Showing posts with label Greek poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greek poetry. Show all posts

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Poem: Dragons

You may be a bottomless chasm.
But every bucket needs a bottom.

You may be receptive.
But every bucket soon fills up.

The earth's factory setting
Is receptive

She takes on everything we dish out.
So far.

Dragons fight in the meadow
Their blood is black and yellow.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Text warping tools online at Festisite

I used a few lines from a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago...and waved them, circularized them, rebus'd them, and mazed them. . .

Thursday, November 06, 2008

List of some of my favorite poets and their books

I know I've left out some key poets and poems, but that is the problem with lists!

William Blake - Songs of Innocence and Experience; America, A Prophecy; Jerusalem; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

James Dickey - Falling and other poems; Selected Poems; Buckdancer's Choice

Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass

Poetry is the shadow
cast by our streetlight
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Christopher Smart - Jubilate Agno

Lord Byron - Don Juan

Lawrence Ferlinghetti - A Coney Island of the Mind; Populist Manifesto; The secret meaning of things; Northwest ecolog; Starting from San Francisco

Mark Strand - Darker, Reasons for Moving, Stories of our Lives

Charles Bukowski - Screams from the Balcony; Crucifix in a deathhand; Burning in water, drowning in flame; The days run away like wild horses

Pablo Neruda - Selected poems; 20 love poems; Book of questions; Residence on earth

John Ashberry - Collected poems (1956-87); Note from the air

Elizabeth Bishop - The Collected Poems; Geography III

William Shakespeare - The Sonnets

William Butler Yeats - Collected Poems. I am partial to his later poems, but he didn't write many bad ones.

Allen Ginsberg -Howl; Kaddish; The Fall of America; Reality Sandwiches

John Berryman - The Dream Songs

Anne Sexton - The Awful Rowing Toward God; Transformations; To Bedlam And Partway Back; Collected Poems

William Wordsworth - Lyrical Ballads; Recollections of Early Childhood; The Prelude

Frank O'Hara - Selected Poems; Meditations in an emergency; Lunch Poems

Ted Berrigan - The Sonnets; Selected Poems; Many Happy Returns

Sylvia Plath - Ariel; The Colossus; Crossing The Water; Collected Poems

James Wright - The Branch Will Not Break; Shall we gather at the river; Collected poems; Saint Judas

Carl Sandburg - The people, yes; Chicago Poems; Slabs of the sunburnt west;

T.S. Eliot - Collected Poems (as long as they include The Waste Land, J. Alfred Prufrock, Four Quartets, and Burnt Norton)

Robert Lowell - Life studies; For the union dead; The Notebook; Lord Weary's Castle; Collected Poems

Ezra Pound - The Cantos

Arthur Rimbaud - Illuminations; A season in hell

Garcia Federico Lorca - Poet in New York; Selected poems

Nikos Kazantzakis - The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel. I'd always liked this work, but renewed by acquaintance after last summer, when I was in Greece, and had a poetry reading in a bookstore and they had me read several long passages from this book--because they wanted to hear what it sounded like in English. They liked it.

Emily Dickinson - Collected Poems. In my booklet, she was the first great American poet, and right at the top of the rockpile for all time.

e.e. cummings - Selected or Collected Poems.

Wallace Stevens - Collected Poems; The Emperor of Ice Cream; Harmonium. Who'd have thought an insurance executive could write such beautiful, moving, dense, lyrical poems?

William Carlos Williams - Collected Shorter Poems; Paterson; Imaginations; Pictures from Breughel and other poems; Asphodel: That Greeny Flower and Other Love Poems

Theodore Roethke - Collected Poems.

Robert Hershon - The German Lunatic; Into a punchline; The Public Hug: New and Selected Poems

Gregory Corso - The Vestal Lady on Brattle; Gasoline; Elegiac Feelings American

Kenneth Koch - Collected Poems

Jack Kerouac - Scattered Poems; Book of Blues; Mexico City Blues

Richard Hugo - Collected Poems; The Lady in Kicking Horse Reservoir

See also, A List Of Lists On All This Is that

Friday, July 11, 2008

My poetry reading in Heraklion, Crete

I am literally falling asleep as I try to write this, so will wrap it up tomorrow. We stumbled into a Greek poetry bookstore today. After some incredible name drops on both sides of people we mutually loved, the owner looked up some of my poetry and then hauled out a bottle of wine, and wanted to talk poetry.

After a glass of wine, he handed me two books of translations of Kazanstakis and Odysseus Elytis. He wanted me to read two long poems in English aloud and we both had a great time hearing them in English. One was the prologue to Kaz's Sequel to the Odyssey. I was very moved by the event, and it was a real highlight of the trip so far. What a great, random find and event. I have now had my first European poetry reading, and made a friend in the poetry world of Greece.