Showing posts with label jack bruimmet poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jack bruimmet poem. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Poem: With/Without Words

by Jack Brummet

If I don't write it down
It's gone like a pickpocket,
Easing back into the crowd.

If I don’t write it down,
The earth, unaware
Of the loss,

Spins away--
With or without
The words.

If I don’t write it down,
The words race away
Like a hit and run driver.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Poem: Dragons

You may be a bottomless chasm.
But every bucket needs a bottom.

You may be receptive.
But every bucket soon fills up.

The earth's factory setting
Is receptive

She takes on everything we dish out.
So far.

Dragons fight in the meadow
Their blood is black and yellow.