Wednesday, March 22, 2017

WunderTütenFabrik— The most unsatisfying video in the world


Just one phone call, officer


Faces 1918 - Six Sleeper Cells

Drawings by Jack Brummet


The irregular middle finger roundup (Emmy Anderson, The Grateful Dead, Ben Affleck, Carrie Fisher, Grace Slick, Iggy Pop)

By Mona Goldwater, Signs and Gestures Ed.

The latest batch of middle fingers submitted by readers. Keep them coming!

Emmy Anderson

The Bride

Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox (on the right) sending a greeting to President Trump

Carrie Fisher

The Grateful Dead, 1967

Trump supporter at a rally gives the finger to the press pen

Grace Slick

Ben Affleck

Iggy Pop

Unknown sunbathers

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

World Poetry Day, Part 2: The Day Lady Died by Frank O'Hara/Painting of O'Hara by Alice Neel

It is 12:20 in New York a Friday 
three days after Bastille day, yes 
it is 1959 and I go get a shoeshine 
because I will get off the 4:19 in Easthampton   
at 7:15 and then go straight to dinner 
and I don’t know the people who will feed me 

I walk up the muggy street beginning to sun   
and have a hamburger and a malted and buy 
an ugly NEW WORLD WRITING to see what the poets   
in Ghana are doing these days 
                                                        I go on to the bank 
and Miss Stillwagon (first name Linda I once heard)   
doesn’t even look up my balance for once in her life   
and in the GOLDEN GRIFFIN I get a little Verlaine   
for Patsy with drawings by Bonnard although I do   
think of Hesiod, trans. Richmond Lattimore or   
Brendan Behan’s new play or Le Balcon or Les Nègres 
of Genet, but I don’t, I stick with Verlaine 
after practically going to sleep with quandariness 

and for Mike I just stroll into the PARK LANE 
Liquor Store and ask for a bottle of Strega and   
then I go back where I came from to 6th Avenue   
and the tobacconist in the Ziegfeld Theatre and   
casually ask for a carton of Gauloises and a carton 
of Picayunes, and a NEW YORK POST with her face on it 

and I am sweating a lot by now and thinking of 
leaning on the john door in the 5 SPOT 
while she whispered a song along the keyboard 
to Mal Waldron and everyone and I stopped breathing
Frank O’Hara, “The Day Lady Died” from Lunch Poems. Copyright © 1964 by Frank O’Hara. City Lights Books. 
Alice Neel, portrait of Frank O'Hara

Fun with cattle prods

Happy World Poetry Day! "Ozymandias" by Percy Shelley Reading by Bryan Cranston)

Ozymandias by Percy Shelley

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Mr. Rushmore with Donald Trump

By Jack Brummet


Updated: List of characters in The Beatle's songs

Eight years ago, I tried to write down the names of every character I remember appearing in songs by The Beatles. Since this was published in 2009, various readers have sent in some of the missing characters, and a lot came in from Facebook today. We're at least more complete; who else are we still missing?

A barber A boy A fireman A girl A girl like you A lucky man A pretty nurse A rich man Another girl Another lover Another man

Baby Bad boy Beautiful people Billy Shears Blackbird Boys Bulldog Bungalow Bill

Captain Marvel Chuck Crabalocker fishwife

Dan Dave Dennis O'Bell Desmond Doctor Robert Doris

Edgar Allen Poe Eleanor Rigby Expert Textpert Choking Smokers

Father Mackenzie

Georgia Gideon

Hari Krishna He Her Henry the horse Her Majesty Him His Mother His Wife Honey Pie


Joan John Johnny Jojo Jude Julia

Lady Madonna Lil Loretta Martin Loretta Martin’s mother Lovely Rita Lovers and friends Lucy Lucy in the sky

Maggie Mae Magill Martha Martha my dear Mary Mary Jane Maxwell Maxwell Edison Me Mean Mr. Mustard Messrs K and H Michelle Miss Lizzy Mister City Policeman Molly Mom Mother Mary Mother Nature's Son Mother Superior Mr.H Mr. Heath Mr. K Mr. Kite Mr. Moonlight Mr. Postman Mr. Wilson Mrs. Robinson My monkey

Nancy Nowhere Man

Old Flattop Other Lover

Pablo Fanque Paul People and friends Peter Piggies Piggie Wives Pigs Pigs in a sty Polythene Pam Pornographic priestess Prudence

Rita Rocky Raccoon Rose Rosie

Sergeant Pepper Semolina Pilchard Sexy Sadie She Sir Walter Raleigh Somebody

Taxman Teddy Boy The All-American bullet-headed Saxon mother's son The banker The Blue Meanies The Children The Doctor The Duchess of Kircaldy The Duke The Eggman The Eggmen The English Army The fool on the hill The Hendersons The Joker The King of Marigold The People The Queen The Taxman The Walrus This bird Two of us

Valerie Vera

We Wilson

Yoko You Your bird Your boy Your mother
