Thanks to Jeff Clinton for pointing this one out. Holloman, of course, has always loomed large in the alien lore world. This is the first time I ever heard about Ike's involvement (the story reminds me of the episode in Dark Skies were President Truman meets with The Greys and then orders the army to shoot down with departing "UFO").

According to Clark C. McClelland, once with the U.S. Space Shuttle Fleet, a UFO landed in front of former U.S. President Eisenhower and other officials at Holloman Aair Force Base. Holloman looms nearly as large as Roswell or Area 51 in Alien Lore.
The old Alamogordo airfield (aka Holloman) had been a training base for heavy bombers. But one day, to the surprise of almost everyone, President Dwight D. Eisenhower landed there.
The old Alamogordo airfield (aka Holloman) had been a training base for heavy bombers. But one day, to the surprise of almost everyone, President Dwight D. Eisenhower landed there.

There was no band or parade--only a few birds calling in the distance. Everyone wondered "why is Ike here? What's going on?" The civilians and military were told that while the president was here, this would be a "business as usual" day.
Whatever was happening would happen was as far away as it could be from the base. Little could be seen unless one had a vantage point and binoculars. Soon, the radar officers gave instructions to shut off all radar. He had turned base operations over to his deputy base commander as long as the President was here. He felt it his duty to be with him with no distractions.
A phone rang in the tower with a report of two UFOs passing over Range Road 12. A minute later, the bogies were over Range Road 7, just a few minutes from the runway. Men in the tower swung their glasses to the north in the morning haze.
A phone rang in the tower with a report of two UFOs passing over Range Road 12. A minute later, the bogies were over Range Road 7, just a few minutes from the runway. Men in the tower swung their glasses to the north in the morning haze.
Something glinted in the sun, and then something else just below it. Now, a report came in of a third bogie five minutes behind the first two. The tower personnel who did not know what these were, were stunned. The objects had no tails, no wings, and no motors. They were just round objects heading toward the president's plane. They reported the objects, logged them and did their job which was "business as usual." The two objects stopped 300 feet over Air Force One, and then one touched about 200 feet ahead of the plane.
The other UFO hovered above the buildings over the tarmac. The disc had a good vantage point of anything that might come towards the president's plane and the UFO on the ground. Most people who saw or heard about the two craft at the base that day did not believe they were ET, but possibly new Russian or German innovations.
After the UFO landed in front of Air Force One, a man (whom people assumed was the President), came to the doorway of the plane, and approached the saucer on the ground. The man walked up the ramp, stood at the opening, shook hands with someone, and went inside.
Observers thought the President was inside the UFO about 45 minutes. When he emerged from the craft, he walked towards Air Force One. Most observers believed it was President Ike. Many of the witnesses recognized that famous bald pate and his stiff military walk.
The other UFO hovered above the buildings over the tarmac. The disc had a good vantage point of anything that might come towards the president's plane and the UFO on the ground. Most people who saw or heard about the two craft at the base that day did not believe they were ET, but possibly new Russian or German innovations.
After the UFO landed in front of Air Force One, a man (whom people assumed was the President), came to the doorway of the plane, and approached the saucer on the ground. The man walked up the ramp, stood at the opening, shook hands with someone, and went inside.
Observers thought the President was inside the UFO about 45 minutes. When he emerged from the craft, he walked towards Air Force One. Most observers believed it was President Ike. Many of the witnesses recognized that famous bald pate and his stiff military walk.
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