Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Alien Lore No. 61 - Ronald Reagan, Steven Spielberg, UFOs and aliens

On June 27, 1982, Ronald Reagan brought Steven Spielberg to the White House
to screen ET: The Extraterrestrial.

After the screening, The President put his hand on Spielberg's shoulder and said "You know, there aren't six people in this room who know how true this really is."

At the time, the conspiracy nuts/UFOlogists discussed how the original E.T. had changed into a cartoon-like creature, unlike the Greys most contactees and abductees reported. In the end, the model for E.T. alien was based on a snapping turtle embryo with Albert Einstein's eyes. A government insider allegedly told Spielberg that the alien model was too close to the truth, and had to be changed. Obviously, this was never proved and Spielberg refuses to comment on the matter.

Spielberg told the story of Reagan's "how true this is" comment to Hollywood television producer Jamie Shandera while Shandera was helping a Japanese film crew shoot a documentary on Spielberg.

Since then Spielberg has refused to talk to reporters or researchers about his conversation with Reagan, according to several sources. Either he's been muzzled (the popular theory, of course), or he's sick of talking to nutjob UFO researchers. . .

James A. Baker III, Chief of Staff, Edwin Meese III, Counselor, and Michael K. Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff, met in the White House Situation Room where the President participated in a briefing of the U.S. Space Program. Participants included six members of the National Security Council or National Security Affairs and no one from NASA. The absence of NASA from a Space Program briefing is highly unusual, especially since President Reagan would attend a U.S. Space Shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base just a few days later.

A couple months later, President Reagan showed up in Roswell, New Mexico to give a speech for the re-election of Harrison (Jack) Schmitt. Schmitt, the Republican Senator (and Apollo 17 astronaut) from New Mexico was the last man to walk on the moon.

Schmitt said, "If the government has any information on UFO's, it should be released to the public -- barring anything that might affect national security. We ought to be involved in a search to find out if there's any good evidence that UFOs really are spacecraft that are being piloted by extraterrestrial beings."

He went on to qualify that somewhat: "The existence of intelligent life elsewhere in our universe is highly probable. . .that such life would visit our star and planet, however, is unlikely, but not impossible given the large number of choices it would have for such a visit. Further, the so-called UFOs have not done a very good job of communicating for life (that's) intelligent enough to travel between stars."

President Reagan in his speech at Roswell said "It feels good to be here in the land of enchantment and far away from a place of disenchantment on the banks of the Potomac. Jack (Schmitt), are you sure you want to go back there? [Laughter] Of course, having once been an astronaut, Jack Schmitt is probably the only one who feels at home there; because Washington is in orbit most of the time about one thing or another."

President Reagan's speech at The Roswell Industrial Air Center was made just outside Hanger 84, the rumored repository for the UFO wreckage and bodies found near Roswell in July 1947.

another photgraph of President George Bush and Jack Abramoff

Following up yesterday's photo, another shot of Jack Abramoff and The President has turned up:

As Time Magazine said, "[these photographs] are likely to see the light of day eventually because celebrity tabloids are on the prowl for them. And that has been a fear of the Bush team's for the past several months..."

According to a reliable source on the Vice-President's staff, "The Veep, POTUS, and Abramoff were having dinner and drinking bourbon at Abramoff's restaurant. They played various drinking games, blah blah blah, things seriously degenerated and finally, on a dare, The President stripped to his briefs and danced for a small crowd of officials and Secret Service agents."

Photo by Jonathan Schwarz.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Bush and Abramoff captured together in explicit photographs

click photograph to enlarge

As the Abramoff scandal continues to unfold, envelop, and roil the G.O.P., the President's flacks have continually denied that he ever really met with Jack Abramoff, other than casually in large groups.

The online edition of TIME magazine is reporting they have "seen five photographs of Abramoff and the President that suggest a level of contact between them that Bush's aides have downplayed. While TIME's source refused to provide the pictures for publication, they are likely to see the light of day eventually because celebrity tabloids are on the prowl for them. And that has been a fear of the Bush team's for the past several months..."

All This Is That managed to find a copy of one of the alleged photographs, depicting the President and the lobbyist-felon in a hot tub with a young woman. According to our source, this is the most innocent of the pictures. Other photographs contain explicit three-way conjugations and pairings, and one humorous snapshot depicts The President and Mr. Abramoff "sword fighting," posed in a battle for the 'hand' of an especially pneumatic blond escort."

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Painting: President Bush and Karl Rove hold a press conference to reassure the Republican faithful that all is well, and all will continue to be well

Click painting to enlarge

A new Secretary Donald Rumsfeld poem - Not A One

A new Secretary Donald Rumsfeld poem from his 12/24/2005 briefing to Task Force Freedom in Mosul, Iraq. Created by the Secretary, arranged and versified by Jack Brummet

Not A One

Now we've got a choice here
We could just eat
And I could walk around
And meet some of you folks

And take a picture
And shake your hands
I can go back and serve
You some more lobster or steak

Or I could answer some questions
If some of you have questions
I'll respond to questions

I'll answer the ones
I know the answers to
And I'll ask General Rodriguez
To answer the tough ones

Does anyone have a question
That's burning a hole
In their pocket?
Not a one.
Selected previous Rumsfeld poems on All This Is That:

Poem: Clarity By Donald Rumsfeld
Poem: Those Glass Boxes By Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
The Poetry Of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Part 3::::::That's Life
The Poetry of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld VI:::::Predicting The Future
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld VIII::::::Litany: What I Don't Do
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld IX::::::Accuracy
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld X:::::::::Where Is Osama bin Laden?
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XI:::::::::Existence, Evidence, Absence
The Poetry of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XIV::::::::The Unknown
New Rumsfeld Poems From The Dec. 6, 2005 Defense Dept. Briefing

Friday, January 20, 2006

Audioblogger: Poem - The Variations

this is an audio post - click to play

I wanted to read a poem tonight. I read a few William Carlos Williams and Marianne Moore poems to warm up. And for you, I read a poem I wrote around Christmas, The Variations. Click on the audio post button to hear my reading. You can also save the file to your PC or iPod. As if! /jack

The Variations

I don't know which is better
The thing itself
Or the chicanes



Blurring and
That transmogrify the tale with time

I don't know which is better
To see the baby emerge
Or to see who the baby becomes

I don't know which is better
To ponder the variations
Or to not

These rogue and rococo thoughts
Skitter sideways
Like a sideshuffling crab

Using evasive tactics
In case anyone locks on
And attempts to impose

A framework
Of coherence and congruence
On these fitfully nuanced palabra

If you actually begin to understand
What I am writing
We have all missed the point

Sometimes I don't know
What it means
Until someone else tells me

Sometimes I don't know
If it's better to pull your leg
Or my own

I don't know which is better
The fog and the detours
Or the thing itself.

bin Laden's offer of a truce smells worse than his camel's a**

After another year of hiding in caves (and never croaking as many believed, or hoped), Osama bin Laden crawled out his rathole and warned in a tape released today that Al Qaeda was cooking up other attacks on America. He offered a "long truce" on undefined terms.

In the tape, bin Laden addressed the American people directly, saying of his supporters, "Our situation is getting better while yours is getting worse."

You imbecilic piece of dogs***, bin Laden. Why wouldn't we have a truce with someone as honorable as you? Don't confuse our disgust with the Iraq war with thinking we're a bunch of malleable sob sisters. I may be wrong about this, but I think the majority of us who don't believe in the war would welcome the opportunity to blow your brains out at point blank range and then calmly walk across the street for a brewski.

My Dog Slugger

click to enlarge

Slugger had recently returned to our house after being banished for snapping at me when I was a baby. The snapshot is very likely winter 1955.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Uncle Guy, more hillbilly cred, and living a good life

Click photograph to enlarge
Loa Servis (my sister), Guy Huber (my great uncle), and Johnnie Brummet (aka Jack)

Of all my relatives, one of the few held in high regard was my Great Uncle Guy. He lived in a ramshackle cabin on the Cowlitz River in the rural village of Castle Rock, Washington (just downstream from Mount Saint Helens). He owned a ferry to transport people across the river (and save them the hour of driving up to the next bridge). My mom, Betty Brummet, thinks the boat was tethered to a cable anchored across the river. The boat carried one car and passengers on deck. I don't know what he charged. A quarter, four bits, a buck? Actually, a buck seems steep. . .

Uncle Guy lost a leg in his twenties. He was run over by a logging train; somehow one of his legs survived. My mom remembers hearing that he was drug away, on a mattress that soaked through with his blood, and that he barely survived. He had a wooden leg (none of these modern articulated, titanium wonders), which I just realized is perhaps the reason I have references to wooden legs in at least three of my poems. Come to think of it, I remember him having the kids give it a good kick. If you've been a reader here a while, you may also remember he is not the only person in my family missing a limb...in fact if you click here, you'll see my Grandpa Del sitting in the very same chair two years earlier, while I teethed on his hook arm!

Studying Huber family photographs, it's clear that most of their genetic flaws--girth, stubby legs (my inseam is the same as Keelin's, and she's eight inches shorter) were passed right along to the next generation. . .not to mention their heads. The Hubers had long heads, and they had big heads, a trait they passed along. My head's not in the John Kerry or Lurch category, but it's right up there. I'm a 7 7/8 hat size.

Betty Brummet remembers his cabin, rain on the tin roof, and the sound of the Cowlitz River rushing by. He was a lifelong bachelor, but had a longtime girlfriend "Sis," who promised her father on his deathbed she would never marry, and take care of her mother. I don't know if I remember eating smelt Uncle Guy brought or not, but I can't eat or hear about smelt without thinking of him. He was one of Grandma Galvin's three brothers and four sisters.

Sidebar: I ended up with three grandmas, and four grandpas.

I can't remember a lot about Guy, but I know everyone was happy when he came to town. He was one of those guys who lit up a room just being there. In the grand scale of things, it really doesn't get much better than that. (Author raises a glass to Uncle Guy).

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

House Republicans take the high road after the low road becomes too treacherous to navigate

House Republicans have moved to seize the initiative for ethics reform yesterday with a sweeping package of proposed changes, including banning privately sponsored travel like that arranged by convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

The proposed bill also eliminates Congressional pensions for anyone convicted of a felony related to official duties. That could come in handy in the next few months!

Fark.com hilariously said "House Republicans unveil new ethics plan. Said to be modeled after the 'throwing deck chairs off the Titanic to prevent it from sinking' plan."
