Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Richard Fong Drawing

by Jack Brummet

Richard Fong drew this picture of me when we worked together on Market Street in SF (circa '82-85). I'm tossing out old manuscripts and papers and fortunately found this gem! Thank you Richard!


Monday, May 15, 2017

President Trump, the leaker

by Jack Brummet

"Trump revealed information to the Russian visitors that “jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State,” the Post reported Monday, citing current and former U.S. officials with ties to the administration. The publication did not elaborate on what the president’s disclosure entailed, due to its sensitive nature, but said the information came from a U.S. ally." - Huffington Post 5/15/17


Drawing: Faces No. 1954 - Cousin Reunion

by Jack Brummet


One mad sentence from Neal Cassady

by Jack Brummet

Here is one sentence from madman Neal Cassady's autobiography, The First Third. NC was the star of Kerouac's On The Road and Kerouac was deeply influenced by Cassady's kaleidoscopic, profane, frenzied, letters and writings. Neal went on to drive Furthur, Ken Kesey and The Merry Pranksters psychedelic bus, and linking up the 50s beats and 60s hippies into one continuum.
"Like here it was that I entered that stage when a child overcomes enough to realize an adult's emotional reaction as somethimes freakish for its inconsistencies, so can, on his own reasoning canvas, paint those early pale colors of judgement, resulting from initial moments of ability to critically examine life's perplexities, in tentative little brain-engine stirrings, before they faded to quickly join that train of remembered experience carrying signals indicating existence which itself far outweighs traction effort by thinking's soon slipping drivers to effectively resist any slack-action advantage, for starting so necessitates continual cuts on the hauler - performed as if governed lifelong by the tagwork of a student-green foreman who, crushed under on rushing time always building against his excessive load of emotional contents, is forever a lost ball in the high weeds of personal developments - until, with ever changing emphasis through a whole series of grades of consciousness (leading up from root-beginnings of obscure childish inconscious soul within a world), early lack - for what child sustains logic? - reaches a point of late fossilization, resultant of repeated wrong moves in endless switching of dark significances crammed inside the cranium, where, through such hindering habits, there no longer is the flexibility for thought transfer and unloading of dead freight that a standard gauge would afford and thus, as Faustian Destiny dictates, is an inept mink, limited, being in existence firmly tracked just above the constant "T" biased ballast supporting wherever space yearnings lead the worn rails of civilized comprehension, so henceforth is restricted to mere pickups and setouts of drab distortion, while traveling wearily along its familiar Western Thinking right-of-way. But choo-choo nonsense aside ...”

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy mother's day Betty Brummet

by Jack Brummet

This is a Seattle Post Intelligencer photo from a human interest article about my mom, Betty Jones Brummet, joining the Marines in 1943, following in her father Bill Jones' footsteps (he's on the right). She is still alive and well, and turns 94 this summer. It's been a blessing she has lived so long. . .fifty-two years longer than my father. Her divorced mother was so PO'd about this article, she disowned her! It didn't last long. Happy Mother's Day Mom!


Drawing: Faces No. 1953 (Scratchboard) — Utah Visitor's Center

by Jack Brummet
