Saturday, July 25, 2009

On The Road to Yellowstone and Chico Hot Springs: warning signs in Yellowstone National Park.

Click on all images to enlarge...


The Yellowstone Supervolcano

This warning was posted by geologist Christopher C. Sanders on January 1, 2009: "I am advising all State officials around Yellowstone National Park for a potential State of Emergency. In the last week over 300 earthquakes have been observed by the USGS. We have a 3D view on the movement of magma rising underground. We have all of the pre warning signs of a major eruption from a super volcano. - I want everyone to leave Yellowstone National Park and for 200 miles around the volcano caldera."

It looks like he was off by some unknown interval. The supervolcano has yet to blow. If it were to blow, from what I saw on the island of Thira (a/k/a Santorini) in Greece, 200 miles might be just enough distance to survive. Read the article on Sangtorini's supervolcano here, on All This Is That.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The President weighs in on the Gates' travesty (includes press conference video)

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

My conservative friends would not agree, but last night a gust of fresh air blew in.

At the end of yesterday's news conference on health care reform, Chicago Sun-Times columnist Lynn Sweet asked Barack Obama about race relations in America.

The President said "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" arresting Professor Henry Louis Gates in his own home. He also said if he broke into his house (e.g., The White House), "Then I'd get shot." Right on, BHO!


Poem: Blackout

Lights off: dark skies.
The river gurgles over rocks

Somewhere behind me
In the night.

The Big Dipper
Beams large and bright

Like a Times Square marquee
Flashing among the random stars.

Lullaby Moon at Gasworks Park

A bad cell phone shot of rabbits singing and dancing in the always evolving Lullaby Moon show that appears each month on the night of the full moon, at various Seattle waterfront parks.

digital art: 16

click to enlarge

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Drawing: The Bureaucrat

click to enlarge

Poem: Denial

by Jack Brummet

What is denial, really,
But those moments,

Those swaths of your life,
Where you play

Hide and seek
With yourself,

On the hide,

And easy
On the seek?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Team America: World Police video clip - Kim Jong Il meets with Hans Blix of the UN, and in another clip, Blix discusses his portrayal in the movie

This may be my favorite scene from Team America: World Police . . .where Kim Jong Il meets with Hans Blix and drops him into a shark tank (foul language warning):

After Team America was released, Hans Blix talked about his puppet version's confrontation with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Il at the Arms Control Association's 2006 Annual Meeting, Amazing! Who knew Hans Blix had such a sense of humor?


Monday, July 20, 2009

40 years ago today, we, yes, WE, walked on the moon. I remember looking up at it, thinking "one of us is up there."

40 years ago today, we, yes, WE, walked on the moon. I remember looking up at it, thinking "one of us is up there." What has it brought us, after all, but a couple boxes of rocks, and Tang [tm]? I know there have been various materials, processes, and other inventions that have probably benefited the world (aside from Tang). But, all that aside, there was something so magnificent about knowing we were up there, striding in the dust, where (most likely) no one had ever been before. In another connection, I think I remember the recently departed Walter Cronkite saying as Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon "hot diggity dog."

It wasn't great that we beat the Russians there--although that was cool too--but more that we had done it. And when you think about the crude computer technology and the materials that went into the rockets and spaceship, it was absolutely amazing we made it. I know that before we abandoned going there, something like 40 or 50 people walked on the moon. For what it's worth, I'd like to see us get there again.

There were the naysayers, of course. And their stories have again been circulating again around this anniversary. Here are a few of the stories and poems that have appeared over the years on All This Is That about the moon, and moon landings (I think my favorite is "The Skeleton on the moon):

Alien Lore No. 81 - The Skeleton on the moon
Life on the moon?
Nixon's back pocket speech in the event of a moon landing disaster
Michael Jackson moonwalk video clips
Alien Lore No. 134 - Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up
Poem: The Moon Race
Poem: The Moon's In Tune
The Six Faked Moon Landings?
Alien Lore No. 29 - Nazis On The Moon!!
Alien Lore 53 - The Moon Dust File
Alien Lore No. 108 - The spaceship on the moon

Keelin Curran and Dave Hokit posing in Winthrop, Wash.

Dave and Keelin pose in a cut-out on the "western"-themed main street of Winthrop, just outside the local brewery.

Click to enlarge

On the back side of the cut-out is this warning (you think they've had to extricate a few heads over the years?):
