Feeling lonely that evening, he employed a gorgeous young Japanese girl as his companion. The girl spoke very little English and the honky businessman. of course, spoke no Japanese. Over the course of the night, the ended up making the beast with two backs. . They made passionate love, and in the heat of the moment she began yelling "Ungawa! Ungawa!"
The Texan knew he had pleased his hot Japanese friend and soon fell sleep.
The next day, Mr. Businessman was playing golf with his Japanese hosts. One of his Japanese partners made a hole-in-one shot from 170 yards away! Everyone went crazy and began yelling excitedly in Japanese. Wanting to impress his friends, the Texan joined in and began yelling, "Ungawa! Ungawa!" Suddenly everyone became quiet.
After a moment of silence, one of the Japanese turned to him and asked "Wrong hole? What do you mean wrong hole?"
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