one golden UFO. The UFOs engaged in a stunning show of aerial acrobatics, flying as low as one mile above the earth. Red beams, or lasers of some sort were the weapons.

A Russian UFO web site says that an account of the battle was published in the local paper, the "Semipalatinsk." The report was written by a helicopter commander named Sichenko, who claimed that the energy generated by the warring UFOs was so intense that local power stations automatically shut down.

The witnesses interviewed by Sichenko said that the golden UFO was finally defeated, after fighting a heroic battle, and crashed into a bog on the military test range. The area was then zoned off to everyone except military personnel.

Subbotin says a Russian army team searched the area following the battle and crash and that the story leaked out from these searchers.

The entire area was insanely high in radiation readings following the crash, and was eventually shut down. A crew of military personnel guarded the site. And there the story comes to an crashing halt. This is one of those plausible sounding cases, with many witnesses, where so few details have actually emerged that it is impossible to vet its veracity.

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