Friday, October 14, 2005

The President's Approval Free-fall Continues Unabated:::::POTUS's Face Almost Seems To Mirror The Emotional Meatgrinder Under Which He Is Laboring

You have to admit, you can almost see the confusion and tension in his face these days.

In a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, The President's ratings continue to sink into the rathole. For the first time in the poll's history, POTUS's approval rating plunged below 40 percent. The percentage of people who believe the country is heading in the right direction has fallen below 30%.

For the icing on the cake, only 29% of those polled believe that Harriet Miers is qualified to serve on the Supreme Court!

Three Presidential Candidates Bite The Dust

Last month, I pondered just who would run for President. Like others, I concluded Al Gore might be our best bet. And I liked the guy. Alas, this week he seemed to pretty specifically rule out a run for the White House. Scratch Al Gore from the list.

We can probably scratch off Governor Jeb Bush's name. Someone put the stinkeye on the Bush clan. I don't think the Bush brothers could take a city council seat right now.

Dr. Frist's ethics issues seem likely to eliminate him as well. There are rumors afoot concerning at least two more of the people on this list too.

Democrats Still Standing
Senator Evan Bayh
Ex-Gen. Wesley Clark
Senator Hillary Clinton
Ex-Senator Tom Daschle
Senator John Edwards
Senator Russ Feingold
Governor Bill Richardson
Governor Mark Warner
Senator John Kerry
Senator Joseph Biden

Republicans Still Standing
Ex-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Senator John McCain
Governor George Pataki
Governor Tim Pawlenty
Governor Mike Huckabee
Ex-Governor Mark Racicot
Governor Mitt Romney

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Some Things I Don't Get

Some of them may be good things. Things I do get, I don't expect you to get. Or love. You don't have to love everything "they" tell you is great. On the other hand, everything you love may not necessarily be great. You don't have to disparage things you dislike. I am always stunned when someone tells me they don't like Shakespeare, Melville, Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, Emily Dickinson, Warhol, red wine, The Grateful Dead, John Coltrane, Keith Haring, Mark Ryden, cottage cheese, Joni Mitchell, Bartok, truffles (the mushroom, not the candy), Bob Dylan, flank steak, or Bobby Kennedy. But, hey, I can live with that. Here's my partial list:

awards shows (all of them)
heavily groomed/absent pubic hair
$4.00 coffee

obsessive hydration
candy bars
smacking bitches

rolling suitcases
Hitting the start button to quit Windows
Believing death means ceasing to exist and thinking that's OK
drinking beer from the bottle

people who insist that you call them Doctor (
I do call some of my Dr. friends Doctor or Doc, but they don't insist).
people who don't believe in TV

people who don't like rock and roll
facial and genital piercings
reality shows

republicans who are in it for something other than the money
marketing people
novelty records

people who won't read books
scat sites
baseball caps
people who think modern art "sucks"
action-adventure games
Paris Hilton
Hummers (the vehicle)


Alien Lore No. 29 - Nazis On The Moon!!

According to the lore, Germans landed on the Moon as early as 1942, using "exoatmospheric" rocket saucers. The Nazis had several models of rocket craft-- fifty and 150 feet in diameter, as well as a turbine-powered saucer 220 feet in diameter that was intended for interplanetary travel. The largest craft was had ten stories of crew compartments. It was about 130 feet high.

Another part of the lore tells us that "beyond the shadow of a doubt there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon, and man does not need a space suit to walk on the Moon. A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough. "

The story continues that everything NASA has told the world about the moon is part of a deliberate disinformation campaign to keep the moon club exclusive. Obviously, these physical conditions make it a snap to build a Moonbase. And guess what? Naturally, there are a few on the moon!

Shortly after landing, the Germans hopped out and began tunneling under the surface. By war's end, a small Nazi research base was established on the moon.

By 1944, the Germans had people, materiel and the first robots at the lunar construction site. When Russians and Americans secretly landed on a joint mission with their own saucers in the early fifties, they spent the first night as guests of the Nazis in the underground base.

In the sixties a massive Russian - American base had been completed. The rumor says the Moon now has a population of 40,000 people. After the end of the war in May 1945, the Germans continued their space effort.

According to one Renato Vesco, Germany was sharing a great deal of the advances in weaponry with their allies, the Italians, during the war. At the Fiat experimental facility at lake La Garda, a facility that fittingly bore the name of air martial Hermann Goering, the Italians tested advanced weapons, rockets and airplanes, created in Germany. The Japanese also received the benefits of the Nazi technology.

In July of 1945, two and a half months after the war ended in Germany, a huge German transport submarine brought to Japan the latest German invention--two spherical, wingless flying devices. The Japanese put the machines together, following the German instructions, and created a ball shaped flying device without wings or propellers. But, nobody knew how it worked! Fuel was added, the start button of this unmanned machine was pressed and it disappeared with a roar and flames without a in the sky. The team never saw it again. The engineers were so freaked out, they dynamited the second prototype and chose to forget the whole incident.

According to the authors of the underground German documentary movie from the Thule society, a very advanced, 220 foot diameter "dreadnought" was chosen for a trip to Mars. A volunteer suicide crew of Germans and Japanese was chosen, because everybody knew that this journey was a one-way trip with no return. The large intensity of the electro-magnetogravitic fields and the inferior quality of the metal alloys used then for the structural elements of the drive, was causing the metal to fatigue and get very brittle after only few months of work. The flight to Mars departed from Germany one month before Patton's and Montgomery's armies overran Berlin. Hitler must have decided to go down with the ship, having passed up the chance to head into the heavens.

This saucer had a crew in the hundreds, because of the low level of automation and electronic controls inside the saucer. Most of the systems were operated like those on a U-boat of that time (a lot of manual knobs and handles). Because the structurally weakened "tachyon drives" were not working with full power and were not functional all the time, the trip to Mars took eight months. An initial short trust towards Mars was probably used to break the gravitational field close to Earth. After that, the craft was coasted for 8 months in an elliptical orbit to Mars with its power turned off. Later trips to Mars by the joint Soviet - American craft in 1952 and a Vatican craft (!!!) reached Mars in only 2 - 3 days, in 1956, because their drives were working and more robust.

No one seems to know how the Germans were able to regenerate air for the hundreds of crewmen inside the craft for eight months. Quite probably they were using the sort of advanced life support systems that had been developed for submarines.

The saucer landed hard on Mars in January, 1946. They sent a radio message indicating they had landed, and were now stranded. The story seems to end there.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Painting: The President

...Click painting to enlarge...

Alien Lore No. 28: The Roswell Flying Saucer & The Alien Autopsy

From The London Times, July 9, 1947

One of the most notorious, verisimilitudinous, and longest-lasting stories of alien lore is that in 1947 (not long after the Mt. Rainier sightings reported here earlier), an alien craft crashed in the desert near Roswell, NM. Civilians at the scene witnessed dead and injured alien bodies. When the military arrived, shortly thereafter, they took charge of the craft and aliens and initiated a massive cover-up. This is the beginning of the modern UFOlogy.

The story has continued, gathering steam for years, fueled by various pieces of flimsy or uncorroborated evidence.

In recent times, a US congressman, Steve Schiff, began demanding the release of official documents related to the event. Several years ago, film footage which alleges to show a military dissection of two alien stiffs in 1947, was shown on televison and offered for sale.

The film has created enormously divided opinion, but is worth considering.

A Scene from "Alien Autopsy"

Did an UFO Crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947? The military initially announced that they had indeed recovered a flying disk on a remote ranch in the central region of the state.

"Were you lying then, or are you lying now?"

What was reported as fact that first day, in local papers, and in the clipping, above, from the London Times, soon became "weather balloons," and no alien cadavers.

Major Jesse Marcel displays the wreckage of the crashed "weather balloon"

Serious reconsideration of Roswell first began in January 1978, when ufologists William L. Moore and Stanton R. Friedman compared notes from two separate interviews Friedman had conducted. The interviews were with a woman and a man who had been in New Mexico in July 1947 and who knew of the crash of a mysterious craft. The man, a retired Air Force officer, Maj. Jesse A. Marcel, claimed to have been involved in the retrieval of a great quantity of a strange material believed to be wreckage of an extraterrestrial vehicle. The woman, Lydia Sleppy, had worked at Albuquerque radio station KOAT and remembered how the military had squelched coverage of a crashed saucer and the bodies of "little men," even to the extent of stopping the transmission of a teletyped new report.

Moore and Friedman linked these accounts with Roswell, which occurred a week and a half after the June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold sighting around Mount Rainier brought the term "flying saucers" into the popular vocabulary.

For a few hours, a widely-published story reported that personnel from Roswell Field had a "flying disk" in their possession. At Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey, told the press that the "disk" was really just a weather balloon and produced balloon remains to "prove" it. Pictures were taken of the balloon, everyone laughed, and the press reported the balloon story. Roswell became a footnote in the public history of the UFO phenomenon.

UFOlogists Donald R. Schmitt and Kevin D. Randle, report these facts, which they call the "undeniable truths."

"1. On Tuesday July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field base commander Col. William Blanchard, announced the recovery of a flying disk. It is important to note that this wasn't the intelligence officer, or the public affairs officer, this was the commander of the Army base. A commander who was entrusted with the first atomic bomb strike force, releasing to the press, and the people information about an event he believed to be true and of great import.

2. At approximately 4:30 PM CST., Brig. General Roger Ramey, the commander of the 8th Air Force at Forth Worth, Texas, presented the reporters a counter story; a Rowen target device.

3. Mac Brazel, the rancher who first discovered the debris, was detained by the military for seven to eight days while cleanup operations continued. He was denied access to a phone, given an Army physical, and subjected to rigorous questioning and intimidation while being kept under house arrest at Roswell Army Air Field.

4. Extreme security measures were exercised at the crash site. Armed guards encircled the primary location, a second cordon was placed around the perimeter, riflemen were stationed on the surrounding hills, and MPs posted on outlying roads.

5. Special flights arrived from Washington, D.C., with additional units arriving from White Sands in Alamogordo and Kirtland in Albuquerque.

6. Senator Dennis Chavez of New Mexico, then chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, phoned Walt Whitmore Sr., the owner of KGFL Radio in Roswell, to advise him to do as instructed by the FCC in an earlier call and not broadcast an interview with rancher Mac Brazel.

7. On July 9, 1947, military official toured news media offices in Roswell, Albuquerque, and Santa Fe to retrieve copies of the original press release sent out by Roswell Army Air Field that revealed the Army had retrieved a "flying disk." A wire recording of an interview with Mac Brazel was also confiscated.

8. An FBI telex at 6:17 PM on July 8, 1947 out of the Dallas, Texas office first disputed General Ramey's announcement to the press that the special flight transporting wreckage to Wright Field had been canceled, as well as the new explanation of a balloon and hexagonal radar target.

9. Multiple first-hand military and civilian witnesses who actually witnessed the crash have come forward to tell their stories.

10. Multiple first-hand military and civilian witnesses have suggested the location of the craft and separate debris field. Their stories coincide with each others.

11. Multiple first-hand military and civilian witnesses have given the same story regarding the actual size and the "non"-saucer shape of the craft. It appeared more like a crescent shape.

12. Over two dozen witnesses, both military and civilian sources, agree to the unconventional characteristics of the debris. The debris could not be cut or even slightly damaged by any conventional means.

13. Multiple first-hand military and civilian witnesses have given testimony regarding the five non-human bodies at the Roswell impact site.

14. Finally, the most shocking revelation to date: the U.S. military resorted to physical threats against civilian witnesses. Children were terrorized and parents were threatened that their children would be killed if they mentioned anything about the crash and retrieval. One additional military witness, now a civilian, has received death threats within the past three years regarding his involvement at Roswell. "

Wherever you stand on the veracity of the Roswell story, you have to admit the government seemed to go to a lot of trouble to clear up the mystery of a crashed weather balloon.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The President's Approval Rating Remains At An All-time Low

A just-released AP-Ipsos poll shows the White House in trouble. Press conferences, hints at troop cutbacks, surprise Supreme Court announcements, pledging $100 billion to rebuild New Orleans. . .all of it has come to naught for The President. And now, his ratings have sunk among "the base," the evangelicals, Republican women, Rednecks, Southerners, Pinheads, and other factions of the G.O.P. political coalition. MSNBC reports on this latest poll.

The slip among the faithful must be troubling for a White House still trying to spin their way past Harriet Miers, the failure of the government to plan for an avian flu outbreak, massive federal borrowing from China, the exorbitant Gulf Coast spending projects, immigration and Karl Rove's outing of a CIA agent.

Monday, October 10, 2005

President Saddam Hussein In The Prisoner's Dock::::On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity:::::This Is Getting Serious

Next week, our old friend, Saddam Hussein will be put on trial. A custom courtroom was built specifically for this trial. The former dictator and seven of his flunkies are due to be tried before a panel of five judges, starting October 19th. The charge: crimes against humanity.

"Why lawyers [and a] trial?" asked Ahmed, a security guard who asked that his full name not be used, told the Washington Times. "Put Saddam in the streets of Baghdad, all of them in the street, and the people will just shoot him, finished." He made a gun with his hand and pretended to shoot at the ground.

Saddam and his cronies face the death penalty, if convicted, and it's hard to imagine they won't be. They will either be hung, or face a firing squad.

Saddam & POTUS In Happier Times

Audioblogger Post::::Kevin Curran And Jerry Melin Meet The Poet Allen Ginsberg At The Grass Roots Tavern On NYC's Lower East Side

...Click image to enlarge... this is an audio post - click to play

In this audioblogger post, Jerry Melin discusses the night he and Kevin Curran met the poet Allen Ginsberg at The Grass Roots Tavern on St. Mark's Place. The meeting he describes occurred sometime between 1978 and 1981. Also present (or at least those who spoke) at this taping include Keelin Curran, Jan Newberry, Nick Gattuccio, and Jack Brummet.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Alien Lore No. 27 - Why The Air Force Quit Researching UFOs (According To The Air Force)


From 1947 to 1969, the Air Force investigated Unidentified Flying Objects under Project Blue Book. The project, headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, was terminated Dec. 17, 1969. Of a total of 12,618 sightings reported to Project Blue Book, 701 remained "unidentified."

The decision to discontinue UFO investigations was based on an evaluation of a report prepared by the University of Colorado entitled, "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects;" a review of the University of Colorado's report by the National Academy of Sciences; previous UFO studies and Air Force experience investigating UFO reports during 1940 to 1969.

As a result of these investigations, studies and experience gained from investigating UFO reports since 1948, the conclusions of Project Blue Book were:

No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;

There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and

There was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles.

With the termination of Project Blue Book, the Air Force regulation establishing and controlling the program for investigating and analyzing UFOs was rescinded. Documentation regarding the former Blue Book investigation was permanently transferred to the Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Service, and is available for public review and analysis.

Since the termination of Project Blue Book, nothing has occurred that would support a resumption of UFO investigations by the Air Force. Given the current environment of steadily decreasing defense budgets, it is unlikely the Air Force would become involved in such a costly project in the foreseeable future.

There are a number of universities and professional scientific organizations that have considered UFO phenomena during periodic meetings and seminars. A list of private organizations interested in aerial phenomena may be found in "Encyclopedia of Associations," published by Gale Research. Interest in and timely review of UFO reports by private groups ensures that sound evidence is not overlooked by the scientific community. Persons wishing to report UFO sightings should be advised to contact local law enforcement agencies.

Point of Contact
Requests for copies of records and general information about Project Blue Book should be sent to: Modern Military Records, National Archives, 8601 Adelphi Rd, College Park, MD 20740-6001, (301)713-7250

Saturday, October 08, 2005

If The Deadly 'Flu Pandemic Strikes, The U.S. Will Be Running With Its Pants Down Around Its Ankles

Click here for the full N.Y. Times Article: Bush Plan Shows U.S. Is Not Ready for Deadly Flu

The New York Times today reported on the Bush administration's plan to deal with an outbreak of pandemic flu. The Administration report shows that the United States is woefully unprepared for what could become the worst disaster in the nation's history. This makes the Hurricane Katrina disaster look like a model of efficiency and preparedness.

The plan says a large outbreak that began in Asia would probably reach the U.S. within "a few months or even weeks" because of modern travel patterns.

Hospitals would be overwhelmed and riots would engulf vaccination clinics, and power and food would be in short supply, according to the plan (which was leaked to the New York Times).

The 381-page plan calls for quarantine and travel restrictions but concedes that such measures "are unlikely to delay introduction of pandemic disease into the U.S. by more than a month or two." This, coupled with the fact that the United States dropped the ball on ordering mass amounts of the drug to treat the 'flu, means we better cross our fingers. . .because that is what our government did. . .until this very late hour.

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight::::Rove, POTUS, And The G.O.P. Hit A Patch Of Ice That Horrifyingly Transmogrifies Into A Full-Blown Glacier

<<--Click image to enlarge--->>

I actually felt kind of sorry for The President earlier this week, when he announced he would need to use the military to enforce a quarantine if the feared avian 'flu pandemic materialized. These guys can't catch a break anymore. The horshoe is upside down, and their luck is running out. It looks like Chief Justice Roberts may be the last success story in this administration. . .

The President faces using armed military personnel to keep people quarantined!!!!!! At gunpoint!!!!!! Under severe restrictions that have to include suspending portions of the Bill of Rights, including the first, second, fourth, eighth, and tenth amendments to The Constitution

Depending on just which gun nuts, libertarians, and knuckledraggers rise up, this could means gunning down thousands of suddenly dissident Americans. The images would be horrifying! And what choice would he have!? Isolate the outbreak or let it run wild? Will he need to suspend the contitution, or at least declare martial law? Round up all the firearms in the area of quarantine? None of it is pretty, and it could be the last chapter of the story in which this Presidency has fallen deeper and deeper into the outhouse.
