This may sound a little familiar to anyone who has read an American newspaper in the last month:
"Hitler reviewed the war room maps and moved troops [voters] that didn't exist. And his Generals [Robert Mosbacher, Frederic V. Malek, Jill Hazelbaker,Steve Schmidt, Rick Davis, Bill McInturff, et al] knew that the cause was lost but they didn't have the courage to say so.
"German soldiers [that is, Congress and Governors trying to run as Republicans] , including members of the Hitler's youth, were sacrificed to buy just little more time for a regime that controlled a few blocks of Berlin at best. "
"Eva Braun [a/k/a Cindy McCain] was depicted as the lady in waiting as she entertained the inner circle. Beneath the surface of this apparently fun loving woman was a dedicated Nazis who wanted to die with her Fuhrer. She had been the loyal girl friend, sitting in the background and only at the end did she receive her Fuhrer's hand in marriage."

"Propaganda Minister Joel Goebel [a/k/a Senator "Crazy" Joe Lieberman] and his wife, Magda, couldn't imagine a world without Hitler and his National Socialism ideology. They don't even want their own children to be part of just a world, so they kill their own children before ending their own life. There was one surreal scene where Himmler asked an aide whether he should give Eisenhower the Nazis salute or shake his hand as he negotiated Germany surrender. "
Jack, Senator McFuror must be pleased as punch with his Veep pick now that the she sits down, without preconditions, for a phone chat with ersatz French Prez Sarkozy?
And Obama's response to the Cheney endorsement had to have left a welt.
Well, he can no longer control her, of course.
But how could Dick Cheney not endorse his cousin? As I;m sure you know, Cheney and Obama are distant cousins. . .
heh heh.
Yeah, what's up with the hunter? How could he possibly not know that this last shot was sure to take McSkeet down? Maybe the economy is so bad that he thinks the GOP can avoid blame if they turn over power to all three branches through the shit storm of the next 4 years.
For now I remain hopeful and while I will try to remain calm, I think McPalin are looking at an old fashioned shellacking next Tuesday. Their campaign has devolved into a grotesque farce concluding with this weekend's utter stupidity and desperation. For all their early blather about executive experience and judgment neither measured up to the community organizer.
I loved the responses from Obama and Biden RE the punking of Palin.
"I guess the ones who forgot to vet her forgot to vet her phone calls" Biden
"We know who's calling before we pass the phone to Senator Obama" Gibbs Communications Director Obama Campaign
Question is, will Alaskans pony up for a 2nd Palin term after her gaffe fest in the lower 48?
I can't believe anyone OK'd a Cheney endorsement, which could only suck away thousands of independent votes. But Cheney has never really needed, nor asked for, anyone's OK for anything. [Note: there is one tantslizing moment in "W" where Bush goes medieval on Cheney].
I too liked the responses on the punking of Palin--just the right tone.
Will the Alaskans give her another shot? Yeah. They will.
I think the GOP will give her another shot, and you will see her in Iowa and New Hampshire at the very least, testing the waters in 2012.
But before all that, we need to actually elect Obama. . .a prospect I am increasingly hopeful, but still nervous about. It looks like we just might pull this one off.
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