Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Drawing: Faces #1061 - The downsizing announcement, or, the wrong room to be in

by Jack Brummet

click to enlarge


ATIT Reheated: nude TSA scans of George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Michele Bachmann, Glee's Dianna Agron, and Jessica Alba found online

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor 
and Mona Goldwater, Gen X Desk

From March, 2011

To no one's real surprise, an underground market for body scan images taken by the TSA has popped up.  In fact, the All This Is That editors were able to purchase explicit, nude "backscatter" images of George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann, Glee's Dianna Agron and Jessica Alba, among others.  We purchased these images 50 minutes after we began searching--from an underground, but fairly easily found website, with a room labelled "TSA's Hottest And Greatest Hits."   Jack hooked us up with an email  reference and we were in. 

Jack Brummet, our arts, paranormal, and animal husbandry editor, began this story with a sonic boom and then bugged out.  He handed it off  to us and hooked us up with his contact in TSA management, who--surprise!--denied everything.  You could tell he was lying because he really sucked at it.  Jack's contact (a guy just below the top exec, level of the TSA) told him the TSA had discovered that employees were trading high quality TSA screening scans--digitally enhanced photos of celebrities and of "hot" men and women, often in categories like "grotesque" "hot jailbait" "long dong silvers" "great racks" or "belugas."  Not long before TSA security swept in, the images began appearing online, and finally, for sale online.

The TSA and other government agencies often tout the quality of "Advanced Imaging Technology" like the Gen 2 millimeter wave scanner from Brijot Imaging Systems, Inc., while assuring customers that their operators "cannot store, print, transmit or save the image, and the image."

what you see in a digitally reversed backscatter body scan

Gizmodo busted them on that set of lies, by requesting (under the Freedom Of Information Act) 100 scans from among the 35,000 federal agents had saved on the scanner that "cannot store. . .or save the image."  The images Gizmodo released were less explicit images from the older scanning technology, not the new "backscatter" X-ray technology.  The backscatter images leave nothing to the imagination, which is how the trading and then black market for the celebrity and other images emerged. 

The TSA, natch, posits that the leaked photos on Gizmodo were fakes.  The TSA announced on their blog that the images they look at (but do not save!) look like this (click here to visit the TSA blog):

what the TSA claims you see in a body scan

Faces #1061 - Downsizing announcement/the wrong room

By Jack Brummet

click to enlarge


Monday, March 23, 2015

Stunning 16 mm home movie of Seattle shot in 1955 (includes amazing aerial island and mountain footage)

Film shot by "Jeff Altman's Grandfather"

"In 1955 my grandfather made a trip to Seattle, WA during his time with the Naval Air Reserve. He brought his 16mm camera along and captured these great images."


Drawing: Faces No. 1053 - Much much later

By Jack Brummet

[scribe on India Ink scratchboard, with a digitally reversed version - click to enlarge]


Sleepy Hollow, a/k/a Kalachi: The town whose residents fall asleep for no apparent reason

By Jack Brummet, Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomena Ed.

The documentary web site,, in December released a fascinating documentary on Sleepy Hollow, or, the city of Kalachi in Kazakhstan.

"They call it Sleepy Hollow. A small village in Kazakhstan which has succumbed to a mysterious ailment – its dwellers keep falling asleep for no apparent reason. The indiscriminate illness has no cure. Episodes begin without warning, and those affected never know if they will wake up again. Some blame ghosts, others – closed uranium mines located nearby. But despite multiple attempts by medics and scientists to solve the riddle, the causes and consequences of the disease remain unknown. Now the RTD team goes to Kalachi village to undertake its own investigation."


The end of the world, or the end of humanity?

By Jack Brummet

What we call the end of the world is really the end of humanity; those are two different propositions...the whole bright blue ball may thrive without Homo Sapiens. It could be a chimp in charge, or maybe cockroaches would run the show; It could be Eden, before God inserted Adam and Eve.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The XM42™ Flamethrower soon available to the general public

By Jack Brummet, Mayhem Ed.

From XM42: "Revived from its first prototype in 2008, we’ve created a fully functioning device that’s been undergoing testing and development over the past few months"

"The XM42™ is the world’s first commercially available handheld flamethrower on the market.
You can pre-order your own by contributing to our upcoming IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign! If the campaign is funded, the XM42 will continue to be available for pre-orders on IndieGoGo."

"The device will regularly be available for sale on once production begins."  For more information, jump here to their website. . .

Scratchboard Drawing: Faces No. 1040 - The Fiancées

By Jack Brummet

[a) scribe on India Ink scratchboard; b) image digitally reversed - click to enlarge]
