Showing posts with label Clint Eastwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clint Eastwood. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Clint Eastwood speech train-wreck

By Jack Brummet, Arts Editor

OK.  I thought Clint Eastwood's speech was the best one I'd ever seen at a GOP (now GOP-Tea Party) convention, and I've been watching them since 1968.   The content was pretty predictable, but the rambling and half-baked facts fit right in with the general tenor of the convention and this slate of candidates.  Was Mitt Romney cringing as badly as he was during Chris Christie's speech?  At least Clint did mention Romney.  This was a great speech because it was so deranged.  I like deranged.  I like Clint Eastwood as a fellow jazz fan, as a masterful director, and pretty decent actor. As a political analyst?  I am guessing he probably garnered more votes for BHO than for the Romney-Ryan ticket.  Did Romney himself give a speech tonight?  Probably.  But I won't remember it tomorrow.  And neither will anyone else.  But we'll never forget Clint's shambling, rambling train-wreck.  I think the Romney speech writers must have been pretty coked up last night or something. Onward to the Dems convention next week.  This is Jack writing because Pablo was apoplectic after tonight's meat parade, and refused to write anything at all.  But he is working it in Tampa, trying to get a couple of minutes with Clint in the spin room.

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