Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Thursday, June 02, 2016

PJ O'Rourke's surprising Presidential pick

PJ O’Rourke says he’d vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Citizen Trump:
“I mean she’s wrong about everything, but she’s wrong within normal parameters.”

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Five things Paul Manafort revealed about Donald Trump yesterday

By Jack Brummet, National Affairs Ed.

Some crazy insane absurd things Paul Manafort (Donald Trump's campaign manager and chief strategist) said about Donald Trump yesterday in an interview with Howard Fineman (formerly Newsweek, now HuffPo):

The vice presidential pick will be part of the process of proving he’s ready for the White House, Manafort said. “He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO.”

Choosing a woman or a member of a minority group to run as vice president, Manafort said, “would be viewed as pandering, I think.”

We shouldn’t expect to ever see Trump’s tax returns.

Trump will be elected president easily. “This is not a hard race,” Manafort said.

“Does he know enough? Yes, because he knows he has more to learn.”

Donald Trump's first dance with the presidency

By Jack Brummet, Election 2016 Ed.

"First, The Donald tantalized us earlier this year, and his polling numbers went--briefly--through the roof. Then he dropped out, but left the door open just a crack. Over the last few months, many of the Republican Presidential wannabes have made the trek to his office (for what--money? his blessing?). The Washington Post had a great piece on their blog in early December titled "2012 Republican are kissing Donald Trump's ring. But why?" It seems that Donald Trump, like most of the rest of the American electorate, has found Republican Clown War sorely lacking in substance, in a viable candidate, a rational platform--lacking in just about everything. Now, Trump has switched his political affiliation to "Independent," and is possibly considering running again. At least that is what some staffers and a spokesperson say. No word on how this would affect his reality show, which could be subject to equal time provisions from other candidates if he did decide to run.
From today's Christian Science Monitor:

"Given his not-too-shabby polling numbers, deep pockets, and new-found status as a registered independent, business mogul Donald Trump is in a decent position to launch a third-party run for president of the United States.
"The snark on the street is that Mr. Trump, a temperamental fellow who has toggled his party affiliation before, dumped the Republican Party on Thursday in anger after only two in the large field of GOP presidential candidates agreed to attend a debate he was slated to moderate. Some Republican hopefuls had questioned whether it was ethical for Trump to host a debate while considering a potential presidential run himself.
"A Trump spokesman, however, said his boss dropped out of the debate and changed his party affiliation "to preserve his right to run for president as an independent."

If you do run, Mr. Trump, may we suggest that you sign up your old friend, the Ex-Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, as your running mate? With a double whammy like that, what could possibly go wrong?

Monday, April 04, 2016

Regifted Trump election signs

By Jack Brummet

Our hero Dean Ericksen today delivered three yards of compost to our driveway. He also delivered/re-gifted four political signs that were left in his yard earlier this year.


Saturday, April 02, 2016

Donald Trump's abortion position, Version 3.0/Faces #1381

By Jack Brummet, GOP-Tea Party Ed.

Donald Trump has again revised his position on abortion punishment again. He's up to version 3.0.
Earlier this week, in a town hall, he told Chris Matthews there should be "some form of punishment" for women who get abortions if the procedure is outlawed.  He backed off that remark after a savage reaction from people across the political spectrum. It's a little hard to tell who he angered the most--the Democrats or Republicans.  Then, the next day, he said the doctors should be punished.  

On this weekend's Face The Nation, Mr. Trump says (in an excerpt broadcast Friday on CBS Evening News,) "The laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way."  In other words, he says "never mind," and takes the liberal/Demo position.  There seems to be no reaction from the GOP-Tea Party so far. . .

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Chris Christie's winter of regret

By Jack Brummet, National Affairs Ed.

This quote is from a Chicago Tribune commentary yesterday on Chris Christie. They describe him standing behind Trump at his Tuesday victory speech:

"He had the face of a man who has used his third wish and realized too late that 'may my family never starve' could be twisted to mean that the genie should murder his entire family."

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 redirects to Donald Trump's official website

By Mona Goldwater, Errors & Omissions Ed.

At some point along the road to the White House, Jeb Bush's team forgot to renew the domain  While their official site is, clicking on now takes you to Donald Trump's page. . .which Trump recently and gleefully announced. This typifies the sad arc and ending of a bumbling campaign. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Photos: Old friends, Bill and Donald Trump; Donald Trump with Hillary Rodham Clinton

It looks like Donald Trump just may target Hillary/Bill for WJC's highly suspect in my booklet, race-baiting comments in the 2008 primaries. After Obama's win, Clinton mentioned that Jesse Jackson won South Carolina's primary in 1984 and 1988 - victories that went nowhere. The remarks angered many black voters and officials in ‪#‎SC‬ who viewed it as an attempt to weaken Obama, who was, by then, Hillary Clinton's only real rival. -  
By Mona Goldwater, All This Is That, GOP-Tea Party Ed.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

David Duke endorses Donald Trump for President

By Mona Goldwater, Social Mores Ed.

David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan leader called Donald Trump "certainly the best of the lot." Duke explained most chillingly: 
"I think he understands the real sentiment of America."

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

All This Is That live Tweets from the November 10, 2015 Republican Debate

By Jack Brummet, GOP-Tea Party Ed.

13 hours ago
Ding ding. Closing statements. 

14 hours ago
Kasich: "no more criticizing Israel in public." Worth the hand waving & interruptions? Interesting new debate dynamics. 

14 hours ago
Trump: why does she keep interrupting everyone? 

14 hours ago
Carly Fiorina got a second double ding.  wouldn't speak to Putin because we'd be coming in in a position of weakness.  Ca-ca. 

14 hours ago
Jeb. Yeah.  He came in looking for a home run.  He'll be lucky to survive with a walk. 

RT David Corn @DavidCornDC
RIght now, Bush aides are drawing straws to see who has to go out into the spin room?

14 hours ago
Carson: Our goals is not to contain them, but destroy them. 
Embedded image permalink

14 hours ago
Trump: China is the #1 abuser of this country. 

Kasich comes off like an insufferable ass. Why does he keep interrupting?

14 hours ago
Ding ding. 

14 hours ago
Did they have a secret meeting to take a pledge not to act like clowns this time?  It couldn't have just happened, could it? 

14 hours ago
Cruz:  there are more words in the tax code than in the Bible.  And none of them are as good

I forgot to mention that Senator Rubio mentioned Candy Crush in an answer.  #He'sHip?

15 hours ago
Kasich just launched the first attack on someone on stage.  He attacked Trump over mass deportations. Now Bush, Trump jump in/start slugging away. 

15 hours ago
Carson giving a mini-lecture about lies seems a little disingenuous this week....

15 hours ago
Round one over. No one has said anything crazy yet. . .or taken on any of the other candidates.
Embedded image permalink

15 hours ago
Fiorina softened last debate's helmet cut. Sounding very hoarse.  

15 hours ago
Bush:  "it may be the best Hillary can do,  but it's not the best America can do."  Looking very serious.

15 hours ago
Rubio:  we need more welders and less philosophers. 

15 hours ago
Carson speaking now.  After the past week, you expect some enormous whopper.  He, too, would not raise the minimum wage. 

15 hours ago
Donald Trump's first answer sounded sane (other than the content).

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

"The laws of physics do not apply to Donald Trump"

From last night's Morning Joe news and commentary show: 

"The laws of physics do not apply to Donald Trump." 

It's true. Image: Donald Trump with future cabinet member Ex-Governor Sarah Palin.

Monday, July 27, 2015


By Jack Brummet

An Economist/YouGov poll last Friday showed that Donald Trump is now 28% of registered Republican voters 1st choice, up from 15% in early July.


a) Novelty. Remember Herman Cain soared in the polls early on too, mostly for also shooting his mouth off. 
b) The GOP rank and file is an aging, and slightly/largely deranged demographic. 
c) They are fed up with lame candidates like McCain and Romney (although this is hardly the solution to that). 
d) Sending a message to the others.
e) People love rich guys. Sure, most of the other candidates are multimillionaires, but Donald TrumpEts it. 
f) They want their own, as Sarah Palin would say, "mavericky" candidate like Bernie Sanders.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Donald Trump, the man without a party (Run, Donald, Run!) re-reconsiders, and a suggestion for running mate

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
illustrations by Jack Brummet

First, The Donald tantalized us earlier this year, and his polling numbers went--briefly--through the roof.  Then he dropped out, but left the door open just a crack.  Over the last few months, many of the Republican Presidential wannabes have made the trek to his office (for what--money?  his blessing?).  The Washington Post had a great piece on their blog in early December titled "2012 Republican are kissing Donald Trump's ring.  But why?"

It seems that Donald Trump, like most of the rest of the American electorate, has found Republican Clown War sorely lacking in substance, in a viable candidate, a rational platform--lacking in just about everything.  Now, Trump has switched his political affiliation to "Independent," and is possibly considering running again.  At least that is what some staffers and a spokesperson say.  No word on how this would affect his reality show, which could be subject to equal time provisions from other candidates if he did decide to run. 

From today's Christian Science Monitor:
Given his not-too-shabby polling numbers, deep pockets, and new-found status as a registered independent, business mogul Donald Trump is in a decent position to launch a third-party run for president of the United States.
The snark on the street is that Mr. Trump, a temperamental fellow who has toggled his party affiliation before, dumped the Republican Party on Thursday in anger after only two in the large field of GOP presidential candidates agreed to attend a debate he was slated to moderate. Some Republican hopefuls had questioned whether it was ethical for Trump to host a debate while considering a potential presidential run himself.

A Trump spokesman, however, said his boss dropped out of the debate and changed his party affiliation "to preserve his right to run for president as an independent."

If you do run, Mr. Trump, may we suggest that you sign up your old friend, the Ex-Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, as your running mate?  With a double whammy like that, what could possibly go wrong?

Photo: source unknown

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Sarah Palin and Donald Trump Love Fest At Pizza Joint/Trump doesn't close the door on running himself

By Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Editor

Gawkers snap photos outside the now legendary political summit
between two strategic masterminds

Ex-Governor Palin and Apprentice-master Trump met for lunch yesterday at a midtown pizza chain.  The New York Daily News probably had the best quote on the tête à tête  These two have to be making the Republicans crazy.  All we can say is: Keep it up Donald and Sarah!

"We do like each other and I will tell you more than anything else, she loves this country," Trump told Fox News.

He also told them, apropos running for President, "If I'm not happy with what I see, I could very easily change my mind. ... I'm not happy with what I see," Trump said. "In 11 months, I'm totally free to do whatever I want to do."

ABC News quoted Trump on the Ex-Governor, "I’ll tell you she's a great woman, a terrific woman, and a great friend," and finally, he said, "I'd love her to run."

Palin praised Trump's "independence" and "willingness to speak his mind."  She told reporters the two are "on the same page" when it comes to GOP candidates and issues.


Sunday, May 01, 2011

Obama Vs. Trump: What a great time for the Correspondent's Dinner. We most enjoyed seeing The Donald cringing under the kleig lights

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

It was good to see The Chief tear into The Donald at the correspondent's dinner. Trump was booed and ostracized by the entire crowd, and Seth Meyers administered the coup de grâce. Trump was clearly and most deservedly pained.

illustration by jack brummet

BHO: “Donald Trump is here tonight. Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is prouder to put this birth certificate to rest than The Donald. Now he can get to focusing on the issues that matter. Like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened at Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?”