Monday, July 15, 2013

10 short poems

By Jack Brummet


He was ready to live again
Even if living just meant running
To keep ahead of the ghosts.


Our tenuous hold on earth
Is disguised in our shadows,
Tethered to the ground
By the soles of our feet,
And a theory of gravity.


[Life Is Not A Hardy Novel]

Life is not like a Hardy novel,
'Though it seems so at times.
God's not mad at us;
But his patience is stretched
To a molecule thick.


The stilled hacking of crows
And rainchecked dove's cooroo.


You think one thing,
Say another,
And do a third.

A meditation on the I Ching and Mitt Romney’s comment that “the earth can handle pretty much anything we dish out”

She takes everything we dish out.
So far.

Dragons fight in the meadow
Their blood is black and yellow.

The Reverse King Midas Touch

Sending out feelers and then testing the ground,
The right place was one place he could never be found.

The Return Of The Kings

We never picture the aliens 
Coming in peace
Because we never came in peace.


The rings of the splash
Send dopplers into the void,
Widening and pushing out
In the cold and lonely sea.

The Man In The Mirror

There's a civil war in his head:
Lobe against lobe.

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