The "First Family" is rumored to have suffered an irreparable rift. More precisely, the rift between the former and current President George Bush has grown into a Grand Canyon-sized chasm. Sources told All This Is That that former President George George (aka POTUS 41) recently told another

The former President continued, "What really chaps my hide is that this gigantic mess he's gotten us into is somehow perceived as making amends for my Presidency. For some mistake I made. Sure, I made mistakes. But does an even bigger one somehow even the score?"
"Look," Bill Clinton said, "George. . .no one blames you for any of this. It is his war. Most of us know you had nothing to do with it." "But there is this perception, Bill, " George H.W. Bush explained, "That I somehow didn't finish the job. Or finish it right. And look at the mess he has gotten us into." "I mean it George," Bill Clinton explained, "No one holds you responsible." "Maybe not," George Bush said, "but the f**king idiot has done nothing for my legacy, except hurt it, believe me. . ."
"Let's face it, Bill. You whipped my ass over these mistakes. (And that jughead Ross Perot didn't help either). I accept that. I like you. We're friends. That was politics. But what my son has done is inexcusable. It's wrong. It's hurting our country. And he has broken my heart. And he's done it with Rummy and Cheney and these other folks I trusted and cared about. I don't even talk to the boy anymore. We see him on holidays. I don't even know if I can keep doing that. The whole thing just makes me sick."
All This Is That earlier reported on the rift in the first family in its formative stages: click here.
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