Jack Kennedy tries to calm down LBJ1. any of the various portable devices for raising or lifting heavy objects short heights, using various mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic methods: an automobile jack.
2. Also called knave. a playing card bearing the picture of a soldier or servant.
3. A connecting device in an electrical circuit designed for the insertion of a plug: a telephone jack.
4. Informal. fellow; buddy; man.
The fictional CEO of Jack In The Box
Little Jack Horner5. a) One of a set of small, six-pointed metal objects or pebbles used in the game of jacks. b) jacks, a children's game in which objects are tossed and gathered while bouncing a rubber ball.
6. any of several carangid fishes, of the genus Caranx.
7. Slang for money.
Jack Kerouac8. a small flag flown at the bow of a vessel, symbolizing its nationality.
9. A sailor.
10. Lumberjack.

Jack The Ripper
Jack Paar11. Jackass. A foolish person. A mule or donkey.
12. Jacklight.
13. a device for turning a spit.
14. a small white bowl or ball used as an aiming mark for lawn bowlers.
Jack Nicholson
Jack Lemmon15. a young male salmon before its migration.
16. Falconry. the male of a kestrel, hobby, or a merlin.
17. Slang. nothing: You don't know jack. Jack squat. Jack shit.
Jack Black18. Slang. a physically attractive and desirable male.
19. to lift or move (something) with or as if with a jack (often followed by up): to jack up a car.
20. to increase, raise or accelerate (prices, wages, speed, etc.) Usually used with the word "up," Jacked-up, sped up.
Jack Dempsey21. to boost the morale of; encourage, usually followed by up.
22. to hunt or fish with a jacklight.
23. Slang. to steal, or to have something stolen.
Jack Benny
Jack Straw24. Slang. to mess up something or someone: You got jacked.
25. to hunt or fish with a jacklight.
26. jack off, Slang: to masturbate.
27. Carpentry. having a height or length less than that of most of the others in a structure: jack rafter; jack truss.
28. Middle English Jakke used in addressing any male, and particularly a social inferior,
Jack and the beanstalk---o0o---