Sunday, July 14, 2013

Nine short poems

By Jack Brummet

No Exit, 3

Once you grab a tiger by the tail,
You can never let it go.

Mission Statement

The Army has two duties
To break things, and kill people;
Everything else is just fluff and overhead.

Torches & Pitchforks

The whole
Is far less than the sum
Of its parts:---o0o---


There is no tomorrow
Until we get through
The day after yesterday.

Weather Report

Life is a raindrop
Sizzling as it skitters
Across the universal griddle.


I'm you,
You're me.
All this
Is That.

It's Getting Crowded

We cover the earth
With Venn Diagrams

As our steps
Bisect old steps.

The Marriage

Two tattered mannequins
Prop each other up
In the Salvation Army Store window


He was ready to live again
Even if living just meant running
To keep ahead of the ghosts.

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