Sunday, August 08, 2010

Candidate Dr. Rand Paul? Pothead? Kidnapper? Mocker of religion?

By Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Editor

As you probably know by now, Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul helped *allegedly* kidnap a female student and tried to force her to smoke marijuana in a "prank" during his days at Texas's Baylor University, a GQ article reported.

Paul, with another member of a "secret liberal society" targeted a woman who was a teammate on the swim team.  The kidnappers were members of the NoZe Brotherhood, an organization of liberal-minded students at the Waco, TX Baptist college.

The woman told GQ "He and Randy [Paul] came to my house, they knocked on my door, and then they blindfolded me, tied me up, and put me in their car.  They took me to their apartment and tried to force me to take bong hits. They'd been smoking pot."

Later, they drove her to a creek in the countryside and forced her to worship a bogus God.  "They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman said.

"The whole thing was kind of sadistic. They were messing with my mind. It was some kind of joke."

Paul campaign manager Jesse Benton told it was weighing its options, including legal options. “We will not tolerate drive-by journalism by a writer with a leftist agenda."  Benton never explicitly denied the story.  That is telling in itself.

You have to wonder how Dr. Paul can possibly wiggle out of this one.  This can't play too favorably with his base, whoever they are. . .

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Worst Boss Ever (nawwww....but he's way up there): Edward Mike Davis and the Tiger Oil Memos

By Jack Brummet
Social Mores Editor

First, thanks to regular tipster Dean Ericksen for pointing out this treasure trove!

The excellent blog, Letter of Note, has just released a fascinating compendium of Edward Mike Davis's Tiger Oil Company memos.  This guy makes Buddy Rich look look warm and cuddly.  He is consistently angry, tyrannical, and unintentionally humorous. 

As I also wrote about that Johnny Carson egg sketch with Dom DeLuise, this makes 30 years ago seem like a long, long time.  Jump over to Letters of Note and check out these gems

The website also includes transcripts of all 22 memos.  Wow.  Many years ago, I had one boss nearly this bad, at Carl Fischer Music Publishers in NYC.  What kept him in check was that he was not actually the owner of the company, although he liked you to believe he was.  He was like a zeppelin in a hurricane, straining at his moorings.  It seemed like any minute he could go completely crackers...He had a frightening, but in retrospect, awesome and wonderful pompadour.  He was from Staten Island, natch.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Alien Lore No. 176 -- More X Files from Europe

Thanks to a good friend of All This Is That, Dr. Stephen Clarke-Willson, for another great tip.

As you know from previous Alien Lore stories here, over the last year or so, Russia, France, and England have opened up and begun releasing their UFO/Grey/Alien files. Literally thousand of documents have already been released by these three countries, with many thousands more queued up for release as I type this.

The Brits just released their latest batch--including a letter saying that Winston Churchill ordered a 50 year cover-up of a wartime encounter between a UFO and military pilot.

The files, published by England's National Archives, "span decades and contain scores of witness accounts, sketches and classified briefing notes documenting mysterious sightings across the country," according to Reuters.

An unidentified letter writer in 1999 says that a Royal Air Force plane returning from a mission in Europe during World War Two was "approached by a metallic UFO." The author says his grandfather attended a wartime meeting between Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower during which the two expressed concern over the incident and "decided to keep it secret." The Ministry of Defence was unable to find any primary source materials regarding this claim: and , in addition, "... the MoD does not have any expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/flying saucer' matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms, about which it remains totally open-minded."

An earlier release--an ATIT Alien Lore post,--details a 1995 sighting. A plane approaching Manchester airport experienced a near-collision with an "unidentified object," in which a witness claimed he saw a UFO "20 times the size of a football field." (Just about Independence Day-sized). An investigation failed to turn up anything.

"Prior to the demise of the Former Soviet Union, aircraft were scrambled some 200 times annually to intercept and investigate uncorrelated tracks penetrating the UK Air defence region (AKADR) from the north..." it said. The last scramble was in September 1991 -- just about the time the Soviet Union imploded.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Jim Thompson on bucking the tide

This inspiring quote comes from Jim Thompson's last story.

"Would they do it?" I said. "How can you be sure they would, Mr. Krutz? Have you ever thought about the potential in a crusade for not doing the things that someone else would do if you didn't?"

A few seconds later, the narrator brutally murders Mr. Krutz. OK--in light of later developments, maybe it's not so inspiring. You have to admit, 'though, that sentence "Have you ever thought..." is pretty good.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kinks Videos & Slideos

Friday night, we attended the Sunset Tavern's Kinks tribute show we attended Friday].  It re-inspired me (and with The Kinks, I don't need much inspiration) to listen to their albums and watch some of the videos.

An awesome fan YouTube tribute of one of the great Kinks tunes, Waterloo Sunset:

One of their big hits, Lola, performed on the great Brit show Tops of the Pops.

Jack The Idiot Dunce. Someone covered this at the show Friday night, and it was one of the great covers that night. Keelin and I went to see them in Asbury Park on this tour in 1977. It was fab.


Friday, July 30, 2010

The Egg Trick

A lot has happened in 30 years, both to us, and on television.  There is a certain intangible sweetness and innocence here in this sktech/performance piece. 
