My fierce competitor Dean Ericksen has beaten me to the punch again. Jump here to Dean's blog to hear one of the very best viral audio files of all time. . .a disgruntled Southern Man, a Texan actually (Randy Taylor), unloading on the Jimmy Dean Pure Pork Sausage complaint line.
An excerpt:
An excerpt:
"You've got three men who weigh over 200 pounds apiece, a woman that's a little plump--Scotch girl--and a daughter who's 13, and you're going to try to take a 12 ounce roll of sausage and a couple dozen eggs and feed that, it ain't going to work. And I'm not going to purchase your product anymore or ever again. And as far as your 16 ounce maple and sage, I don't eat that. I'm not from the North. I'm a Texas man. Jimmy Dean sausage is for southern people to eat with their breakfast with their fried eggs and their T-bone steak."---o0o---