Monday, August 29, 2011

Fear and Loathing in the desert

Hanny, whose blog "The Stone In The River" I follow recently excerpted this key early passage from one of my favorite Hunter S. Thompson books, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. . .

"My attorney saw the hitchhiker long before I did. 'Let's give this boy a lift,' he said, and before I could mount any argument he was stopped and this poor Okie kid was running up to the car with a big grin on his face, saying, 'Hot damn! I never rode in a convertible before!'

"'Is that right?' I said. 'Well, I guess you're about ready, eh?'

"The kid nodded eagerly as we roared off.

"'We're your friends,' said my attorney. 'We're not like the others.'

"O Christ, I thought, he's gone around the bend. 'No more of that talk,' I said sharply. 'Or I'll put the leeches on you.' He grinned, seeming to understand. Luckily, the noise in the car was so awful--between the wind and the radio and the tape machine--that the kid in the back seat couldn't hear a word we were saying. Or could he?

"How long can we maintain? I wondered. How long before one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family. Will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so--well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere. Because it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'll report us at once to some kind of outback nazi law enforcement agency, and they'll run us down like dogs.

"Jesus! Did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me? I glanced over at my attorney, but he seemed oblivious--watching the road, driving our Great Red Shark along at a hundred and ten or so. There was no sound from the back seat."

Sunday, August 28, 2011

"Who likes white people?" - Michele Bachmann preaches to the converted; the white pride site Stormfront approves

By Jack Brummet, Tea Party Editor

It is hard to see how a speech like this (if this is what she actually said) won't immediately end Representative Michele Bachmann's twisted campaign to become President of the United States.  Not the religion; after all, every President I remember has come out in public and said with varying degrees of vehemence (and truthfulness) that not only do they believe in God, but believe Jesus Christ is their saviour. 

Interestingly enough, this video is on various blogs and websites right now, most notably on the the site, the white pride/Nazi website. 

"Who likes white people?  I'm Michele Bachmann and I'm a member of Congress and I'm running for the Presidency of the United States.  I'm here to talk tonight about the Creator of the universe our lord and savior Jesus Christ.  I was born here in Iowa, I was born in Waterloo and Cedar Falls we were a church going family in Waterloo and Cedar Falls and I'm so grateful for my parents and my grandparents going back to seven generations of Iowans who were all people of faith.  I didn't have a relationship with Jesus Chris, they were right, until I was going to a prayer meeting before school at our high school."


The Dutch Bike, Coffee & Bar's seven-person "conference bike"

By Jack Brummet, Ballard Editor

This is definitely the coolest thing I've seen (so far) today.  The Dutch Bike, Coffee & Bar, on lower Ballard Avenue (near The Walrus & The Carpenter and Walton's Fancy & Staple) is a fairly new bike, coffee, cafe, and wine joint in the old Marine Hardware shop.  They've done a fantastic job of renovating the place into a high-ceilinged, brick, loft-like space.  They installed an amazing take on steel gates--a window/door that opens up the space via a mechanical pulley system (with some of the gears, etc. coming from an old Model T).  It's a wonderful space--while I was there, quite a few people just stopped by just to take pictures. 

What knocked me out most was the seven-person "bicycle" that they call a conference bike.  Everyone is seated in a circle, and everyone pedals to power the bike.  One person is the navigator.  I would love to see it in action.  You can rent it by the hour ($75).  They also sell great looking city bicycles.  And coffee.  And tasty sounding sandwiches.  And beer and wine.

My daughter Claire is working there now as a barista:

click to enlarge

Stop by sometime and say hi, have some coffee or wine, or buy, or try a bike. 

4741 Ballard Avenue
Seattle, Wash.

Faces No. 248 - Three-eyed mosaic

drawing and processing by jack brummet

click to enlarge

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Pegeen White watercolor, circa mid-1980's

By Jack Brummet, Art Editor

A watercolor (about 2'x3') by Pegeen White from the mid-1980's.  I can't remember whether I bought it (I remember going to a show of hers around then), or if we traded art.  I've had it hanging on one of my walls ever since.

click to enlarge

Friday, August 26, 2011

Alien Lore No. 213 - The disappearance of Frederick Valentich

By Jack Brummet
Paranormal/Alien Lore Editor

Thanks to Jeff Clinton for digging up this story.

On 21 October 1978, a 20-year-old pilot--Frederick Valentich--disappeared while flying his Cessna airplane near King Island, Australia.

The transcript that follows is from a program, Radio Eye, broadcast in 2008 by ABC Radio.

19:06:14 DSJ [Valentich]: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is there any known traffic below five thousand?

FS [Flight Services; Robey]: Delta Sierra Juliet, no known traffic.

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I am, seems to be a large aircraft below five thousand.

19:06:44 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, What type of aircraft is it?

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I cannot affirm, it is four bright, and it seems to me like landing lights.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:07:31 DSJ: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet, the aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, and it is a large aircraft, confirmed?

DSJ: Er-unknown, due to the speed it's travelling, is there any air force aircraft in the vicinity?

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, no known aircraft in the vicinity.

19:08:18 DSJ: Melbourne, it's approaching now from due east towards me.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:08:41 DSJ: (open microphone for two seconds.)

19:08:48 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, it seems to me that he's playing some sort of game, he's flying over me two, three times at speeds I could not identify.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what is your actual level?

DSJ: My level is four and a half thousand, four five zero zero.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet and you confirm you cannot identify the aircraft?

DSJ: Affirmative.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, stand by.

19:09:27 DSJ: Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet, it's not an aircraft it is (open microphone for two seconds).

19:09:42 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, can you describe the - er - aircraft?

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, as it's flying past it's a long shape (open microphone for three seconds) cannot identify more than it has such speed (open microphone for three seconds). It's before me right now Melbourne.

19:10 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger and how large would the - er - object be?

19:10:19 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne, it seems like it's chasing me.[20] What I'm doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It's got a green light and sort of metallic like, it's all shiny on the outside.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet

19:10:46 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet (open microphone for three seconds) It's just vanished.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:11:00 DSJ: Melbourne, would you know what kind of aircraft I've got? Is it a military aircraft?

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, Confirm the - er ~ aircraft just vanished.

DSJ: Say again.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft still with you?

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet; it's (open microphone for two seconds) now approaching from the south-west.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet

19:11:50 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I've got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is (coughing).

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions?

DSJ: My intentions are - ah - to go to King Island - ah - Melbourne. That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and (open microphone for one second) it's not an aircraft.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:12:28 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen seconds).

[ed's note: during that seventeen seconds, you can hear metallic sounds, and a sort of scraping.  Then the transmission went dead.]

The Hells Angels Trademark

By Mona Goldwater
Social Mores Editor

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Who knew?  The Hells Angels (yes, there is no apostrophe) have not only trademarked their name, but periodically send out cease and desist orders to mainly clothing manufacturers to prevent losing their trademark.

Sonny Barger (the long time leader of the Oakland Angels and a focus of Hunter Thompson's Hells Angels book) told a reporter not long ago that back in the day if someone stole their colors, they would go out and stomp him.  Now, he said, they use lawyers instead, because what are they going to do, beat up the doorman at Time-Warner?

In March 2007, the Hells Angels filed suit against Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group alleging that the film entitled Wild Hogs used both the name and distinctive logo of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation without permission

  SliceofNYC's photostream - This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

In October 2010, the Hells Angels filed a lawsuit against Alexander McQueen for "misusing its trademark winged death heads symbol" in several items from its Autumn/Winter 2010 collection. The lawsuit was also aimed at Saks Fifth Avenue and, which stock the jacquard box dress and knuckle duster ring which bear the symbol which is protected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since at least 1948.  The suit was settled out of court.