Today's New York Times expands upon details of the deep rift we first learned about in a NY Daily News article yesterday:
"Dick Cheney spent his final days as vice president making a furious last-ditch effort to secure a pardon for his onetime chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby Jr., leaving him at odds with former President George W. Bush on a matter of personal loyalty as the two moved on to private life, according to several former officials.
"The officials said Tuesday that Mr. Cheney’s lobbying campaign on behalf of Mr. Libby was far more intense than previously known, with the vice president bringing it up in countless one-on-one conversations with the president. They said Mr. Bush was unyielding to the end, already frustrated by a deluge of last-minute pardon requests from other quarters.
“The biggest myth of the presidency is that Vice President Cheney always got his way.”
"[Cheney believed] Scooter Libby was ill-served by a president who, in their view, failed to return Mr. Libby’s loyalty and sacrifice. And it points up the distance said to have grown between the two men as their worldviews, once largely in sync, seemed increasingly to diverge in their second term as Mr. Bush took a less hawkish stance.
". . .in an interview with The Weekly Standard last month [Cheney said] that “I strongly believe that he deserved a presidential pardon,” and that “I disagree with President Bush’s decision.”
Last week, Pablo Fanque, the national affairs editor of All This Is That received a transcript--from a GOP political operative who worked in the West Wing until January 20th--of a phone conversation between the former President and Vice President on January 18th, two days before they left office. We reprint the conversation here:
Cheney: You just about have things wrapped up George?
Bush: We're getting there Dick. Honestly, I'm ready to get on that plane and remember what life is really like.
Cheney: Mr. President, I am calling about what I feel is some unfinished business.
Bush: Jesus F***ing Christ! Again? The Libby bulls**t? We've talked about it. We've talked about it again. Nothin's changed Dick. The answer is no. I commuted his sentence. And you both should be happy about that.
Cheney: I am talking about loyalty here George.
Bush: Don't you DARE f***in' lecture me about loyalty. I've considered it and I've reconsidered. The answer is still no. I commuted his sentence. You and your pack don't even give me credit for that. You know what kind of heat I took on that one, Dick?
Cheney: Do you think it's going to hurt your g**d***ed legacy to pardon an old and loyal friend? What that man did for us. He could have thrown us all under the bus. And now in his time of need, you turn your back.
Bush: Enough! You bring this up every f***in' time we talk now. I am The President. And the answer is no. I am not going to change my mind. I've taken plenty of motherfu**in' heat for you over the last last 7 years and 363 days. Shootin' your buddy. And that c***suckin' Haliburton mess. And all the rest of it. Now give it a f***in' rest Dick. I don't want this to cost us our friendship. I don't want this to mess up all that we have accomplished here! Let it go.
Cheney: But Mr. President, no one was ever more loyal to us.
Bush: G**da**it! Shut the f**k up and drop it. From what I read in the briefings, your little buddy brought in millions this year. He doesn't need a f***in' pardon. And he's not getting a f***in' pardon.
Cheney: But George. . .
Bush: Don't you f***in' remember what kind of s***storm he brought down on us? Enough![click]
Cheney: G**damnit! Nobody hangs up on me! [aside to aides: "Who the f**k does he think he is? Well, that's all she wrote. I don't know who or what got to him, but he's hung Scooter out to dry."]
Pull the duracell on the chest gizmo.
Cheney's chest gizmo, I mean.
Truth be told, I don't think this conversation is all that far off from what actually occurred....
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