Saturday, December 05, 2009

Drawing: Stories

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Narboo's blog & his Flickr photostream

Narboo is a Seattle artist who always makes me smile. I bought two of his painting this fall. His Flickr photo stream is here, and his blogspot blog is here.

Drawing: Neighbors


Mr. President: repeal the second amendment

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By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

After seeing the assassinations of four local police officers in a coffee shop, preceded by another cop-killing on Capitol Hill, on top of all the other recent shootings, snipings, assassinations, and cold-blooded murders, you really have to wonder how we haven't reached the absolute saturation point.

It's a recurring nightmare, or an awful slasher movie with a dozen sequels. The National Rifle Association is like a twisted Energizer Bunny. Every time we see an office shot up, or episodes like the recent murders of four northwest cops, or just the mundane, run-of-the-mill "father kills family, self" headline, the NRA releases a new statement about how the tragedy might have been avoided had one of our good citizens been nearby, and packing.

Despite Columbine, Fort Hood, the recent assassinations of five Seattle police officers [ed's note: the number went up to six (and almost seven) recently], and dozens of other tragic cases of carnage in America, the NRA continues to herald its resurgence. The NRA's membership rolls have swelled as people fear President Obama will send in jackbooted thugs to confiscate your guns.

Mr. President, you have not been afraid to tackle the other fractious and thorny issues. We urge that you propose the repeal of the second amendment. Sure, you'll lose some votes from the gun nuts and NRA, but, then, none of them ever voted for you in the first place.

free MP3 Christmas songs on the punk rock advent calendar

This advent cvalendar is much like a regular advent calendar. You open a window and out pops a treat. Open the window, and instead of getting a piece of waxy milk chocolate, you get to download a free Christmas song. Pretty cool. I've only listened to four or five songs, but among those were some gems. Check out the website here.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Dean Man Walking--->> The brief transit and rapid eclipse of Mike Huckabee's political career

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Illustration by Jack Brummet
Editorial note by Pablo Fanque, All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Huck, a/k/a Ex-governor Mike Huckabee, has cashed his check. It's all over now. His clemency grant to a child rapist became national news when his boy assassinated four Seattle-area policemen. Any Presidential ambitions Huck had have been utterly and irrevocably extinguished.

Back in 2008, Huckabee had a brief couple of weeks as the GOP "It Guy." He was fairly rapidly smacked down, after snagging a lot of magazine covers, ink, and talking head oxygen. But his pardon of the northwest cop-killer seems to have laid his Presidential ambitions permanently to rest.

I am completely serious when I say that Sarah Palin is thereby jumped up one big notch in the small pack of apparent Republican Presidential contenders.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Official White House photo of the party crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi

A fox news transcript of an interview with the hairdresser:

JENKINS: We are here at Erwin Gomez's Salon and Spa, Washington's premiere place to come, if you need hair and makeup, like the Salahis needed in the hours before crashing the big party at the White House.

ERWIN GOMEZ, SALON OWNER: This is where she got her make-up.

JENKINS: This was it? So Michaele Salahi sat here. How long did it take to do?

GOMEZ: It took a good one hour for me to be able to do her makeup and I helped her style her outfit, her sari and -- but she was here for about seven hours.

JENKINS: You got to do the hair of Michaele Salahi?


JENKINS: You did it here, how long did it take? What was it like, what's she's talking about.

IOAKIM: I asked her, so, how did you get invited? And she told me she got an invitation in the mail and she told me that she --- shortly after, they called the White House to make sure that what she -- if her gown was appropriate, like what she should would wear, and she wanted to wear a sari, that she also told me it was designed for her -- it was made for her.
So as we're talking I was asking her, just because I was a little curious, you know, what does the invitation look like? Do you have it with you? Because I knew they were coming going from the salon to this event, so how can you not have the invitation with you? She looked through her bag and she didn't find anything, and so she said it might be in the limo, like she just...

JENKINS: She was casual about not having an invite to the White House.

IOAKIM: Right, right.

JENKINS: The first state dinner.