Showing posts with label Republican Family Values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Family Values. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The return of Governor Chris Christie (he actually never left)

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
[illustration by Jack Brummet]

The Drudge Report reported today that President Barack Obama told a top fundraiser that Romney wants to choose Gen. David Petraeus for the vice presidential slot.  That would be interesting.  But it also appeared in The Drudge Report, so the veracity of that rumor is immediately called into question. 

Politico today reported that  Tim PawlentyRob PortmanMarco RubioKelly AyotteBob McDonnell, Paul Ryan and Bobby Jindal were out of the running, since they have all been assigned speaking slots at the Republican convention in three weeks.    I still think that Rubio and Ryan are in it, but I have nothing rational or factual to back that up.  Jeb Bush must have bigger plans for 2016 (assuming Romney survives his income tax problems and remains on the ticket).  The Condoleezza Rice VP-ship was always just a GOP opium pipe-dream.

What's also interesting is that, after being more or less out of the running the last couple of months, Chris Christie is either being considered as a possible VP, or his name is being conspicuously tossed around just to keep things interesting (anything to get people to quit talking about Mitt Romney's taxes, and his disastrous European Leadership Tour).  His loud, brash, blunt style would be an interesting, and most likely extremely-awkward, adjunct to Mitt Romney's near-total absence of charisma, charm, and, as we have seen the last few months, political intelligence, and a crippling inability to connect on any sort of retail level with the voters.  Christie on the ticket wouldn't be an actual personality transplant for Ex-Governor Romney, but it might not hurt.

No one is voting for Mitt Romney; they're voting against The President.  Mitt's big dilemma now is to figure out how to make people like him.  And that, friendos, is a Sysiphean rock to push up the hill. 

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Ed Rendell: "I'm for Michele Bachmann for Vice President"

By Jack Brummet, ATIT Presidential Historian

Ex-Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell--one of my favorite yellow dog Democrats--weighed in with a big smile on Mitt Romney's Veepstakes on CBS's "Face The Nation,"  and even drew a chuckle from the show's host Bob Schieffer. 

“I just want to go on record," Rendell said. "I’m for Michele Bachmann for Vice President.  I want everyone to be clear about that."  Here's Rendell in a brief video clip:


Friday, August 03, 2012

Ex-Senator Larry Craig back in the news: that bathroom incident was part of my Senate duties

By Jack Brummet, G.O.P. Sex Scandals Editor

Ex-Senator Larry Craig

Ex-Republican U.S. Sen. Larry Craig is attempting to derail a federal election lawsuit against him by laughably arguing that his notorious July 11, 2007, Minneapolis airport bathroom bust in a sex-sting operation was actually part of The Senate's business.  The  Federal Election Commission argues that he owes $217,000 in campaign funds he used to pay for his criminal defense. 

The FEC sued Craig, charging that he converted the campaign money to personal use by spending it on his legal defense after he was accused of soliciting sex in a Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport bathroom. 

"Not only was the trip itself constitutionally required, but Senate rules sanction reimbursement for any cost relating to a senator's use of a bathroom while on official travel,"  Craig's lawyer wrote in documents Thursday.

At the time of his initial arrest, an undercover officer said Craig tapped his feet and signaled under a stall divider that he wanted sex.  Some other ATIT coverage of The Senator around the time of "the incident."

Another Republican cork soaker takes a fall: Senator Larry Craig busted in the men's room scouting for man on man action

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Mitt Romney's tax problem leads Jeb Bush to clear his calendar for the next four years

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

Mitt Romney's mounting tax return problem have led to many calls to Jeb Bush this week.  "Jeb? Do you have any plans for the next four years?  We think we may need to go with a designated hitter. . ."


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Reprising Pablo Fanque's notorious 2008 interview with Sen. John McCain in the heat of the election

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

In an interview today with All This Is That's national affairs editor, Pablo Fanque, Senator John McCain at first mocked the New York Times recent revelations about a possible relationship he had had with the lobbyist Vicki Iseman.

Fanque: So is there any whiff of truth to the story?

Sen. McCain: Sure, I guess there's a whiff of truth. She is a woman, and a good looking woman. It's more convenient to pin her on me than it would be a male lobbyist. That's for sure. Every person on the hill deals with lobbyists.

Fanque: But the New York Times also alludes to something deeper than a drink with a lobbyist.

Sen. McCain: Sure they do. Have you read the 'paper lately? They allude to a lot of things. And the Times has a stake in getting their boy Obama elected. They shredded Hillary Clinton, and now they're coming after me.

Fanque: But that still doesn't really answer my question.

Sen. McCain: But isn't this interview supposed to be about how I would support the arts after I'm elected?

Fanque: It is, indeed. But this seems a little more important.

Sen. McCain: Than what?! This is a f***ing sideshow you're running here. Let's talk about The Issues.

Fanque: We are. This has become the issue.

Sen. McCain: Look. I've become a threat to the Democrats and to the New York Times. So you drag up a ten year old story and start flogging it. It's not relevant to the campaign.

Fanque: So just what WAS your relationship with Ms. Iseman?

Sen. McCain: I think I explained that. Several times this week.

Fanque: But the New York Times and some of your staffers seem to think otherwise.

Sen. McCain: You're talking about Pravda here. A paper that is ashamed of the United States. And some traitor staff members who will be rapidly disposed of. Pardon me for ending that sentence with a preposition.

Fanque: But Senator, you've explained that you did some business with a lobbyist. Now, it seems, you need to explain the accusations that have been lodged against you about having a romantic relationship with Ms.Iseman.

Sen. McCain: Really. OK. I drilled Vicki Iseman. So what? Do I get the same pass you gave Slick Willy? Do I get the same pass you've been giving Obama and Hillary?

Fanque: Pass? I don't recall hearing these sorts of allegations against them?

Sen. McCain: Then you have your head in the sand. Because it's all out there. This interview is over.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

President Obama's Presidential Library/outhouse appears in Montana

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

At least week's Republican convention in Montana, an outhouse labeled Obama Presidential Library was parked outside Missoula’s Hilton Garden Inn.  No one actually claimed responsibility for it, however it did appear in the  Memorial Day parade in Corvallis in Ravalli County.

The outhouse was painted to look as though it had bullet holes in it, and, inside, there was a fake birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama that was stamped “Bulls**t.”   The outhouse also included the legend 

“For a Good Time call 800-Michelle, Hillary, Pelosi

Keep it classy Montana!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mitt Romney takes one more courageous stand

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

(Reuters) -"Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney chose Veterans Day to proclaim to the American people his conviction that the world is a dangerous place, and the United States must remain its most formidable military power."  OK.  And how is this different from every other Presidential candidate of any party in the last fifty years?  Except for a few random dingbats and  Ron Paul, Dick Gregory, and The Greens, this is what every single politician says, and, except for a few extreme cynics, actually believes.

I have to say it again--I think Mitt Romney is probably the most charmless Republican candidate I remember in my lifetime, and in recent memory, only Steve Forbes comes close.  And that list includes Dick Nixon, 41 and 43, David Duke, and a whole raft of other cretins, pinheads, charlatans, and mountebanks.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Rick Santorum's gun to the head—The Obamaville Movie

The best image from Rick Santorum's "trailer" Obamaville.  (which you can find here).  The one minute movie shows America two years from now after the President is reelected. It's essentially "It Can't Happen Here— the Russians are running the show; religion is over;  gas prices lead to suicides, and everything is run down and desperate.  It feeds into the paranoia of his core constituency...


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rick Perry's speech at last night's Gridiron dinner (the best speech of his life)

By Jack Brummet, Speech and debate editor

Mark Shields said that Governor Rick Perry achieved career redemption with his speech at the 127th anniversary dinner of The Gridiron Club and Foundation (you know, the annual press dinner with sometimes funny speeches...) dinner last night.  It's pretty good:

"I can't tell you ... what a relief it is to be on a stage with just one podium. ... [Laughter]] The Gridiron's the only time that politicians and journalists can get together for some lighthearted silliness - well, I mean, other than the debates. ... Some have said that my debating style is very similar to that other Texas Cicero, George W. Bush. [Laughter] Only difference between GEORGE and me is that I say, 'Oops.' [Applause] ... Y'know, I shouldn't make fun of George. But he's, like, the only one that I can. [Laughter] Y'know, I say stuff like Solyndra's a country or that the voting age is 21. But MITT would say things like his wife drives a coupla Cadillacs, or his pals own NASCAR teams. Y'know, my problem was sayin' stuff that WASN'T right. Mitt's problem is sayin' stuff that IS. [Applause] 

So with all my gaffes, people forgot that I once led the Republican primary. It was the most exhilarating three hours of my life. Awesome! Now, officially, I have only suspended my campaign -- I never really quit. So technically, I'm still in the race - 'cept I can go home, spend the evening with Anita, relax, and still do about as well. Well, listen, here's the hardest part for me: The weakest Republican field in history -- and they kicked my BUTT! ... Y'know, very once in a while, Herman Cain, Michele Bachman and myself'll get together. We'll kinda act silly, we'll say some stupid things-you know, kinda like old times. ...

"Y'know it's weird standing next to [Mitt] on the debate podium . Y'know, I keep waiting for him to say, 'Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?' ... I LIKE Mitt Romney. I mean, I like Mitt Romney as much as one really good looking man can like a really good looking man -and not break Texas law. And then there's Rick Santorum. I used to have SO much fun needling Rick. I'd say, 'Now, Rick, tell me again, which one of the Village People are you? You're the policeman? Or you're the Indian?' And then there's Ron Paul. ... Y'know, he kinda reminds me of that crazy uncle that you expect to pull a nickel out of your ear. ... Then we have Gingrich. He's like this Pillsbury Doughboy, with this really huge brain. ... I do wish I were still in the race. I mean, I don't know why I didn't do better: Governor of a big state. Former military pilot. I graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in animal husbandry. [Laughter] Maybe that was the problem. Animal husbandry: That sounds like what Rick Santorum thinks gay marriage leads to. ...

"Now, before I forget, which has been known to happen [laughter], it's really good to see DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz [who spoke after him]. And even though Debbie and I are from different parties, she has been very, very complimentary. Earlier she told me, she said, 'Rick, you don't know how sorry I am that you won't be your party's nominee.' [Laughter] [Turning to her at the head table:] Thank you, darlin'.

"Now, President Obama couldn't be here. I read that he is in Korea, at the DMZ. Would somebody tell me: Why do ya have to go all the way to Korea to get a DRIVER'S LICENSE? Must be something to do with that birth certificate thing. But filling in tonight for the president very ably is Secretary Panetta. And during the campaign, I said that Secretary Panetta should resign. I regret saying that ... We have had Predator drones circling the governor's mansion. ... After what I've been through, our motto is, 'Y'know, if you can't laugh at yourself -- well, there's always Herman Cain.' ...

"When we did our announcement tour, there was this huge caravan of reporters, including the Washington Post's Dan Balz, who was following our bus. And Dan was lookin' a little scruffy. He had this days' old beard. He had a baseball cap on. And I spent the day calling him 'Wolf.' Finally it dawned on me: That's not Wolf Blitzer! That's Dan Balz. So, Dan, wherever you are in the audience tonight, I wanna say 'thank you' for being a gentleman, and never mentioning it.

"Most of the reporters and the correspondents trailing us weren't well-known. They weren't established journalists like Dan and the members of this club. But they were often the younger reporters, on the lower rungs of the business. I wasn't always happy about what they wrote -- but they became part of the traveling family, because our lives became intertwined. They ate the same crappy campaign food; they got up at the same early hour; they heard the same speech, over and over. But I honestly got the sense that they were sad to see our campaign end. Anita and I still keep up with 'em. As a matter of fact, we just got a note from one just the other day. I saw one tonight as I came in. So, tonight, I'd like to close not by recognizing you big shots in the business out there -- but all those reporters who are out there workin' - workin' their butts off, worryin' about the future of newspapers, worryin' about whether or not the news budget is gonna be cut. I truly like 'em and respect 'em. And I hope one day those reporters in that caravan following our bus make it to this illustrious dinner -- and are up on that stage, doing those skits and enjoying the rewards of their professional success, like we are tonight."

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dick Cheney's heart transplant and what the surprised surgeons found

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

The Associated Press reported this morning that Ex-Vice President Dick Cheney, who has suffered five heart attacks since he was 37, "underwent a heart transplant Saturday after more than 20 months on a transplant list, according to his office."

Two years ago, the former VP had a manual heart pump installed (generally a transitional device for people on the transplant list).  At the time he told reporters that he "hadn’t decided whether to seek a heart transplant."

All This Is That contacted the hospital press office, as well as some of the transplant team medical staff early this afternoon.  

"It was the damnedest thing you ever saw," a member of the surgical team told All This Is That. "After we opened up his chest to perform the operation, we removed what we thought was his heart.  It turned out to be a fat lump of bituminous coal!  He was, in effect, some kind of zombie.  We installed the new heart, fired it up, and he is now recovering. . ."


Friday, March 23, 2012

Ex-Senator Rick Santorum endorses President Barack Obama: I love this guy!

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor 


Ex-Senator Rick Santorum said yesterday that Romney is so much like Obama, voters in November should just  stick with the incumbent.  In Texas, the candidate once again held up front-runner Mittens as the Etch A Sketch candidate, who will change his positions after the primary.  

"You win by giving people a choice," he said. "You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who's just going to be a little different than the person in there. If you're going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate of the future."  I effing love this guy!

Romney's top political strategist suggested that Ex-Senator Santorum's continued presence in the race makes him President Obama's "most valuable player."   

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Public Policy Polling results show Mitt Romney less popular than George W. Bush

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

new survey from Public Policy Polling shows that Ex-Governor Mitt Romney is viewed favorably by 33 percent of voters, with nearly double that number58%viewing him unfavorably.  Ex-President George W. Bush, who reached Nixon-style lows while in The White House,  fared far better in the same poll45% favorable and 46% unfavorable.  As Public Policy Polling wrote, "The former president has seen something of a rehabilitation in his image since he left office and memories of his administration have begun to fade, but for him to be stronger than Romney among independent voters just a few years after an economic meltdown and disaster in Iraq is striking. "

This poll also seems to put the lie to Romney's oft repeated claim of electability and inevitability: "Romney is actually not the most electable Republican candidate on this poll. Ron Paul and Rick Santorum both do a point better than him, trailing by 3 points at 46-43 and 48-45 respectively."


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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rick Santorum: "I've got such a raging clue right now"

This captioned photo, source unknown (or maybe the guys actually did create it), was sent to us by Jeff Clinton.  /Pablo


In the face of mounting calls for his withdrawal, Speaker Gingrich vows to stay the course

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
illustration by Jack Brummet

"We are staying in this race because I believe it's going to be impossible for a moderate to win." 

Following his shellacking in Alabama and Mississippi yesterday, Speaker Gingrich held a rally today in a Chicago suburb. 75 people showed up.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hold your noses and vote, GOP/Tea Party—there is no man on horseback on the horizon

Steve Schmidt, on MSNBC: 

"Four years ago with Democrats, the tension in that race was which of two historic candidates the Democratic party voters all liked. who were they going to put forward in the general election contest? They liked both of them. They would have been happy with both of them. The longer this goes on, Republican voters are saying, 'We don't like any of them, we want somebody new in the race.' And that new person isn't going to appear in the race."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Election night rumination: BHO is going to win; Mitt Romney is desperately out of touch; Rick Santorum is in touch, but insane

By Jack Brummet, Editor-in-chief

Since Pablo Fanque, our National Affairs Editor and political whiz is M.I.A.(after promising to live blog the Michigan and Arizona primaries), I wanted to mention a couple of things.

In his speech tonight, Rick Santorum once again shows he has what it takes to connect with the voters.  I disagreed with nearly every clause of the speech, but he has a way of reaching out that Mitt Romney will never achieve.  Listen to the cadences and delivery of Mitt Romney's victory speech tonight.  It sounded like his basic $35,000 speech to an insurance convention. 

This should have been Mitt Romney's night. And he blew it.  He came from way behind in his home state to triumph.  But he never even talked about Michigan, or growing up there, or his deep connection to the people of that state.  He didn't mention it at all.  There was no real joy in his speech.  It felt like a candidate that resented he'd been forced to work so hard to win.  He should have laughed and expressed his great delight that his home state pulled through for him.  And he did not.  I don't think Mitt Romney's a scary guy, but I do think he is seriously out of touch, as we've seen over and over again in his foolish, unscripted, utterances. Mitt needs a new speechwriter.  He needs to think about retail politics.  He needs to read Chris Matthews's masterful book on political strategy, "Hardball."

Tonight President Obama delivered a masterful speech to the U.A.W. in Washington (the other Washington).  It was brilliant, inspiring, and it reached out to the voters. . .and connected.  BHO, like Romney, needs to remember to connect.  And he can; it's second nature to him.  Unfortunately, this is the only clip that's online at the moment.  If you get a chance, check out the entire speech.  The crux of it was that "you, the American people, did this."  He didn't talk about his brilliance as a manager; he talked about how people pulled together.  The President is back.  Now, it's on to November 6th!

If you get the chance, look for the entire speech...

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Ex-Senator Rick Santorum leads by 4+% in early returns from Michigan

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

We've been a little down since it looked like Ex-Governor Mitt Romney might actually pull off a victory tonight in Michigan after trailing in all the polls earlier.  In the very early reporting from Michigan tonight, Santorum leads Romney by four+ points (40.8% v. 35.6%).

1% of the precincts reporting:

Santorum 3,622 votes       - 40.8%
Romney 3,162 35.6 votes  - 36.8%
Paul 1,074                       - 12.1%

Gingrich 1,361                 -   7%

Why do we want Santorum to win?  a)  We would love to see him run against BHO; b)  it's kind of fun to watch the Romney campaign unravel; and c)  a Santorum win should make Super Tuesday a whole lot more interesting.