Jack Kennedy tries to calm down LBJ
1. any of the various portable devices for raising or lifting heavy objects short heights, using various mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic methods: an automobile jack.
2. Also called knave. a playing card bearing the picture of a soldier or servant.
3. A connecting device in an electrical circuit designed for the insertion of a plug: a telephone jack.
4. Informal. fellow; buddy; man.

The fictional CEO of Jack In The Box

Little Jack Horner
5. a) One of a set of small, six-pointed metal objects or pebbles used in the game of jacks. b) jacks, a children's game in which objects are tossed and gathered while bouncing a rubber ball.
6. any of several carangid fishes, of the genus Caranx.
7. Slang for money.

Jack Kerouac

Jack The Ripper

Jack Benny

Jack Straw
24. Slang. to mess up something or someone: You got jacked.
25. to hunt or fish with a jacklight.
26. jack off, Slang: to masturbate.
27. Carpentry. having a height or length less than that of most of the others in a structure: jack rafter; jack truss.
28. Middle English Jakke used in addressing any male, and particularly a social inferior,

Jack and the beanstalk
1. any of the various portable devices for raising or lifting heavy objects short heights, using various mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic methods: an automobile jack.
2. Also called knave. a playing card bearing the picture of a soldier or servant.
3. A connecting device in an electrical circuit designed for the insertion of a plug: a telephone jack.
4. Informal. fellow; buddy; man.

The fictional CEO of Jack In The Box

Little Jack Horner
5. a) One of a set of small, six-pointed metal objects or pebbles used in the game of jacks. b) jacks, a children's game in which objects are tossed and gathered while bouncing a rubber ball.
6. any of several carangid fishes, of the genus Caranx.
7. Slang for money.

Jack Kerouac
8. a small flag flown at the bow of a vessel, symbolizing its nationality.
9. A sailor.
10. Lumberjack.

Jack The Ripper
11. Jackass. A foolish person. A mule or donkey.
12. Jacklight.
13. a device for turning a spit.
14. a small white bowl or ball used as an aiming mark for lawn bowlers.
Jack Nicholson
16. Falconry. the male of a kestrel, hobby, or a merlin.
17. Slang. nothing: You don't know jack. Jack squat. Jack shit.
19. to lift or move (something) with or as if with a jack (often followed by up): to jack up a car.
20. to increase, raise or accelerate (prices, wages, speed, etc.) Usually used with the word "up," Jacked-up, sped up.
20. to increase, raise or accelerate (prices, wages, speed, etc.) Usually used with the word "up," Jacked-up, sped up.
22. to hunt or fish with a jacklight.
23. Slang. to steal, or to have something stolen.

Jack Benny

Jack Straw
24. Slang. to mess up something or someone: You got jacked.
25. to hunt or fish with a jacklight.
26. jack off, Slang: to masturbate.
27. Carpentry. having a height or length less than that of most of the others in a structure: jack rafter; jack truss.
28. Middle English Jakke used in addressing any male, and particularly a social inferior,

Jack and the beanstalk
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Jack on!
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