Well, yeah. The original story, whether it offended you or not, had some salient points. The story about the flight back to Alaska after the Governor's water broke, the birth at a small town hospital, and the photographic evidence of a very unpregnant looking Sarah Palin not long before the birth, and some of the other facts and factoids, give one pause. I don't really want this story, or the rumors and innuendo, to be true. I'd rather have a fair dogfight. But the original story, and the sudden press release about Bristol's pregnancy. . .it just doesn't quite fit. There are a couple of pieces of the jigsaw puzzle missing. Even my wife, who is probably one of All This Is That's most skeptical readers (and whose IQ bests JFK's) says these stories just don't make sense....something is wrong, something is being left out. I don't know what it is. Yet.
I'd much prefer this story died and that we got on to the serious business of political Hardball. But something is nagging at me, and I don't feel like we have this story wrapped up with a bow quite yet. Maybe the story dies out tomorrow, once the Republican convention gets into full swing (now that their plans to heroically jet down to New Orleans have fizzled). Or maybe tomorrow we get hit with the next shock wave. In the end, I am sure the story will not be as nefarious as some of the hyper-left blogs and websites are hoping it may be. But I don't think we have the full picture yet. I am so befuddled by this whole imbroglio that I am turning it over to our National Affairs Editor Pablo Fanque to follow up. Along with the whole next 65 days of this political season. I prefer more solid ground like poetry, art, music, Alien Lore, pranks, and conspiracy theories!
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