Monday, May 25, 2009

Eliana Burki on the Alphorn -- wow

A Tradition Jazz concert by Eliana Burki on the Alphorn and her band comprising Arnaud Francelet (Bass), Samuel Siegenthaler (Guitar), Adriano Regazzin (Keyboard), Anthony LoGerfo (Drums and percussion), Astrid Van der Haegen (Management and technicals) live at Someplace Else

At the risk of sounding crude, I have to say this gal knows how to work the pole.


Strange Scenes at Golden Gardens, presented by

Lullaby Moon is a "year-long invitation to Seattle to explore a world of dream. A celebration of the night sky, the series of performance events brings bedtime whimsy and wonder to parks and other public spaces throughout the city, enlivening and enlightening the dark time of each month. Performances take place on each new moon for an entire lunar year beginning in October 2008. " performs this large scale performance piece once a month, on the night of the new moon. You still have five months to see this oddly baffling, but charming performance.

Lullaby Moon came to Golden Gardens, near my house tonight. We were just walking on the beach when we stumbled into a strange tableau of people with clock-heads, horse and mouse-heads, people in tops hats, people in gauzy white outfits making up one of about fifteen lighted beds, and about ten or so boats. A chamber orchestra and soprano played off to the side. The cast looked like it contained at least 50 people.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

A business presentation goes very wrong when the porn screensaver activates...


Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention play one of their greatest songs live with an all star Mothers lineup: Inca Roads (with lyrics)

I don;t know when this was made, or the full band lineup (the YouTube notes are mum on any details). But I do know this is a great rendition of one of Zappa/The Mothers greatest song, including midway through, some off the hook old school animation work. This band was one of Zappa's best, including the stellar Ruth Underwood on vibes, Napolean Murphy Brock, Chester Fowler, and George Duke on vocals, piano arp synth, Wurlitzer 145, and a Hohner clavinet. And all the other people in this classic lineup.... the last words of the song are "On Ruth/On Ruth/That's truth."

Inca Roads
By Frank Zappa

Did a vehicle
Come from somewhere out there
Just to land in the Andes?
Was it round
And did it have
A motor
Or was it

Did a vehicle
Did a vehicle
Did a vehicle
Fly along the mountains
And find a place to park itself
Park it

Or did someone
Build a place
To leave a space
For such a thing to land

Did a vehicle
Come from somewhere out there
Did a vehicle come
From somewhere out there
Did the Indians, first on the bill
Carve up the hill

Did a booger-bear
Come from somewhere out there
Just to land in the Andes?
Was she round
And did she have a motor
Or was she something different

Guacamole Queen
Guacamole Queen
Guacamole Queen

At the Armadillo in Austin Texas, her aura,
Or did someone build a place
Or leave a space for Chester's Thing to land
(Chester's Thing . . . on Ruth)
Did a booger-bear
Come from somewhere out there
Did a booger-bear
Come from somewhere out there
Did the Indians, first on the bill
Carve up her hill
On Ruth
On Ruth
That's Ruth

Friday, May 22, 2009

Point<---->Counterpoint - Obama v. Cheney, or, Crawl Back Into Your Coffin Dick Cheney!

Editorial By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor (Saskatoon/Key Largo)
Illustrations by Jack Brummet, Arts Editor (Seattle)

President Barack Obama said yesterday that the U.S. Point--> "went off course" in fighting terrorism over the past eight years, and said his policies will "better protect" the country against al Qaeda.

And, moments later, across town, ex-Vice-President Dick Cheney crawled out of his coffin in broad daylight, transmogrified into a Republican Talking Points machine, and said Counterpoint--> that he supported the controversial policies "when they were made, and without hesitation would do so again in the same circumstances." "The point is not to look backward," Cheney said. "A lot rides on our President’s understanding of the security policies that preceded him. And whatever choices he makes concerning the defense of this country, those choices should not be based on slogans and campaign rhetoric, but on a truthful telling of history."

Point-->President Obama, in a major address at the National Archives, argued that waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods "did not advance our war and counter-terrorism efforts – they undermined them."

Point--> The president then methodically tackled (actually, decimated) the chain of national-security decisions that have drawn criticism from the shrieking banshees political right. He called the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay an inherited "mess" that "has weakened American national security" by providing a rallying cry for enemies.

Point--> The President then turned to one of Republican's most ridiculous but potent and emotional arguments: "Let me begin by disposing of one argument as plainly as I can: we are not going to release anyone if it would endanger our national security, nor will we release detainees within the United States who endanger the American people."

Point--> Obama rejected calls for a "truth commission" (as if something confected by the republicans could possibly even have a whiff of truth) about the Bush administration's handling of the war on terror, saying he has "no interest in spending our time re-litigating the policies of the last eight years."

Mr. Ex-Vice-President, isn't it time you put a cork in it? I don't know who out there is clamoring to hear you emit wisdom other than say, Anne Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh.

In every poll since November 2008, the Republicans are rapidly losing ground--and, most importantly, voters--and while Dick Cheney may succeed in drawing support from the lunatic fringe of the party, in general he seems to be helping hammer a stake into the heart of the G.O.P. I'm all for that, but baffled why party functionaries (let's face it, it won't be Michael Stelle) have not yet found a way to muzzle the attack dog, before he drags the entire party of Lincoln into the gutter. On the other hand, keep it up Ex-Veep Cheney! At this rate, by the next election, the Republican Party will have roughly the stature and vote-getting ability of the libertarian, green, or communist parties.

Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance - A Frank Zappa/Mothers YouTube slideo (with lyrics)

Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
Music and Lyrics by Frank Zappa

There will come a time when everybody
Who is lonely will be free...
To sing & dance & love

There will come a time when every evil
That we know will be an evil...
That we can rise above

Who cares if hair is long or short
Or sprayed or partly grayed...
We know that hair ain't where it's at

(there will come a time when you won't
Even be ashamed if you are fat!)

Wah wah-wah wah

There will come a time when everybody
Who is lonely will be free...
To sing & dance & love (dance and love)

There will come a time when every evil
That we know will be an evil...
That we can rise above (rise above)

Who cares if you're so poor you can't afford
To buy a pair of mod a go-go stretch-elastic pants...
There will come a time when you can even
Take your clothes off when you dance

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wow. Jimmy Kimmel gets a halo today

By Pablo Fanque,
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

I'll admit, I hardly watch TV, and especially not the late night talk shows (after all, late night is for art and sinning). But Jimmy Kimmel--whom I've never especially appreciated--took it to the next level yesterday. I've really only seen him back in the early Conan days, and a couple of times on The Man Show. Jimmy K either has a death wish, or he is channeling Jerry McGuire and Senator Jay Bullington Bulworth.

Jimmy K

Yesterday, Jimmy Kimmel let it all hang out in NYC, at something called The Up Fronts. You read about this every year--this is the big shindig, where TV networks butter up advertisers and sell them their upcoming slate of shows. A bunch of TV "stars" come in and try to convince the ad people that their show will truly be a cash cow, centering right in on their beloved demographic. As the New York Times reported: Jimmy had "A Jerry Maguire Moment." I tend to think of it as more of a Bulworth moment. Here are some quotes from his talk. Unfortunately no one seems to have recorded it. At least it's not on YouTube or any of the other usual suspect sites. He even seems to have taken a few direct shots at sacred cows like Jay Leno.

"Let's get real here. Let's get Dr. Phil-real here. These new fall shows? We're going to cancel about 90 percent of them. Maybe more."

"Every year we lie to you and every year you come back for more. You don't need an upfront. You need therapy. We completely lie to you, and then you pass those lies onto your clients."

"Next year on ‘Grey's Anatomy,' your product could kill Dr. Izzie. It just depends on how much you want to pay."

"I think all our shows are going to work this year. I really do. I don't, really."

"The important thing to remember is: who cares?, it's not your money."

Wow. Despite this, he still appears to be working. At least today. He was either very very high, or he has some kind of iron-clad no-cut contract. Or both. In either case, Excelsior! Jimmy.

Choreography! A wedding dance goes off the hook.

A father-daughter dance at a wedding becomes a choreographed dance routine. Sweet!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

digital art: Jack Evolved

click to enlarge

All This Is That Reheated: President Bush drunk at Camp David

Photograph: unknown source. If it's yours, let us know!

From All This Is That December 29, 2005

President Bush's Christmas retreat at Camp David devolved into a troubled, drunken "bender," according to sources close to The White House. Unsubstantiated rumors have circulated throughout the year that The President has begun drinking again. These rumors seem to be corroborated by this video hosted by

Rumors of Presidential tippling died down in December, following the Scooter Libby indictment and The Administration's double digit bump in the polls. However, revelations of massive domestic spying and renewed talk of special prosecutors and impeachment have let the cork out of the bottle, so to speak.

Sources report that the President is drinking frequently as he struggles to map a strategy to survive his next three years in office, as well as attempting to secure a place in the history books, possibly without his close advisors Andrew Card, Rumsfeld and Cheney, as well as a faltering majority in The Senate.

On Christmas morning, the Secret Service unexpectedly cancelled a photo-op and cleared the press from Camp David, allowing only a small pool of reporters and photographers in a cabin half a mile from the presidential compound.

Numerous White House staffers willing to talk off the record, painted a picture of an administration under siege, led by a man who declares his decisions to be "God's will" and tells aides to "f**k over" anyone opposing the administration's nebulous goals.

Hammered, or a little shaky on his feet?

Earlier in the week after sharing bourbon and eggnog[1] with his inner circle, The President reportedly broke down in tears, complaining that Vice-President Cheney "is supposed to have my back, he's supposed to be the brains of the f***in' outfit!. He was supposed to be the grandpa everyone loved. . .and all he's done in the last year is bring a s***storm down on us! Even our f***in' friends are racing for the exits!"

Later the same evening, The President allegedly urged his team to kneel and "pray for the deaths of prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, Rep. John P. Murtha, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Arlen Specter, Howard Dean, and one more f***in' Supreme Court Justice. . .to fix those pinko bastards and ACLU treehuggers. . .once and for all!"

[1] The Camp David bartenders used the potent recipe for eggnog created by the northwesterner Dean Ericksen, a former bartender, and ironically, a prominent environmental activist.