Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Poetry of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XV::::::::New Rumsfeld Poems From The Dec. 6, 2005 Defense Dept. Briefing
1 Why Don't We Try To Do This
Why don't we try to do this:
To have one question per person
And ask the question of one person.
In that way, more people
Will have an opportunity to ask a question.
2 They Are
It is considerably more difficult today
For terrorist networks to recruit,
To raise money,
To move across national boundaries,
To communicate with each other,
To conduct terrorist raids.
That's not to say that
They're not able to do it.
They are.
3 The Way Our System Works
You can have some schools
That think one way
And some schools that think another way.
And, of course, there are consequences to (laughs)
To what they think.
But that's fair enough, too.
That's the way our system works.
4 Progress
It's a tough business,
And it'll take some time.
And they'll be two steps forward
And a half a step back from time to time.
And everyone will throw up their hands and say,
"Henny Penny, the sky's falling.
Everything's terrible.
The glass is half empty."
Links to fourteen selected earlier Secretary Rumsfeld poems on All This Is That:
Poem: Clarity By Donald Rumsfeld
Poem: Those Glass Boxes By Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
The Poetry Of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Part 3::::::That's Life
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Part IV::::::The Digital Revolution
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Part V:::::A Confession
The Poetry of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld VI:::::Predicting The Future
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld VIII::::::Litany: What I Don't Do
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld IX::::::Accuracy
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld X:::::::::Where Is Osama bin Laden?
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XI:::::::::Existence, Evidence, Absence
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XII:::::::::The Pause
The Poetry Of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XIII:::::::::It Hasn't Happened
The Poetry of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld XIV::::::::The Unknown
New Rumsfeld Poems From The Dec. 6, 2005 Defense Dept. Briefing
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
poem: Zombie Breakdown
Sloughing tendrils of putrified flesh
And the living
Are made of cardboard
The border between
Being and nothingness is erased
The dead and not dead yet
Straddle a razor-thin margin
The dead reactivate
And flicker on to rampage
Shattered people and things
Litter the streets in their wake
The armies disintegrate
Soldiers gone A.W.O.L.
And the rest band with warlords
To plunder and protect the chosen
Rumor and speculation circle
Besieged pockets of life
Are the zombies a government experiment
Gone terribly wrong or terribly right?
Human activity can be accomplished
Unconsciously without memory or perception
And a one track mind keeps the focus
On consuming human flesh
The virus has no known cure
Lopping off the infected area
Won't stop the transmogrification
Into the living dead
Zombies can't open doorknobs or latches
Or climb stairs or walls
Zombies are weak on their own
But in concert with other zombies
The threat is unveiled
Legions of shuffling tireless flesh-eating machines attack
And soon you're one of them
Fee Fie Foe Fum.
Alien Lore No. 48 - New Mexico, UFOS, and Hootch
The Clovis Journal has an interesting and humorous article today, partly dealing with Roswell envy. Bob Huber writes:
The New York Times reported yesterday:"But before these sagas got completely out of hand, the community of Roswell, in a grand gesture of conciliation, topped all space fantasies by exploiting its “Roswell Story,” a simple, ageless fable about a crashed spacecraft brimming with smooshed aliens, brass bands, confetti, Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, and a top secret military cover up aimed at erasing an entire year in which absolutely nothing important took place."
Is there a link between all the gargle they put away in New Mexico and all those UFOs and aliens running around? Probably not. Those stolid New Hampshirites, putting away almost twice the amount as New Mexicans, report very few aliens and UFOs.
"The problem is more complex than mere alcohol consumption. New Hampshire leads the nation in drinking, with 4 gallons a year per person, far more than New Mexico's 2.4 gallons. But New Hampshire's alcohol-related road fatality rate is less than half of New Mexico's. "
Monday, December 05, 2005
It Was 72 Years Ago Today That Prohibition Ended
Seventy-two years ago today (12-5-1933), the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, which repealed the 18th Amendment and ended an era of national prohibition of alcohol.
The movement for the prohibition of alcohol began in the early 19th century, when Americans concerned about the adverse effects of drinking formed temperance societies. By the 1890's, these groups were a powerful political force on the state level and began calling for national liquor abstinence. Several states outlawed the manufacture or sale of alcohol within their own borders.
In December 1917, the 18th Amendment, prohibiting the "manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes," was passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification. The amendment did not officially take effect until January 29, 1920.In the meantime, Congress passed the Volstead Act on October 28, 1919, which added federal enforcement of these laws. Al Capone became a millionaire, and America was dry those first few years of The Great Depression.
The Naked Bible
A German church youth group is publishing a 2006 calendar with 12 photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible, the pictures shown here of a bare-breasted Delilah shearing Samson, and a naked Eve offering up an apple.
Anne Rohmer, 21, wears garters and stockings as the prostitute Rahab (mentioned in both New and Old Testaments). "We wanted to represent the Bible in a different way and to interest young people," she told Reuters.
Bernd Grasser, pastor of the church in Nuremberg where the calendar is being sold, was enthusiastic about the project which is detailed on their web site (in German).
Alien Lore No. 47 - President Harry S. Truman Inspected A UFO Crash in 1947
Note: This material comes from two files in the UFO spaces on the internet. Neither of the files is attributed. I have always been interested in HST as a President, since I was conceived in the last weeks of his administration...
A British politician says the U.S. government recovered the bodies of four extraterrestrials and the wreckage of their starship in 1947. He claims to have the secret report that proves it! As you may or may not know, President Truman is not the only President to have a UFO encounter. This one seemed to have spooked The President sufficiently that he ended up establishing the notorious black-op Majestic 12.
"The United States has been involved in a massive cover-up of alien contact for better than 40 years," said the politician, who asked to remain anonymous when he gave copies of the document to reporters in the House of Lords. "This is bigger than any mere Watergate," he added. "This is a cosmic Watergate - and it's time the truth was told."
The papers, signed by President Harry Truman (who saw the deceased aliens), were addressed to the most powerful figures in Britain. Then Prime Minister Clement Atlee got a copy, as did Winston Churchill, King George VI, the Queen Mother and leaders of the House of Lords.
The leaders' reactions reportedly ranged from shock and amazement to outright fear. The document itself stressed the need to keep the recovery operation a secret to avoid "a massive religious backlash and worldwide panic." It went on to describe the extraterrestrials in chilling detail.
"Four small human-like beings apparently ejected from the craft before it exploded and crashed in America's southwest," said the report. "All four were dead and decomposed due to predators and exposure to the elements before their discovery. The beings were between four and f ive feet tall. They wore tight-fitting silver jumpsuits. Their heads were disproportionately large, with oversized brown eyes, slanted in t he head. Their noses and mouth were mere slits. They had small holes for ears."
The document went on to say that pieces of the starship were strewn for miles. Analysis showed the fragments to be a strong and lightweight metal but were otherwise inconclusive. The report did not pinpoint the location of the crash, nor did it say where the bodies and fragments were taken. But, as you know from earlier postings, the likeliest destination was Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio - where the bodies of four more humaniods were taken after another crash 10 years later. There has also been much speculation that the bodies ended up at Area 51, near Rachel, Nevada.
The U.S. Government has never confirmed either crash, however, UFO experts are convinced that both wreckage and bodies have been preserved. In fact a super-secret government agency, code-named PI 40 [jb note: so secret, I'd never heard of them until today], keeps tabs on alien visitors and briefs U.S. Presidents on past and present UFO developments.
Gerber Pasche, the founder and president of the Swiss UFO watchdog group, Alien Encounter, was appalled to learn of the cover-up. He told reporters that the governments of the United States and Britain should be held accountable - and tried in the court of world opinion. "The irony of all this is that everybody knows what's going on - we've known for years," he said. "Space aliens exist and have a deep and abiding interest in our planet. This is a concern of all mankind - not just superpower leaders."
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Condoleeza And Redford: The Rig Was Rockin'!
The annual Kennedy Center Honors were celebrated last night in Washington. The left and the right forgot about the White House disasters for a night to pay tribute to Robert Redford, Tony Bennett, Julie Harris, Tina Turner, and the ballerina Suzanne Farrell. The five were honored for their lifetime contributions to the arts.
At a dinner for 300 hosted on Saturday by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, even the jaded and well-oiled politicians seemed awe-struck meeting these entertainment icons.
The gossip mill cranked into full gear following the event. Secretary of State Rice and Actor-Producer-Director Redford were seen in numerous close embraces. One reporter at the event said "They were smoldering. They couldn't keep their hands off each other. It got so hot and heavy that other people at their table became extremely uncomfortable." Their departure from the soiree was reportedly like the notorious Angie Dickinson car scene in De Palma's Dressed To Kill.
Another scribe reported seeing the couple emerge from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington this morning "looking extremely disheveled and very happy." He noted further that as Secretary Rice got into a limousine, she and Redford embraced and kissed for several minutes, oblivious to the honking of taxis and limousines behind them.
Fence Jumper At The White House. . .Who Looks Like A Laughing Academy Escapee
Shawn A. Cox, an Arkansas man, scaled the fence around the White House today, while President Bush was in residence.
Looking at the photo of of this nutjob in custody--he is either utterly deranged, or a most accomplished ham actor. He probably just wanted to have a chat with POTUS and Laura. Who wouldn't?
He was immediately bagged by the Secret Service. Secret Service spokesmen said the intruder's name was Unlawful entry charges will be filed tomorrow in U.S. District Court. Cox has some sort of record with the Secret Service, but the spokemen and the spooks in the Secret Service wouldn't talk about it yet.
Cox was unarmed. He refused to answer a reporter's question about why he jumped the fence.
Sen. George Allen Gets Ready For A Run For The Roses
Sen. George Allen rallied Virginia Republicans yesterday for his 2006 reelection campaign, telling them that he would stand for low taxes, energy independence and opposition to "activist judges" on the U.S. Supreme Court. In other words, he stands for shafting the underpriveleged, raising deficits, assuring energy independence by putting the screws to the Middle-east, and for packing a few more troglodytes onto the Supreme Court.
The Senator is edging closer to hucking his cowboy hat into the Presidential campaign sewer, along with Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, McCain, Frist (if he escapes indictment), Richardson, Bayh, Biden, and the rest of the pack.
I don't know who the Democrats will settle on, but if we're going to war with a field of George Allens, we have a shot at retaking the White House, along with both houses of Congress.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
President Bush Quote Of The Day
Friday, December 02, 2005
Poem: Heaven
You give a knowing wink
To Saint Peter as the gates whir open
You're off the map boy
With just a soul to your name
You pile your clothes and credit cards
On top of your toys and bones
And walk in whistling
Adios Republicans cops and commuting
Concupiscent thoughts drift in
Where's the girls music and beverages?
Rod Serling walks around the corner
In a cloud of smoke.
copyright (c)2005 by Jack Brummet