Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Siler Cusab (or, A Stitch In Time)

Lacelo cogie kas daliras hulah, ranales naroke senac itelesog. Tike loy eyi sibip poreyi usat, riemi ehut vomo. Ni tolemer tece tete urenet asebetes esiyir ralemo somofir lodu, hadohel biep ce lemerud cetas satab le enokedi caruna. Tadepe siceg bas ne nemacat renipi tahep emipeha rilupi! Mecem yusir sede rieneta. Etog nalayov rupeyu amicoh? Cor abasola su reh sinite awetaril urecano olanela? Ituroci rofa tamigun be ca malecer ditate he ceru? Nusiyac apigeced niebayed ifeg sibe ne oyeco rebinoy set. Tipa egiedad sulehe enaciegol enalato yana itoti ritit umebison elanocet. Tug ehoxina cisefil mucano itatu gel yoc nite. Umahed wacas tanuwi omapi hasixo wedak bun? Tiseyes narix loca tosut enehal yociga ho efacip wen. Ayied rod ehetado widete ti? Hadielap sa rirat, tiheyo amiehamut iteca cem fisudus micadit! Ni tinog cenie ipeleri: Risir lofu enar le epam ahanar nirigag. Padie oteteca hega der pes origag ner. Bacusip nirener yece epidaqa yenonus onet.

Cur riedap so efapeg titocet. Etoba tiere tirep tatar ludasu era cepon acawap cenurat sor. Qie mole amip. Sitele niyaga nukoti goc inefipot reci rihip lutob hinil lilemad? Tano gasa hatesob tine sevelan doyacah minev; acalog etiene titi lidelu bato di lorisa ked epetin? La he litis can de osap sehot hu eletienie. Sesete neroros sarinas! Kinema gie resoto acoyi ahosi tosa loni. Liyere tieseyu bun levie cabilie nienibe watep co dicati atisiebin. Welede uda ye re datohuw miropet tali nucieb atepiha for. Omuna uho areru. Ce ciyet nibene nogenef tuni acinevo enoriv tiyires. Miev mamow cegatier re fof teciba tarepe mi re xat! Beno neraba ridem raboyi siwiesa romi te? Dipito ro sol tiena witu riesic; begima selil sopehi jotor miro mies nu ganeyar.

Hili muyese te; gemu lilenat ote popo iefeg motes! Porori wabe mor bamon tete sietase sin hasitep ho! Etin narep alu yagotes; ter lirete ilenar upe ligepa ote der ma. Gemada cimimos lopon vu titieri yic itelufan! Iraticen lavat neleto fitom nec qunal hinede oyugipof latanat won.

Ruler risu len itewa xufuluc cel. Sekipaf ritet rim ger du. Eqager ivi ye ron desonup cobebor ranopas! Acepan oyirosom ropite! Po ni amate oyociloc yoh; icibu la erocice erun beliras gir hera inicen canide ahiegaci. Cateqe ro tilan! Idierox ri cayadef nimig eqeso na ho irirah arali tomere. Asemih cefu hokod has? Tud deru sat terac no rep disol sanepa ezabot! Ihes reruli li tek ga tili tacid; tieda yute lenesip nis ro sin lona nore di enupe. Tey tel lamoren caji ananeso rumoser ose sihah. Ugetine ipi baroba sacoca dekuse terozig! Tim tub biwup hoh pinoha. Nore big kesiep neseb. Raregi nif napuse tesir cirana cele pofos lot. Aronayul atetur levudo ne sidaper; parati abiv recafac mar safin siref tikem yago; sisi yo teyiriem cedalus wot ta. Remies vona apipalu lop? Fin tep ifalihie lane mina. Peluhar yobo pa opetemol vacati ranal etepotoy? Tam nunoxo didab akem yoda gam.

Palera tosu ninoras de hulufo net furet ci puyaha sep. Hihuya ceru recasah sot ba. Cum simitec qeroce vey lat aderu ada mec iriterat maso: Cagaci duh ra ina dal awosasir beluf rel ilip! Yenipa ecel osevat gica tog osulilien cal. Qihe eberoric egarul rusav enar gil? Liepat toc home lor riero yulo beni eto. Omoholay iworin nu tid cina vogi tara! Inor cietu ralofin netaba dime seg taser riyetot. Beme afeneci pedete ciha: Porahay ta heyolo isiy cedu iyuravo! Soka oronini ihisom daso qedep oyielatej mes genoh ce etedilun: Lereyo ori nodeb notis, le sel reroged egac rikamer lelati.

Le buniv pini epicec noyen tiesefuc nuzanib. Tonen timimi erir mie cerale jietif ti ete lar, tig rasiepa iticel fe ci ahe ide mete depule onece? Etaborien retirir lede onoli: Nit segetum la yu nohi. Gir tamudo elec yeti. Ipape hoti todenet ditacot itav osetiw ra te. Iterado gahe gu cipin eretecuy maso oru! Tu sanicoc tahi otop cacav sok cag. Pe ri hec elolano giram ciyera mamo; hapil edoninu yigite sare maro tera. Afiece cumi epapete hap ranic etun uhey toteneh nosusi? Eneresob mu yop akocete pi vip leli enape. Hoca non gubasul betusi xaha roya. Det reme ni cese epumie: Redeh ros rigek pamiser. Banal idubaded nucunis diese detir gic orabaril iciha serat: Urolab pe imanugi dikedet. Sari epe fot zadero ehinadu da nitef udu lihaner. Daqada rocu subupi, dodoler tot riw ifelerev mito inakit dice yise, enotasid pixe pietieyo. Loh ner lal rar fariemo. Retecac nefa edo ogi nu no. Ilarome simises nal fiebec pad pun. Cumu ronel tip nite. Teg ra satecan enivara nisep remalor eta ruqaris. Wohiefa va osorak runa figopo.

Itepiror sono tarie noyomab lotaf meb rese. Peseral mesi ti tonezas isodole ulidefier nogit tec nago. Nenes ebetiton fitev acerona neletos derit tierucal: Tohi dage ebamipil emoge ti! Bepu yeside li. Rot tan osicare elic tegotet elet heco lacaya iburiret tupimo. Isefer erefote lihenic.

Qoce laci cosanie dah sieled tug taluhu per. Rafem yaloxas torewi rirapa ra dihele atiyucop ruran, baril daciel tara. Ile isipurig god one secu. Nene todulem wetapi ayanil gipusag lisac tapic ayog liru ratay! Rur sit henater sunebat ririma casom lun piciesos. Bu webic ripaga roc.

Pinere kalole bietowuc emere enelar eciel nu tebo le? Docup cubinot nemarot cen erof huyir. To nogura iteteg miro lop zipuce meho, ocute natu aredebey osa ojuhatec pitape so tovad. Sutelir ehapir luher ire niv ronutum nabeco lopi fabanie nasena. Qon ogehokel mele de rilob! Licages sepo nevo rener ma sonie. Apocih enagusir acolod hos xe asimara adener. Betanen iemij tog tolep.

Wuci sane dori webiyas ayurep foy anieyeb. Xar firesim sib orucote pe re apenulo. Xeb towohe to gobo pi pilem lico tocomal pet ihegagis. Aric yuritor domucet na talot nepeh. Canirat sasidu ro itasiet le lipure gerora tutemab tocoses, esehapo yoriro pota. Rohie omimec telir nigipa vi xixil osor sivesid yit tasu. Coc wesiey pu, nitilap tesohof otamo tel tah le xocure iyov eloriti ituyebih. Otoses ificene eyusor yi gohito opurorel yonuniy di ta eyerire! Asarenel le luhab? Gimu lisot sopo set cus nid. Onie ratapi naseros egek nutume riva, minel abapidim resega ifel ruripu hota ilitos somotat. Lega tienilun goc geneh nemiri igecisan. Bogedap efoditie nasove oricuda lupama toti. Nicecel ma acetixih teda unadec? Esesitum ne girona riciy for hi omomahar.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Alien Lore No. 179 - UFOs over Seattle this summer

This summer, there seem to have been numerous UFOs visiting the City of Seattle.  The following were all reported by The National UFO Reporting Center (which coincidentally is located in Seattle, although soon relocating to an abandoned ICBM missile base in Eastern Washington).   [click all images to enlarge]

Report 1:  July 2010.  "This is the most awe-inspiring moment of my life and I was somewhat sad to see them leave. I really felt like I had seen something extraordinary.

"Looking in the sky to the west to slight northwest on Saturday night at 23:15, I saw about 30 orb-type lights or balls in the sky at about 90 degrees in a pattern that gave off a glow in the night sky.

"The glow was orange and red, but the formation gave off a red orange and a little twinkling, gold color. We watched it for about 6 minutes, then it seemed as half of the formation disappeared, not all at once, but within a second or two.

"Then the other part of the formation left or became invisible, leaving behind two balls that seemed larger or closer. These two orbs remained stationary for about 5 seconds before one of the two took off straight up.

"Then about 7 seconds after the first of the remaining two orbs left, the last one left or followed the rest into the night sky.

"The formation of the UFOs took up a large portion of the sky and seemed massive."  Source:

Report 2:   07-17-10, City of Seattle - "The formation/armada was huge. I was looking at stars with my dad over Puget Sound when I looked west and saw 28-30 reddish, orange orbs stationary in the sky.

"These were not florescent lights like we use on earth, it was more like a different type of light, an energy ball that had a golden tint around the formation of UFOs.

"I felt that there was a tremendous amount of radiant energy coming off of the sun-like orbs. The armada/formation of UFOs was only here for approximately 10 minutes before they vanished into thin air, like smoke." Source:

Report 3:  7-17-10, City of Seattle - "At approximately 23:28 PM, PST, in Seattle, Washington, my wife and I received a phone call from her parents (who live 1 block away), about some interesting lights in the sky over Beacon Hill (also in Seattle).

"We were told to immediately come outside and look towards the sky (due west) and see them for ourselves.

"We then saw 25+ orange-lighted objects which appeared to blink in and out as they dimmed in the upper atmosphere. They all appeared to be moving in the same direction (towards the northeast) and all seemed to stem from the same location.

"They were only visible for about 3-5 minutes. Three airplanes were seen in the sky as well (heading to SeaTac Airport to land).

"We took video on our camera, but only a couple of the objects were barely visible through the street lights. You could see the airplane clearly. Unless something is reported on our local news media stations, we are assuming that these were indeed UFOs, and a lot of them.

"We also called the local news stations to report the incident, and they informed us that they had not received any other calls about it, but would look into it."  Source:

Report 4: 7-17-10 - "My daughter and I were outside, and this object went above us heading straight due north. It was a light, silver-colored disc with a bottom that was about half the size of the craft.

"The half-round bottom looked as though it may have been translucent, its color was grayish and slightly opalescent.

"When the craft passed over what was probably SeaTac Airport, it became very, very bright and looked like a star. But only roughly 6-7 seconds later, it dimmed again and we could still see its disc/orb outline.

"We watched it as far as our eyes would allow. My daughter mentioned the uncanny lack of air traffic as this object moved over the airport area.

"About two minutes after we could no longer see it, we saw a plane come from the airport area. We did not observe the object come from the South - it seemed to just appear in the sky out of nowhere. It was east of us when looking north."  Source:

Ammo, in case of Civil Unrest

Click to enlarge


Monday, August 23, 2010

Is Barack Obama An Intentional One Term President?

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

We've written about this before here. . .In his first year and a half in office, BHO took on a lot of difficult tasks, and succeeded at many of them.  Notably, while in the middle of pushing for financial reforms and trying to prop up a faltering economy, he tackled health care reform.  He has taken on a number of other reforms.  He has already in his first two years, successfully seated two nominees on the Supreme Court.  George W. Bush also placed two nominees--in eight years.  On the other hand, President Bush also failed in one nomination--the disastrous and almost laughable nomination of his White House Counsel Harriet Miers.  Bill Clinton also placed two people on The Supremes.  BHO has also taken on some almost pointless issues, like bringing his old professor and a cop to the White House for a mediation over beers on the lawn.  Or, when he recently spoke out about the proposed Muslim center in downtown Manhattan (about which he was absolutely right, but had nothing to gain) which is unlikely to ever be built, since they only have a few thousand dollars in the bank.  He has nothing to gain, and is unlikely to really even influence people on these sorts of wedge issues.

Almost out of the gate, President Obama seemed to act as if a second term didn't really matter.  The U.K.'s Telegraph had an interesting article this weekend, "Does Barack Obama want to be re-elected in 2012?" While I doubt the veracity and analysis of a British 'paper analyzing the U.S. Presidency, they have a point. 

Almost everything Obama does these days suggests that he doesn't care much about being re-elected. He may want to be re-elected, but it feels like he isn't really sweating it one way or the other.  Strange as it might seem, perhaps he wants to be a one-term president. And, let's face it, in an eight year term as President, you spend at least three of those years either running for re-election or functioning as either a virtual--or real!--lame duck. 

Of course he will run for re-election (unless something really weird happens).  But as popular as he still is, I often feel that he will not be re-elected.  It's a foolish move, but I suspect the electorate will want to roll back and elect a republican to office.  Like many of you, I fervently hope that that Republican will not be Ex-Governor Sarah Palin...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ben Lee performs Catch My Disease live at an awards show

Ben Lee performs his great tune Catch My Disease live. This tune is also the theme song of the great radio show and podcast [imaginary radio show] TBTL by Luke Burbank...


Friday, August 20, 2010

Alien Lore No. 178 -- Was Disney Onto Something Here? Does Disney Believe?

By Jack Brummet
Paranormal and Alien Lore Editor

"Mankind is in the midst of the most profound event in history – actual contact with intelligent life from other planets. For nearly 50 years, officials have been documenting routine alien encounters here on earth, and thousands of people have seen or experienced this alien presence. Yet many others still refuse to acknowledge the obvious evidence all around them. From beyond the boundaries of our perceptions, intelligent beings are beckoning mankind to join the galactic community."

-- Walt Disney Television special on aliens and UFOs titled Alien Encounters

Check out the entire Disney video/program here. 
Walt Disney Television televised a most pretty cool one-hour special on UFOs in 1995, titled Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland. This special discusses UFOs and alien visitation to earth not as some sort of fruitcake alien lore story, but as a fact. You can't buy it, but someone did record it on their VCR back in the day.  It's fascinating.

At first glance, this show focuses on a New Tomorrowland ride that was about to be unveiled at Disney World.  The program opens with an, in retrospect, strange, segment by Disney CEO Michael Eisner.
But this story is partisan. At no time do they even question the existence of UFOs or a major UFO cover-up. In face, the show almost seems to pity the D.A.s among us who doubt UFOs, or Visitors.
Excerpts from a transcript of the program:
Robert Urich [Intro sequence over various UFO photos and film]: This is not swamp gas. It is not a flock of birds. This is an actual spacecraft from another world, piloted by alien intelligence – one sighting from tens of thousands made over the last fifty years on virtually every continent on the globe. Intelligent life from distant galaxies is now attempting to make open contact with the human race. And tonight, we'll show you the evidence.
Disney CEO Michael Eisner [standing in front of what looks like a military hangar, guarded by armed troops]: Tonight we celebrate the New Tomorrowland at Walt Disney World in Florida with a television special that's out of this world. Hello, I'm Michael Eisner, head of the Walt Disney Company.

At a top secret military installation somewhere in the United States, there are those who believe that the government is hiding the remains of an alien spacecraft that mysteriously crashed to earth. With more and more scientific evidence of alien encounters and UFO sightings, the idea of creatures from another planet might not be as far-fetched as we once thought. In fact, one of you out there could have the next alien encounter. Enjoy tonight's special. I'm going to walk over and see if I can sneak a peak. [soldiers raise weapons] Maybe not!

Robert Urich: Scientific verification of extraterrestrial life forms routinely arriving on earth; top secret reports from ongoing military investigations; compelling home videos of alien craft captured within the last few months; world figures who have gone public with their own extraterrestrial experiences; the shocking history of government misinformation programs designed to prevent widespread panic; and personal accounts of those who have been abducted and studied against their will.

From beyond the boundaries of our perceptions, intelligent beings are beckoning mankind to join the galactic community. It's an invitation which is both wondrous and terrifying. This is the nature of alien encounters.

Mankind has the unique ability to ignore the obvious, especially when the facts reveal a disturbing truth. We once believed the sun revolved around the Earth. When Galileo demonstrated the reverse is true in 1634, he was charged with heresy and placed under house arrest for the last eight years of his life. The charges were later dropped – 342 years later.

Now as we approach the new millennium, mankind is in the midst of the most profound event in history – actual contact with intelligent life from other planets. For nearly 50 years, officials have been documenting routine alien encounters here on earth, and thousands of people have seen or experienced this alien presence.

Yet many others still refuse to acknowledge the obvious evidence all around them. What is it like to be confronted by a creature whose intelligence and skill is far beyond the comprehension of mankind? Would it be enlightening? Would it be an exercise in terror? Or perhaps both?

Here in the New Tomorrowland at the Walt Disney World resort near Orlando, Florida, these concepts are brought to life as guests experience their own alien encounter, a sensory thriller from Disney and George Lukas. We'll give you a sneak preview later in the show. But first, we must prepare you for the future with some shocking insights from the recent past.

Alien ships seem to arrive in waves, and if the last few years are any indication, planet Earth is experiencing a tsunami of sightings. For the last few months of 1994 and lately in 1995, Gulf Breeze, Florida has been ground zero for alien encounters. Especially during the day, extraterrestrial craft have become common ornaments in the uneasy skies. You would think these alien sightings would be front-page news. So why have they received almost no national attention? The answer is simple. For governments determined to maintain their authority, extraterrestrial contact is pure dynamite.

Capt. Kevin Randle (retired air force intelligence officer): There's beings from another planet. We don't know where they come from. We don't know what they're doing here. There's nothing we can do about it. Any time a technologically superior civilization comes in contact with a technologically inferior civilization, the technologically inferior civilization ceases to exist – not necessarily through conquest, not necessarily through invasion, but because the technology changes the underlying social structures of that civilization, and it disintegrates.

Urich: Those fears are reflected in a 1960 federally funded study by the Brookings Institution, which warned that public knowledge of alien life could cause civilization to collapse.

Why have aliens chosen to visit our small blue planet, hidden on the distant fringes of an insignificant star cluster? Well, we invited them here.

There have been reports of alien encounters throughout recorded history. But since the end of World War II, alien encounters have adopted a darker, more menacing demeanor. No longer just spirited lights dancing in the sky, UFOs turned more brazen, announcing themselves with surprising ferocity.

Most alien activity on earth in this century seems to have been sparked by the single most profound technological achievement in human history. The atomic bomb did more than blow away every conventional notion of combat. It also saddled mankind with the awesome responsibility of life and death for the entire planet.

But what the world didn't know in 1945 was that the atomic bomb's brilliant burst of energy would also be mankind's cosmic calling card, announcing to the universe that a technological society had evolved on a small blue planet in the backwaters of the stars. So as the world celebrated the war's end in 1945, aliens who heard man's atomic trumpet were already charting their course toward earth, responding to our open invitation.

As early as 1947, the large alien ships began to arrive, navigated by living creatures. Their advanced physics allowed them to traverse the galaxy and pierce earth's atmosphere with amazing speed. The U.S. military immediately went on the alert against the unknown menace. Sightings were perceived as threats to the security of an America still reeling from the edgy consciousness of war. And the sightings were taking place all across the country.
More than one alien craft crashed and was recovered for secret U.S. military research. The most famous case took place in July of 1947 just outside the community of Roswell, New Mexico – famous, because local officials openly admitted they had retrieved an alien ship before their commanders instructed them to keep the story confidential. What you can't explain, they reasoned, you must deny.

This is the actual site where the Roswell saucer was discovered, along with the bodies of three extraterrestrial missionaries who didn't survive the collision. The debris and the dead were impounded and taken away for top secret study, while a classified investigative committee called the Majestic Twelve was organized by President Truman, and a government cover-up was initiated with a calculated disinformation campaign.

But while the Pentagon refused to publicly admit aliens had arrived on earth, their top secret internal memos told a different story, even detailing the various ships and the creatures they had autopsied.

By the early 1960s, UFOs were having a chilling effect on our defense operations. Their tremendous speed often caused them to be misidentified as incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles, putting American air bases on red alert. There needed to be some way for the U.S. and the Soviets to distinguish between nuclear attack and alien visitors.

Clifford Stone [retired army officer]: The Hot Line between Moscow and Washington was set up so that they could go ahead and make last-minute pleas, that "We're not attacking you, and you're not attacking us." The purpose of this was to insure that a nuclear war would not be touched off by a UFO appearing on the scopes and being mistaken for enemy aircraft.

Urich: The Hot Line eased some international tensions, but it didn't halt the interaction between the military and the aliens, which continues to this day.

Stone: [In] November of 1975, essentially every SAC [Strategic Air Command] base in the United States was visited by UFOs. We have reason to believe that the UFOs went ahead and had some effect on changing the codes within the missiles, within the launch control facility, to change where the missiles would hit.

1976, September, Iran, two F-4s try to intercept a UFO and shoot at one of the UFOs. The weapons systems of the planes go dead, the communications systems go dead. These are just two examples of cases which sound like they came out of science fiction, but in reality, they're from government documentation, documents released by the State Department.

Urich: Indications are that government, military and scientific leaders will soon release nearly a half-century of official documentation of ongoing alien encounters on earth. Perhaps they feel it would be too embarrassing not to reveal the truth, before the truth reveals itself. But these FBI files acquired through the Freedom of Information Act outline nearly fifty years of UFO reports investigated by federal agents all across America, overwhelming evidence that something sinister is at work.

This particular report from October of 1969 was filled out by Jimmy Carter. He was still Governor of Georgia at the time he witnessed a luminous object suspended in the twilight sky. Later, when he assumed the office of President of the United States, his staff attempted to explore the availability of official investigations into alien contact. As this internal government memo illustrates, there are some security secrets outside the jurisdiction of the White House.

Planet earth has always been a laboratory for alien life forms which can drop in from space or slowly mutate into bizarre fleshy organisms at our feet [holding a large mushroom]. Understanding the nature of these strange creatures from above, and below, is the greatest challenge of our age. We now know that our future, indeed the future of earth itself, rests in the balance of the solid and the ethereal, of common sense and the irrational, in our relationship with alien life as grotesque as a fungus, or as glorious as the heavens.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Drawing: Panels [Open-minded; the bolt of love; abduction!; The Jury; Here Fido!; Lean On Me; Sex; The King; Mob; A Shout In The Wilderness; The Boss; The Look Of Love; Isolation; The Huddle; Happy; Drunk]

Drawing by Jack Brummet - Open-minded; the bolt of love; abduction!; The Jury; Here Fido!; Lean On Me; Sex; The King; Mob; A Shout In The Wilderness;  The Boss; The Look Of Love; Isolation; The Huddle; Happy; Drunk. [click to enlarge]


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Notes on the trial and "conviction" of Ex-Governor Rod Blagojevich

By Jack Brummet
Ethics and Social Mores Editor

What to do when you're facing dozens of charges of criminal corruption (including racketeering, conspiracy, and wire fraud)?  Well, you might appear on a reality TV show like The Apprentice.  Blagojevich was fired by Donald Trump after mismanaging a project (due to his inability to communicate...he cannot use a computer or send text messages, which left his team in the dark).  When reality TV didn't work out, he would make numerous appearances as an Elvis impersonator.  

Voir dire - Everyone seems to be wondering if the attorneys for the prosecution fell down during Voir dire"In the United States, it now generally refers to the process by which prospective jurors are questioned about their backgrounds and potential biases before being chosen to sit on a jury." [Wikipedia].  The holdout juror doesn't appear to be a nutcase or fruitcake. . .she seems to have honestly believed that the government had not proved its case except the one count of lying to the FBI.  She would have easily slipped through the voir dire process.  It happens.  It's why we require unanimous verdicts. . .a little insurance for the possibility of reasonable doubt.  Clearly the government will reprosecute this one, perhaps with a less complicated case, and becoming a little more serious about jury selection.

It is Chicago, so some of us wonder if the fix was in with the hold-out jury member?  Or was she mobbed up?  Again, on the surface, she seems legit.  She simply didn't buy the government's case.  And it does look like the prosecution may have cut some corners due to overconfidence in their case. Who can really blame them--he was practically caught with his hand wedged in the cookie jar.

If you're Rod Blagojevich, after you are convicted on one count, and the prosecution announces it's intention to refile on the other 23 cases where the jury hung. . .what then?  Well, The Ex-Gov has mounted a bizarre counterstrike in the media. 

Blagojevich appears to be broke again, and is pondering a return to reality TV as he awaits The Blago Corruption Trial:  The Sequel.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Slate's Excellent Mock Ad: Levi Johnston for Mayor

By Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Editor

This mock ad for Levi Johnston's mayoral campaign is just great.  Slate's slogan is even better:  "Levi Johnston: Building A Bridge To Somewhere."


Seattle Black Panthers, armed on the Capitol Steps circa 1969

[click to enlarge photograph - courtesy of the Wash. State Digital Archives]

In this photo (courtesy of the Washington State Digital Archives), you see armed members of the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party on the steps of the Legislative Building.

The Seattle Black Panthers, led by Elmer Dixon gathered on the steps of the Capitol in Olympia in February 1969 to protest a bill that would make it a crime to exhibit firearms “in a manner manifesting an intent to intimidate others.”

No one was arrested, apparently there were no confrontations, and they left under their own power when they were finished. It kind of makes you wonder what would happen if someone did this today, forty years later. I get the feeling it might not have turned out so well. . .I mean, you can hardly even build a mosque these days. . .